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Old 02-07-18, 04:05
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
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Maybe playing with a little mathematics might solve the problem.

The 216 requires a certain amount of oil in quarts or litres. When the engine is cold, that oil sits in the sump, occupying a certain volume that should be able to be determined in cubic inches or centimetres.

For the normal vehicular installation, the sump shape is determined by any objects it must clear when the engine is mounted in the vehicle. If that results in a portion of the sump being deeper than the rest, typically the pickup would be located in that area.

If I remember correctly, the sump on the Meadows looked very evenly rectangular.

Is it possible for you to determine exactly where the bottom of the 216 block should sit for the power plant assembly to line up correctly for mounting? Then see how much clearance that gives you to mount a simple rectangular sump that will clear what it needs to underneath. Don’t forget gaskets. With that dimension, you should be able to calculate capacity for a rectangular sump to see it it will hold the amount of oil the 216 requires. If those numbers come out positively for you, then the next step would be to see if the existing pickup can be shortened, where it is, to fit the new sump, and where to place any drain plug to meet existing requirements.

Not sure if that makes sense, but thought I would put if to you for review.

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