Thread: Zombies
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Old 07-04-03, 18:05
Posts: n/a
Smile Zombies

REGINA: Thank you for your informative reply. I sort of gathered that those thought of as "Zombies" would not be thought well of by the majority of those who went to War.

I always wonder at the reasons behind people's choices for "not going with the flow". I wonder just how many of those "Zombies" didn't opt for going to fight in the War because of a strong religeous feeling. You know the "Thou shalt not kill" part. I imagine that while some Zombies didn't give a flying you-know-what, and didn't want to risk harm or death, that many, many more Zombies suffered exremely mixed feelings and were very torn up in side. Like being torn one way by their desire to help the world and torn the other way by their commitment to God. It's my experience that a person with a profound belief in God, also has that same profound depth of feeling for humanity, and I imagine what hell they must have felt to not be helping, and to see their loved ones and friends who did go to War, wounded, or killed, and so on.

I'm not taking sides here. I'm interested in knowing the many reasons why a person would choose to not go to War when they cared so deeply for family, country, and world. In my perspective, now, after reading the answers to my Zombies query, I'm of the opinion that there probably just 2 types of Zombies.

1) Selfish-Self-Centered reasons, no feeling of connectedness to the rest of the world

2) An inner deep and abiding faith in God and Humanity that left no room for actions that would cause death to another human. (This type of "faith" has nothing to do with organized religeon and church, although they may well practice that group outward expression) And it's also my opinion that these people also suffered a tremendous feeling of grief and sadness to know and have their family and friends fighting and dieing. My sense is that, for them, dieing for their country and allies would have been ok for them. What would have been "wrong" for them, would have been if they personally took anothers life. Going to war and fighting would be a gaurantee that they'd probably take life.

I have no problem understanding and empathizing with those who fought, and all the those who felt everyone should have fought, and how deeply and bitterly betrayed they must have felt, and still feel, by those they knew as "Zombies".

I think that no one can win for losing no matter what side you take on this issue. I also think that except for those who just didn't give a flying #### that everyone felt betrayed and feelings ran/run deep.

Wow. Deep thoughts here. Now I have to go have a coffee and lighten up a bit!!! I hope I haven't p#ssed anyone off and if I did I hope you're still nice to me anyways!

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