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Old 06-06-05, 05:25
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cmperry4 cmperry4 is offline
aka C. Mark Perry (CMP)
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Posts: 406

I was reviewing this thread with an eye to setting up an electrolysis rig and figured Arm&Hammer Washing Soda is the most likely and readily available product hereabouts.

Here's a link that lists all a whole lotta N.American household products that use sodium carbonate:

I don't see that CLR stuff they're always trumpeting on TV - I got some to clean the rust stains in the toilet - expensive. Haven't tried it yet.

Note that the Arm&Hammer is >= 86% concentration, but that Prestone cooling system cleaner is 90-98% (along with some other potent ingredients)

I also have some of that commericial grade caustic soda stuff for cleaning coffee pots - it does brilliant job on my coffee thermos - but nasty to use, fine powder goes aerosol when disturbed, not nice to breathe. It would probably be great for rust removal, too.
Member: Prairie Command, Ex-Military Land Rover Association 2110, MVPA 29055
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