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Old 23-03-12, 02:40
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,203
Default I tried..... bag everything and box everything....and was partly successful....but I still need to look for parts.......

At the barn I have this great system...... when I am finished with something I usually very carefully put it away some where very secure so I will not loose it..... than 6 months later I can't remember the secure place.......

....then I ask Grant ...Have you seen my spare E brake handle...? it was just here a few days ago..... a while goes by and Grant comes back and says I know where it is.... for $5,00 I can tell you where to find it.

He will never be rich as he usually tells me where to find it...before collecting...... sure beats trying to get organise..... just have Grant around !!!!

The other way is to go out and buy a repalcement then you will always find the item you where looking for.

At least Phil you cannot blame anyone else for moving rro misplacing your parts.

Wait until Al Zeimehr kicks in....... I will have the only CMP with a Pinto rear end.....

Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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