Thread: MLVW sightings
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Old 24-02-11, 04:23
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Scott Bentley Scott Bentley is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 700

Well, I can confirm that here in Gagetown exists such a compound that contains all of the old M113, M548, M577, M109 (yup), MLVW and anything else that is PCC from LFAA. You get the feeling that none of these are waiting for an auction, but something worse, and are extremely dilapidated, especially the MLVWs. Many don't have Glass and the rear Tarps and Superstructures are all caved in from ice buildup. Looks like a junk yard. Honestly, if I was really after an ML, I'd look further west. Even the ones we still have at the Unit are in very sad shape from the salt and hard winters.

The one that I have left in my Troop has either been towed or limped home the few times we've had it out lately. Hate to say it, but the Mighty ML is finally worn out. The MSVS isn't making any friends either. The MLs keep disappearing, and the new ones have spent most of their time grounded for mods.
Gone but never forgotten: Sgt Shane Stachnik, Killed in Action on 3 Sept 2006, Panjwaii Afghanistan

Last edited by Scott Bentley; 24-02-11 at 04:31.
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