Thread: Ar 88
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Old 10-04-21, 11:05
Bruce MacMillan Bruce MacMillan is offline
a Canuck/Brit in Blighty
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Hell Fire Corner, Kent UK
Posts: 703

The AR88 was chosen to be the main receiver for the military. There were a few different models. It was used in point to point stations like the NWT & Y radio system, Y stations and other sigint sites. The photo is of banks of AR88 sets near Vancouver used on a link to Australia. When maintained it is a nice receiver.
Performance was great and you could set the dial to a frequency and turn the set on and it would be spot on. The only kicker was the weight at just over 100 lbs. Here is a good link on the AR88 history:
Attached Thumbnails
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