Thread: Shootings
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Old 30-06-14, 20:50
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
Posts: 7,521

I hear you on the value of the public broadcaster. But the CBC here has always been decidedly left. They have swayed elections. Even in the face of a Conservative majority last election, when it was obvious to everyone, they were still advertising polls which had the Liberals winning. Afterwards, when the Liberals were sent to a purgatorial 3rd place finish, their pollster (Frank Graves) just says "I can't believe how wrong I got that". Now they are making a buffoon like young Trudeau to be some kind of Messiah.

The CBC would seem to put their support behind whomever will let them keep the biggest budget. Now they are paying the price for that.

One would almost hope there could be some level of entertainment from the public broadcaster. I looked at their lineups on the web, and of the list of active series, there are few to none that I watch.

CBC radio is another story, and I do find a lot of their programming entertaining and informative. However I have to admit that they are not one of my programmed channels on the satellite radio.
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