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Old 28-01-07, 23:39
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RHClarke RHClarke is offline
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Default Re: Knotted Knickers

Originally posted by Bill Mulholland
.... BTW Rob, I have spies in all corners of the "Picture Province" who have been forwarned about the nefarious activities of "Upper Canadians" attempting to make off with our historic artifacts. Descriptions of truck/trl combinations and the "crew" have been circulated by carrier pigeon! BEWARE!!
Cheers, Bill

PS Got the PM
Bill, Bill, Bill.

Yes I live in Upper Canada, but you know where my heart really lives. I have family and friends all throughout Nouveau Brunswick who know of my interests. Perhaps we can strike an accord, and network? I would hate to have to skulk around such a beautiful part of United Canada, forever watching my back for the lobster shell and gut ambush!

Chances are, the only time you will see the "crew" is going to or coming from Nova Scotia. But, rest assured, we are looking northwest and not down east for our next haul.

Yours in good faith,
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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