Thread: Wanted: Fire extinguisher
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Old 04-10-21, 19:18
peter simundson peter simundson is offline
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Default Hmmmmmmm

Thank you Tom Clark, Robin and Ross. I have no idea how or why this thread was posted. I have been having Bell e mail problems lately.

Bruce...Thanks for your kind thoughts. I had a serious run-in with cancer last year and had my nose removed and rebuit with parts from my ear which he also removed. The s(t)urgeon had to do the removals twice because he missed something. They don't use anastetic so you get about 30 injections in the face and nose from three needles.
WOW..That was not fun. After that I had thirty days in a row of radiation n the face. After all that I now have half a nose. In addition I have completely lost my sense of taste. And we all know it will come back.

Adventures in life.

Peter Simundson
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