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Old 02-08-07, 18:46
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Derek Heuring
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Corinth, Texas
Posts: 2,018

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Derek, are you off your arty meds again? Remember what the doc said... you're not supposed to know that much about artillery, much less hob-nob with that peculiar lot, it's not good for you. This is simply not on, old boy, tsk-tsk.
There is LESS-distinguished company I could associate with other than Artillery. They're not a bad bunch, really. Engineers and Artillery share more than just a battle honour...we also share a love for things that make loud noises! Right, Gunner?
My interest in artillery started when as kids we used to go to Stanley Park to hear the 9 O'clock gun (a 12 pdr muzzle loading Naval gun cast in 1816) fire every night. I also witnessed a battery of 25 pdrs saluting vessels entering the harbour numerous times. As a B.C. Lions Football fan for decades I was priveleged to watch the Gun Run on occasion, always an exciting event (did you ever participate Gunner?) Lastly, I was installing Mobile Arrester Gear on the runway at a NATO exercise when we were zoomed by a B1 practicing runway denial. There were two batteries of Skyguard present and they opened up (blanks, of course). The sound was deafening! Two batteries X two guns X 2 barrels X 550rds/min = a lot of noise. Two of my Engineer buddies dropped to the ground as if pole-axed! I had serious wood for days! Ever since I've enjoyed studying artillery.
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