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Old 18-12-07, 03:02
Vets Dottir 2nd
Posts: n/a

Hi Folks,

I guess I'm sort of taking a public stand here, by posting in this thread, but its not a stand on siding with inner KVE conflicts and people at the center of its storms, I stand on the side, always, of MLU members and community, and how we enjoy and happen in MLU, how we treat each other, as members, in MLU, and the usual respect and consideration we treat each other with.

I mean absolutely no judgement or disrespect to you Geoff, Jan, John, or anyone else in here who has posted or what side they may feel a loyalty to or side on, or what they have said. I'm not a KVE member. I am an MLU member, and its as a simple MLU member Carman and from my heart, NOT as admin or anything else like that, just me Carman/Ma Yappy......... that I'm speaking from and out of concern for MLU experiences and moods ... I would like to see this conversation removed from MLU. Let KVE inner struggles be sorted out within its private inner membership and let us know when sorted out so people can know how and if they can proceed with their plans to attend events and such.

I think this conversation has done two detrimental things:

1) It's looking like this public talks are hindering more objective and quicker resolution between all parties concerned as sides divide and that makes objective and speedy resolution impossible for those at the center of the storm to resolve things? (This conversation is hurting KVE and members, and indirectly all other interested parties )

2) It's damaging MLU's natural and normal spirit and comeraderie.

Again, I would like to see this conversation entirely removed from MLU, simply for the good that will come in MLU and KVE to do so. (this conversation is hurting MLU memberhip and relationships, and community mood )

I think that removing this thread conversation will help both KVE AND MLU relationships and problems get back on track ... and I'm all for THAT .... plus for Peace On Earth and Good Will T'ward Men and Women as what is the usual tone of MLUers towards each other. We HELP each other in here usually and thats an awesome thing ... can we help KVE and MLU get back on track by removing this thread?

I wish KVE the very best.

With utmost respect and consideration to all, and with apologies to anyone who may feel I have been out of line to speak in here about any of this.
