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Old 10-02-19, 16:46
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
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The next phase of this project is going to be the wiring in of the four sockets.

Now that the colour coding for all the connections has been sorted out, I have to prep the 8-conductor cable at the adapter end. The cable I chose will be long enough to provide the final working cable assembly length needed, and the extra sections of wire needed to connect the three sockets following the B9G, which is the first socket in the sequence.

I had a choice in cable of either a cloth loomed one, or a black vinyl one similar to the Stark original. I chose a chocolate, brown, cloth, loomed cable only because I though it would be a more interesting match to all the cloth loomed connectors found with the 19-Set and 52-Set wartime accessories. The interesting challenge with a cloth loom, however, is the tendency of the loom to slowly unravel and fray back over time. As you can see in the attached photo, the length of cable I have had quietly sitting, awaiting its turn in the project for the last few months, is already coming apart, I could simply lacquer it, but I thought it would be much more interesting to go 'old school' and bind the end.

So at this point, the steps will be to measure the amount of free wire I will need for the 8 conductors to have them all link up with the terminals on the B9G socket and trim the loom back that distance accordingly. Then bind the end of the loom. I can them measure the amount of extra wire I need from the opposite end of the cable to provide the necessary bits to tie in the remaining three sockets and trim the cable.

I think the binding at the adapter end of the cable, once varnished, will also provide a useful anti-strain for the connections on the B9G socket, should the cable get an unnecessary tug down the road.

Then the soldering begins.

Attached Thumbnails
British Valve Adapter Project 16.JPG  
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