Thread: "CB" Fireflies
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Old 19-07-04, 18:39
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Default FGH Organizaton, 6 June 1944

Hi all,

Here is an excerpt from the War Dairies of 10th Canadian Armoured Regiment (Fort Garry Horse). It mentions two B Squadron Vc tanks attached to the RN for "breaching" activities. Perhaps they are the two in the picture.

This detachment from the unit may also explain why LCT 2338 does not appear in our War Diary list of LCTs and LSTs, shown below.

•RHQ CO and Adjt in LCT (with A Sqn HQ)
2IC and RHQ tp leader later in on LST Complete duplication being insured.

•A Sqn (Non DD) Sqn HQ in two alternative halves. Five tps of two SHERMAN IIIs and one Vc each. These tps were in some cases a little broken up due to shipping problems. A spare tk to come in on D plus 8.

•B & C (DD Sqns). These decided to swim in two spare tks each, making up scratch crews a total each of 20 tks. After breaching, two SHERMAN Vc tks who were working initially under the RN were att to B sqn. Other than these two tks B and C sqns had no Vc tks.

•HQ Sqn Only three light tks were allowed on the loading table and these were kept in hand by the CO throughout. Certain other vehicles - the sqn leader's 4 x 4 5 cwt, etc., and a VALENTINE br layer from 2 Cdn Armd Bde, a SHERMAN rec tk (A sqn) and a scout car for the regt int offr and one for the regt sigs offr (these latter did not arrive till the evening of D day).

FGH LCT and LST numbers 6 June 1944:

1510 LCT4 1 tp A Sqn
1511 LCT4 (no 541) A Shq , half Rhq
1512 LCT4 (no 932) 2ic A
1513 LCT4 (no 934) Troop A Sqn
1552 LST A Sqn Ech
1554 LST A Sqn Ech
1523 LCT4 1 A Sqn tk
1522 LCT4 1 A Sqn tk

(DD Squadrons)
Bernieres sur Mer
1400 LCT3 B Sqn
1401 LCT3 B Sqn
1402 LCT3 B Sqn
1403 LCT3 (no 341) B Sqn
St. Aubin sur Mer
1404 LCT3 (no 382) C Sqn
1405 LCT3 (no 354) C Sqn
1406 LCT3 (no 317) C Sqn
1407 LCT3 (no 313) C Sqn

Second Tide

1557 LST
1560 LST
1561 LST
1565 LST

Gord Crossley
FGH Museum and Archives
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