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Old 09-03-21, 22:18
Len Savage Len Savage is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Franklin, GA, USA
Posts: 6


I could not get Bannister nor any of the UK sources to ship even a cap and rotor to the US.

Seems that the cap and rotor are either not worth the paperwork or some restriction encountered. I was told huge red tape involved. It's a US thing from what I read in an email from them.

Same thing on Ebay. (Caps and rotors have come up for bid in the UK, won't ship to the US).

My distributor is functional, though no spare points, and my cap and rotor are in need of replacement.

This is why I started looking for an easy to locate distributor swap. I know that when I installed modern wires and spark plugs it was huge improvement in spark and was less likely to foul.

"For want of a nail".

I really enjoy driving the Ferret and I want to keep it on the road. I did modernize the exhaust and put a real flex joint in and it was another huge improvement and I don't have to breath exhaust any longer.

I really do appreciate your response, thank you for trying to help me out.

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