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Old 23-07-07, 19:51
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Default EXTREMES in weather and nature?

Good morning MLU-ers,

I know that we already have a few threads mentioning some of the extremes happening, heatwaves, big winds, floods, droughts (Australia especially) fires, etc ... and there are some big things happening these days ... I know Texas has had big problems with major flooding as has England, even WAY WORSE right now ... I hope none of you MLU-ers are directly effected (better that no one at all is effected) ...

I know some MLU-ers are in Texas around the floodings but I don't know if any MLU-ers are where the flooding is happening in England (see news story below) ... I hope not.

Flooding in Britain could reach critical levels
Updated Mon. Jul. 23 2007 10:22 AM ET

Associated Press

LONDON -- Swollen rivers from torrential rain forced thousands of people from their homes, and forecasters warned Monday that water levels could rise to critical levels.

More than 48,000 homes in the counties of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire in western England were left without electricity after a flooded power station had to be shut down.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced that the government will formally review the flooding, concentrating on drainage and protecting infrastructure from further flooding.

During a tour of Gloucestershire, Brown also announced increased funding for flood and coastal defenses across the country.

The monsoon-like rainfall over the past month has led to mass evacuations, severely affected transport and threatened water supplies. Insurance companies say the damage could reach hundreds of millions of dollars.

Britain's Environment Agency warned water levels could rise to a "critical level," and issued nine severe flood warnings across the country.

The agency said it was focusing on western counties where the rivers Thames and Severn are swollen to dangerous levels.

Meteorologists say the rain is not expected to peak until Tuesday, meaning further water and electricity shortages are likely, the agency said.

"The situation is looking critical at the moment. Unfortunately the misery is set to continue," said Environment Agency spokesman Joe Giacomelli.

He said all those in severe flood warning areas were advised to evacuate.

Train routes in several areas have been suspended, and replacement bus services have been canceled because of waterlogged roads.
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Old 24-07-07, 00:03
Les Freathy Les Freathy is offline
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Hi Karmen

Down here on the S.E coast we seem to have escaped the worst of the weather but as i type this its piddling down out side, i do know most of the areas affected and i feel for those who live there. Politicions making visits to the floods thats a joke they are all full of wind and p--s and no action i often wonder at attitudes in this country for instance when a disaster happens abroad the government immediatly send our tax mony to help and the national papers blazon us with donation appeals. When it happens at home BUGGER ALL, make no mistake about it this is a serious problem and will take a long time to sort out. The damage to some of the best parts of our country may be impossible to repair, sorry about that Karmen its not aimed at you but i do like to kick a--e now and again
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Old 24-07-07, 00:13
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Originally posted by Les Freathy
Hi Karmen
When it happens at home BUGGER ALL, make no mistake about it this is a serious problem and will take a long time to sort out. The damage to some of the best parts of our country may be impossible to repair, sorry about that Karmen its not aimed at you but i do like to kick a--e now and again
Kickassssss is what sounds like needs to happen ... big time. Why are you apologizing to ME? The gov't folks should be apologizing to all of you and doing actions to make things right for you all (thats supposed to be their job and what you all pay them for, right?) When will the powers be realize that they can only bite the hands that feed them for so long before they get their assssses kicked by their providers (taxpayers) Argh hey?

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Old 24-07-07, 03:50
Vets Dottir 2nd
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I just checked the weather online as it's feeling a bit hot out there (and in here) ... it's currently 34c and says it FEELS LIKE 38 with the humidex factored in. This at a few minutes to 8:00 p.m.

PS: GEOFF ... I just noticed the reply button is RED and easier to spot so people less likely to hit the wrong button ... smart thinking and thanks!
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Old 24-07-07, 04:21
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir 2nd

PS: GEOFF ... I just noticed the reply button is RED and easier to spot so people less likely to hit the wrong button ... smart thinking and thanks!
Thank Keefy, he's the Graphics Master here... he made the pretty colours while I just hauled the old button out and put the new one in.

:remember :support
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Old 24-07-07, 04:36
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Thank Keefy, he's the Graphics Master here... he made the pretty colours while I just hauled the old button out and put the new one in.

The thank you Keefy ... and you too, still Geoff ... excellent you two!!! Maybe people won't be accidenlly staring new threads when they mean to reply now

Now I'll stop highjacking this thread off it's topic and get back on

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Old 26-07-07, 12:53
Vets Dottir 2nd
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... I'll post this before someone else beats me to it (more seriously though ... holy crap ... they're really getting it in Manitoba )

July 26, 2007


It's a record!Humidex high in Carman

No place in Canada has ever been as hot and humid as Carman was yesterday, at least since Environment Canada started keeping records more than 125 years ago.

The humidex reading topped out at a whopping 53 C yesterday, breaking the all-time Canadian humidex record of 52.1 C set in Windsor, Ont., in 1953.

The humidex is a Canadian invention that measures how the combination of heat and humidity feel to your body.

"I can't imagine it getting any hotter here, that's for certain," Mike Gottfred, head professional at Carman Golf Course, told Sun Media yesterday afternoon.

Handfuls of golfers cancelled their tee times in the wake of blistering temperatures, but Gottfred said many groups -- including a cluster of 70-to-80-year-old men from The Wildewood Club in Winnipeg -- still showed up and were kept as hydrated as possible on the sweaty, steamy course.

Ice cream and slushies were the high-rollers at Buddy's Drive Inn, an outdoor burger joint where owner Connie Rose said business didn't slow down at all as temperatures skyrocketed.

Customers entered Buddy's "looking very hot and looking for relief," then got their food and ate it in their air conditioned cars, Rose said.

"Almost everyone is complaining about the heat," she said. "But I told them in six months they'd be paying to go somewhere this hot. Now it's free."


A humidex reading taken about 3:30 p.m. yesterday at Richardson International Airport registered 48 C, breaking Winnipeg's all-time record of 46.1 C set in 1996.

Roy McGuckin, owner of Thunder Rapids Outdoor Amusements, said heat like that is as dangerous -- both to customers and his business -- as thunderstorms and heavy winds.

He said sales are down about 40-50% because of heat, while his staff are trying to stay hydrated and out of the sun when business "dips right down" in the afternoon because of high humidity.

"We're getting Southern Ontario-like humidity and even surpassing what Southern Ontario gets," said Dave Carlsen, a warning preparedness meteorologist with Environment Canada.

As a result of the high humidity, a freak storm rolled through the city around dinner time, bringing with it heavy wind and rain, hail and thunder.

Reports of downed trees and power lines flooded emergency responders for about an hour, but the sun was shining again by 7 p.m. and no serious damage was reported.

The humidex reading was only first used in 1965, but Carlsen said Environment Canada can calculate it going back through its archived records, which it began keeping in the 1870s.

Although the actual temperature reached 35 C in Winnipeg yesterday, today's forecasted high is only 27 C, which is still higher than normal.

"We're going to lose the extreme heat and oppressive humidity, at least for a couple of days," said Carlsen, noting that combination could return by the weekend.
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Old 26-07-07, 13:14
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir 2nd
No place in Canada has ever been as hot and humid as Carman was yesterday, at least since Environment Canada started keeping records more than 125 years ago.
ROTFLMAOPMP!!!!!!!!!!!!! And 125 at-that...

I thought witches were supposed to be cold?

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Old 26-07-07, 22:56
Les Freathy Les Freathy is offline
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Just as a add on to my last UK government arse kick our illustrious leader of the opposition decided to abandon our problems and pay a glory hunting visit to Rhowanda. Bloody Rhowanda he needs to get his backside back here and spend a more useful week assisting those in major problems, joke is even the Rhowandan,s said should you not be back home helping out. sorry folks but i do like to give useless articles a smack in the teeth, will it ever change will it buggery
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Old 27-07-07, 13:55
Noel Burgess Noel Burgess is offline
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Politicions making visits to the floods thats a joke they are all full of wind and p--s and no action
Do you REALLY think he would make a differance if he was here?

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Old 01-08-07, 20:28
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Well extremes for sure ...

... Newfoundland having big problems with floods right now and wildfires a problem this end of Canada ... we're okay right here but over beyond Nelson way is not so good. Everyone watching the progress of the fires in Slocan (area between highway 3 and heading north towards Nakusp) 17 homes on alert in Slocan and in the Argenta area ... threatened (last update yesterday)

My longtime friend has a place in Slocan and though yesterday the fire was still about 10k's from her place, the air there is pretty awful and everyone is watching and ready to get out of Dodge if they must.

On top of the dryness from the prolonged heat, pine beetles have killed off a lot of BC trees which makes for a lot of easy and quick fire starter.

BC Firefighters deployed to Manitoba (and other provinces?) have been recalled to help put out their home fires.

FYI for those not familiar with BC, the mountains are all VERY dense with trees. Lots of fires started are also very hard to get at and deal with in the moutainy areas. Too dangerous or just too "can't see for the smoke" etc.

A little un-nerving to live in "big firepit" (BC) areas when dryness and dry lightening are happening Am reminded of the bad fires of 2003 ... lets hope things don't go that way again.

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Old 01-08-07, 20:43
Stewart Loy Stewart Loy is offline
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Default My Trip To manitoba last Week


Here is a snap from my vacation to Manitoba last weekend for a family reunion. We spent the night in Carmen, then Holland - huddled near the air conditioner.

It was made more delightful by the humidity.

The old timers joked that in the winter they leave the cars running so they won't freeze, and now they have to let them run during the day (with the A/C on) so you won't melt when you get back into it.

Attached Thumbnails
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Old 01-08-07, 20:52
Vets Dottir 2nd
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I heard that with the humidex, at one point it had hit 53c ... YIKES
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Old 01-08-07, 21:04
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Newfoundland floods:

BC Widlfires. Wow ... the Sitkum Creek fire, 13k from Nelson, has grown lots but still not effecting homes. Ouch.

The Springer Creek one was 1k from homes last I read.
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Old 01-08-07, 21:07
Vets Dottir 2nd
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PS: a little quote from my step-nephew childhood sweetheart BEST friend (we're same age LOL) who just got back from Newfoundland, regards the flooding in NFLD :

hell we had more than that here in GP (Grand Prairie, Alberta) the day before we left for NFLD. Guys were boating downtown to get to their place of business. Cars and trucks were stalled out on the streets all over town. They cancelled our 7am flight and we couldn't get out until late in the we were actually a day late getting to St John's
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Old 01-08-07, 22:45
Vets Dottir 2nd
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... actually ... just read some more about NFLD floods and it looks pretty bad to me
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Old 02-08-07, 05:46
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Well ... I sure am the Bad News Reporter lately ... Slocan homes - 3 evacuated and 11 on standby now ... at 5pm it was said the fire was within 100m of one house. This ain't looking good and I sure hope they douse this thing soon. My kid especially knows lots of people all up through that area (school friends and their families) so it's a bit personal. We need some rain without the lightening.

By the way ... what are the updates for Oz regards the drought/rain etc?

LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY DECLARED FOR SLOCAN VALLEY (ELECTORAL AREA H) TMTV/BCTV Kootenays - 5PM Aug 1, 2007 - The Regional District of Central Kootenay has declared a State of Local Emergency for Electoral Area H, effective immediately. The Declaration Order is in place in the Slocan Valley due to interface forest fires and the possible risk to life. Currently the Springer Creek Fire is threatening homes in the Slocan City area. Twenty-one homes are being guarded by sprinkler protection devices, and the fire is within 100 metres of the nearest structure. The State of Local Emergency will remain in place until lifted by the Regional District.
Three homes have been given an evacuation order

CASTLEGAR B.C. Aug 1, 2007– Fire activity has been heavy in the Southeast Fire Centre, with the safety of life and property being the biggest priority for crews. Fire crews are actioning several fires of note, with all fire centre personnel, equipment and aircraft assisting.

The Springer Creek fire, located 5km northeast of Slocan, is estimated to be 873 hectares. Eleven homes are on evacuation alert, and three homes have been given an evacuation order. A Sprinkler Protection Unit (SPU) is in place to help protect homes in case the fire threatens the structures.

The fire is being managed by a Type I Fire Management Team. Today, 54 fire fighters, 2 helicopters, 3 bulldozers, 4 excavators and 5 water tenders are actioning this fire, with another 20-person unit crew arriving later today. Crews have built 4 km of machine guard between the homes and the fire.

The Arrow Lake Penstock Fire (formerly called the Whatshan Power Station Fire), approximately 8 km north of Needles, is estimated to be 315 hectares and burning south today. The fire is burning among transmission lines and power has been shut off to the areas of Burton, Nakusp, Needles, and Fauquier. Officials from the BC Transmission Corporation are assessing the situation.

The fire has moved to within 1 km of the closest structure, and fire officials are closely watching the situation. Twenty fire fighters, 2 officers, 4 helicopters and air tankers are actioning this fire. Heavy equipment is making progress constructing a machine guard. A public meeting is planned for tonight at 5 p.m. in Fauquier.

The Sitkum Creek Fire, 13 km northeast of Nelson, is now estimated to be 1050 hectares. Today, 60 fire fighters, 7 helicopters, 5 pieces of heavy equipment are on site, with an incident command team and a fire camp in place. Fire crews put in a retardant pit for the helicopters and have completed construction of a fireguard along the south flank of the fire to prevent the fire from spreading towards structures. There are now fireguards tied into the fuel free zone on the south end of the fire. The guard in the southwest corner is tied into an area of already-burnt fuel. Crews have established a hose line and a fuel free line in the northwest corner of the fire. Several helipads were also constructed yesterday.

Today, the wind blew smoke into Nelson; however, at this point the fire is not a threat to any structures, communities or infrastructure.

The Hamil Creek Fire, north of the community of Argenta, has grown to 760 hectares, but the growth has been toward the northwest, pushing it away from structures. An evacuation alert for 4 houses was put in place on Monday and the fire remains approximately 1 km away from the nearest structure. SPU’s are now in place to help protect these homes should the fire move towards them.

Fifty five fire fighters, 5 helicopters on this fire, 3 pieces of heavy equipment and a Type 2 Management team are working this fire. Smoke is expected to increase as temperatures rise throughout the day.

Current information on this fire will be posted at the Argenta Community Hall and a community meeting is scheduled at the Argenta community hall at 7pm tonight. Please note, Earl Grey Pass is closed due to fire suppression activities. An information office is also being set up in Kaslo at City Hall. It should be open tomorrow 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The public can call 250-213-1110 for fire information.

The Kemp Creek Fire, located south of Kaslo, is currently mapped at 200 hectares. Crews have established a contingency containment line on the North flank of the fire, between the fire and the community. Today, helicopters were bucketing the North and Northwest of the fire, while crews established hand guards in the same area.

Forty fire fighters are currently working on this fire, with support from two helicopters and five pieces of heavy equipment. An Information Office has been established in the village office in Kaslo.
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