Thread: Call signs
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Old 12-06-19, 14:14
Perry Kitson Perry Kitson is offline
metal urgest
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: London, Ont
Posts: 462

Information I currently have shows RHQ using a diamond shape, "A" squadron using a triangle, "B" using a box, and "C" using a circle. The symbols were coloured differently to denote which regiment in the brigade. Red was the senior regiment, yellow was the intermediate regiment, and blue was the junior regiment. If the above photo is "Bomb", it would supposedly have a blue box on the turret sides and perhaps rear. Would the "21" signify 2nd troop, first vehicle?
I have seen photo's with numbers painted inside the tac signs and painted beside them.
How would the four tanks in each squadron HQ be numbered to tell them from the 3 tanks in each of the five troops the squadron had?
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