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Old 03-08-14, 18:07
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
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Sadly, Frank, you have hit the nail squarely on the head and the powers that be (once again) do not seem to have learned anything from History.

We look back at WW2 and all wax poetic about the amazing aspects of German Tank design, but the weak point with them was the overly complex design which drastically reduced production capability. Compare to the Sherman and T34 which may not entirely have matched the technical level of the German tanks but could be built in greater numbers. The concept of keeping it simple was understood loud and clear.

Clearly, that lesson has been lost on the people today, both in the military and manufacturing sectors, when it comes to new equipment designs. It doesn't make it any easier, either, when you also factor in the present "disposable culture" we have created. We just don't seem to care anymore that things are no longer built to last. (Do not get me started on the current generation of maintenance free car batteries.)

You are right as far as the guys on the ground are concerned. Their best investment down the road will be a good pair of boots. At least they will have that option. Pity the pilots if the F35 ever goes into service. Technology is running amok with that project with no end in sight. Makes the old Avro Arrow look like the deal of the century now, doesn't it.

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