Thread: Tool box issue
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Old 04-12-12, 23:20
Svenn Ryen Svenn Ryen is offline
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Default Tool box issue


I have had my toolbox/spare tire holder sandblasted and due to som rust I needed to dissamble it to do some repairs.

I then noticed something strange: The plate that was mounted as a seperating "Wall" were only attached on one side, and the side panels were identical. No left and right hand side, so there were holes on the other panel, but in the oposite end.

Is there suppose to be two plates, leaving a space in the middle out of reach? Or only one plate? if one plate, should I weld up the extra holes?

And should the plate(s) be attached on both sides? The plate it selves had holes in both ends.

Perhaps someone did a mistake picking two identical panels before assembly.

hope you understand my are some pictures:

Heres the plate, only attached on one side. On rigth hand side you can se the same holes on the other panel, but in the wrong end. The side panel having the plates attached has no holes oposite for the other side panels holes:

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