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Old 02-02-12, 22:13
Dianaa Dianaa is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike Cecil View Post

Perhaps a rethink about the statement 'except outside of the bombing of Darwin in WW2....'. Broome? Sydney? ...

Mike C
Hi Mike

In Bob's original post is the line "Every Australian died for the Australian Flag". It's the sentiment that our troops fought (and died) for the Flag, its a myth, they fought not to let down their mates and they fought for the country, and they mostly they did it under a flag that was not our own. They would have done the same whatever was the design of the cloth at the top of the staff.

My comment about Darwin, was to reflect that only on Australian shores or in Australian territories was the National Flag atop the flag staffs during fighting. Maybe I should have said it that way. Yes Broome, Darwin, North West Cape and other places were bombed and mostly fought back. But only Fort Scratchley actually fired back (fought) at a Japanese vessel at sea and in Sydney Harbour the Allied vessels would have been flying the White Ensign of the UK and Commonwealth navies or the US national flag.

The Canadians seem to have had no problem changing their national emblem, and the US proudly flies "Old Glory" emblasoned with 50 stars over USS Arizona when the flag of WWII had only 48 stars representing the 48 continental states (which excluded Hawaii and Alaska which had not gained statehood).

Why is it that only in Australia do we get so passionate about retaining a design that includes the Union Flag of the UK subjugating a quarter of our national emblem and using a myth to justify it?

By the way the idea that we are losing our country to political correctness or to appease peoples from other countries, is something that annoys me every day, but we should support our stance with the truth and not by creating myths. (This is one case where I do have an opinion.)


Last edited by Dianaa; 02-02-12 at 22:42.
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