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Old 21-11-03, 17:05
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Question Well????????????

Have yah all missed me? don't yah-all go smarty-pants on me and reply "How can I miss you if you won't go away!"

Teaser ... I might have a lead on some neat NZ militaria for you collectors ... if you're interested. I need to find out first if he wants me to share the details... if so... I'll post in the buy/sell section in here! The guy is in NZ

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Old 22-11-03, 04:05
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
"Mr. Manual", sadly no longer with us
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Default Where have you been.....??

I thought you may have made an ash of yourself when I hasen't seen you posting for a while..
What is the big secret from New Zealand...Come on....Give....
By the way ..have you tryed some of these drugs for women..??
> D A M N I T O L
> Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to hell for up to 8 full hours.
> ST. M O M M A'S W O R T
> Plant extract that treats mom's depression by rendering preschoolers
> unconscious for up to two days
> E M P T Y N E S T R O G E N
> Suppository that eliminates melancholy and loneliness by reminding you
> of how awful they were as teenagers and how you couldn't wait till they
> moved out.
> P E P T O B I M B O
> Liquid silicone drink for single women. Two full cups swallowed before
> an evening out increases breast size, decreases intelligence, and
> prevents conception.
> D U M B E R O L
> When taken with Peptobimbo, can cause dangerously low IQ, resulting in
> enjoyment of country music and pickup trucks.
> F L I P I T O R
> Increases life expectancy of commuters by controlling road rage and the
> urge to flip off other drivers.
> M E N I C I L L I N
> Potent anti-boy-otic for older women. Increases resistance to such
> lethal lines as, "You make me want to be a better person. Can we get
> naked now?"
> B U Y A G R A
> Injectable stimulant taken prior to shopping. Increases potency,
> duration, and credit limit of spending spree.
> J A C K A S S P I R I N
> Relieves headache caused by a man who can't remember your birthday,
> anniversary or phone number.
> A N T I-T A L K S I D E N T
> A spray carried in a purse or wallet to be used on anyone too eager to
> share their life stories with total strangers in elevators.
> N A G A M E T
> When administered to a husband, provides the same irritation level as
> nagging him all weekend, saving the wife the time and trouble of doing
> it herself.

Let us know and give us the low down of the latest from the Left Coast..
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 22-11-03, 06:53
Jon Skagfeld's Avatar
Jon Skagfeld Jon Skagfeld is offline
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Default Hello, Miss Yappy

LMAO at this latest post from/to Alex and Carmen.

Hey, you about Sulfa Denial and No Assatoll.(Say it fast).

Alex: is this stuff in your manuals?

Carmen: Is this the start of a long distance romance? What will Mark Tonner say?
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Old 22-11-03, 06:58
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Jon Skagfeld Jon Skagfeld is offline
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Default Little Miss Yappy

Hey, Carmen:

You're listed as being at a different e address than you had before. You were from the Kootenays, now you're listed as something different.

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Old 22-11-03, 09:04
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Default Re: Little Miss Yappy

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
Hey, Carmen:

You're listed as being at a different e address than you had before. You were from the Kootenays, now you're listed as something different.

Hey Jon ... I knew as soon as I saw your name in this thread that you'd be trouble!

In answer to your question about did I move?

NOPE! Same place... I just get bored win the sa,e old place... can't move out of Dodge yet ... so keep changing thename and pretending....

ALEX............hey dude. Howz it shakin'? Oh gawd ... YES... I do tend to make an ASH out of myself in here sometimes... you know how it is... us women just have to work a lot harder at it to come up to you guys's levels... and yah know what?
We NEVER reach your pinacle of success ... especially no inthe ASHOLE dept...(OH GEOFF>>> PLEASE>>> DON"T KICK ME OUT!!! I'll be nice. Promise.

BTW ... YEP... all the meds. I take em... ecept,of course, ANTI-TALKSIDENT.

Oh enorphinsarewearing off... gotta go...bye
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Old 22-11-03, 11:39
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Hello, Miss Yappy

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
LMAO at this latest post from/to Alex and Carmen.

Hey, you about Sulfa Denial and No Assatoll.(Say it fast).

Alex: is this stuff in your manuals?

Carmen: Is this the start of a long distance romance? What will Mark Tonner say?
Hi Jon
I thought these were pretty appropriate my self..I got them from my daughter that is doing her masters degree in education ..
These must be in one of her text books..
There has got to be something to this higher education...
Us CMPers usually suffer from none of these predicaments but have had previous attacks of the dreaded diseases such as oilineye and knuckleitis...Jon you probably suffered through a few bouts of these yourself..especially oilineye...the most universal common disease of the lot..
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 22-11-03, 12:53
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ALEX ... BTW ... I LMAO when I read thru your post. It was great fun, and all in good fun. My scattered crazy moment has passed (if you don't like my mood/word, wait 15 minutes, they'll change. Just like the weather in Nelson!) My poor TV ... couldn't watch it... it kept going wierd when I ws close to it. TVI :EEK:

You folks in here have no idea how great its been for me (altho perhaps not for some of you with me in here)to find the MLU (other than the tons of help I got from all of you, especially Mark ---his whole family are all my fans!!!!!!) WELL ... whats been even better it that I've been LMAO since I joined...and its so good to laugh again! Thanks to one and all! Some people just have NO idea of the good they do.

AND...its also great to have 2 (count 'em) ROLES in here:


Well... I'll be back ...IF I can ever log back in again!

ciao yaps Yappy
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Old 22-11-03, 14:23
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Originally posted by Vets_Dottir
You folks in here have no idea how great its been for me (altho perhaps not for some of you with me in here)to find the MLU (other than the tons of help I got from all of you, especially Mark ---his whole family are all my fans!!!!!!) WELL ... whats been even better it that I've been LMAO since I joined...and its so good to laugh again! Thanks to one and all! Some people just have NO idea of the good they do.
I'm glad to see you back on line on the MLU Forum..
I believe it has always been part of the MLU mandate to help each other and if my off beat,wierd sense of humour makes you laugh and picks you up then I have helped you out in some small way.
Now having said that I believe that "Jeff the Ref" will let us know in no uncertain terms if we step over the mandated lines of the forum which is his perogrative and duty to maintain stability and positive flow in this Forum...
On November 20 1963,40 years ago yesterday,I joined the R.C.A.F and served with many of our WW2 Heros...I can tell you that it was a real treat to hear their stories in the mess on Friday nights...Stories they would never relate even to their families but after some good beer and companion ship would finally be persuaded to tell their experiences ..
I remember two Flight Sergeants in Penhold Alberta back in '70..
Both signed up together...Both ended up in Bomber command..
Both in the same squadron...Different crews..
One watched his buddy parachute out of his burning Lancaster over Germany..
The next mission he ended up in the same boat..bailing out of his burning Lancaster..
They ended up in the same prison from '44 to the end of the war...They were still serviving and serving together in '70...
When these guys went on parade,their gongs(Medals) would blind you..
THen I had a Corporal that worked for me that was an air craft carpenter on the Mosquito Bombers in Mont Jolie Quebec..
And another Corporal that was in the Hitler the final days of '45...survived the Russian onslaught in Berlin...survived the allied P.O.W camps on the Danish coast.(He was 14-15 years old).Immigrated to Canada in '54 and joined the Canadian Army....He retired in '71..
(All these guys were as humble and unassuming and having been to the "Other side" very gratefull to live in Canada)
You being a Vets Daughter and I being a Vets son have a duty to uphold the heritage and perserve history in any small way we can..
MLU Forum gives us a vehicle to achieve this end..
Glad you are back on line..
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 22-11-03, 16:12
Mark W. Tonner's Avatar
Mark W. Tonner Mark W. Tonner is offline
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Question Re; Re: Hello, Miss Yappy

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
Carmen: Is this the start of a long distance romance? What will Mark Tonner say?

Did I miss something along the way...????....:

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Old 22-11-03, 17:33
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MARK: Hey Mark ... You're ALIVE!!!!! Glad you survived all the extra work yesterday BOO. So... am I your house pet or your pet peeve? I wonder what a poll would do in here? Be so interesting to find out. Its almost my 1st year anniversay in here I think... imagine.(Will I get a medal for survival?) How little laughter you all would have had this year without me. You poor souls. I think you all might need another year or two tho, so Geoff...hold the delete!

GEOFF ... how many posts can this software hold? Can I resuerve some for future use?

Hmmm .. I think we're all missing a little something either up North, or down South, or both. Alex listed meds for us womens problems. Now I'd like to see a list for men.

MARK .... we'll come up with something good to get our Jon...WON'T WE? Sounds good to me. You?

Now ... I have to do a specialreply to that last post from Alex... my first real quarrel

Chickee-Poo ... I had a fave teacher when a teenager. We ended up "hanging out as friends" when I was older. She had ALWAYS called me 'Chickee-Poo"... I'd always loved it and thot it an endearment.

Well ... when older we got to reminiscing and my nickname she gave me, came up. She blew my mind when I told her how I'd liked it, and thot it cute to be called "Chickee" ... well ... she enlightened me quick... told me she was calling me "CHICKEN-S--T" all the time. (for good reasons, I might add) Funny ... she was pretty cool tho.

woof and arf :
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Old 22-11-03, 17:53
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Originally posted by Alex Blair
I'm glad to see you back on line on the MLU Forum..
I believe it has always been part of the MLU mandate to help each other and if my off beat,wierd sense of humour makes you laugh and picks you up then I have helped you out in some small way....Glad you are back on line..
I love your off beat and wierd sense of humour... and everyone elses in here. You guys/gals ... this is such a community in here ... like family (Like it or lumpit my Mom used to say! She was a crazy woman ... zany and laughed a lot... great genes )

ALEX ... a special thanks for the personal comments. They mean much to me. Thumbs up!

Now .. as for the rest of your post WOW... the bigger picture of all those experiences/stories, is really something. Some of the closest people in our lives can NEVER comprehend ... its a "takes one to know one" thing.

The military experience is so totally unique, those bonds run deep... and I don't think its hard for me to imagine the hows and whys.

Those 2 guys who went thru so much ... amazing.

RCAF ... flew in a plane did plane did yah ?

Thanks dude! Carman
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Old 22-11-03, 18:39
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Default Re: Hello, Miss Yappy

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
LMAO at this latest post from/to Alex and Carmen.

Hey, you about Sulfa Denial and No Assatoll.(Say it fast).
Saturnin Scorpio will do that to yah woof
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Old 22-11-03, 18:54
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Question ALEX:

((((((((( ALEX... you said : And another Corporal that was in the Hitler the final days of '45...survived the Russian onslaught in Berlin...survived the allied P.O.W camps on the Danish coast.(He was 14-15 years old).Immigrated to Canada in '54
and joined the Canadian Army....He retired in '71.. (All these guys were as humble and unassuming and having been to the "Other side" very gratefull to live in Canada)You being a Vets Daughter and I being a Vets son have a duty to uphold the heritage and perserve history in any
small way we can.. MLU Forum gives us a vehicle to achieve this end))))))))))

Canada really is greener and safer pastures hey? I'd come here, for sure, if they'd ley me in! Lucky I was born here. Fate. The Hitler youth must have experienced culture shock... from thereand then, to here and then. Its always so interesting to hear details of peoples lives/pasts.

WEBSITE: is there a website with some of these guys stories? I'd love the url and am sure others would too.

SQUADRONS: What Squadron/s were you with?

Well... I've yapped far too much so far today ... and the day is still YOUNG! Have to go now ...Carman
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Old 22-11-03, 19:19
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
"Mr. Manual", sadly no longer with us
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Default List for Men....

Hi Carman

I thought you would like my little list of Meds for women..
Here is a little list for men my sister just sent me..The timing is appropriate ..

Hmmm .. I think we're all missing a little something either up North, or down South, or both. Alex listed meds for us womens problems. Now I'd like to see a list for men.

What do you expect from such simple creatures?
Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.
Chocolate is just another snack.
You can be president.
You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
Car mechanics tell you the truth.
The world is your urinal.
You never have to drive to another gas station
because this one's
just too icky.
Same work, more pay.
Wrinkles add character.
Wedding dress -- $5000; tux rental -- $100.
People never stare at your chest when you're
talking to them.
The occasional well-rendered belch is
practically expected.
New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your
One mood, ALL the time.
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks.
A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You can open all your own jars.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of
If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can
still be your friend.
Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
Everything on your face stays its original
Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
You don't have to stop and think of which way to
turn a nut on a bolt.
You almost never have strap problems in public.
You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.

The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe

You don't have to shave below your neck.

Your belly usually hides your big hips.

One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color, all
You can "do" your nails with a pocketknife.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a

You can do Christmas shopping for 25
relatives, on December 24, in 45 minutes.
Hope you enjoyed this!!!

I was stationed with different Squadrons...
416 out of Chatham NB was my first..
I was a Construction Engineer so was attached to a base rather than a particular Squadron..
The Squardons were also attached to different bases..
Enjoy the old timers hockey game today...
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 22-11-03, 23:05
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Originally posted by Vets_Dottir
MARK: Hey Mark ... You're ALIVE!!!!! Glad you survived all the extra work yesterday BOO. So... am I your house pet or your pet peeve? I wonder what a poll would do in here? Be so interesting to find out. Its almost my 1st year anniversay in here I think... imagine.(Will I get a medal for survival?) How little laughter you all would have had this year without me. You poor souls. I think you all might need another year or two tho, so Geoff...hold the delete!
Hello Yappy;

Yes I'm still your Inbox ? .....I thought maybe I blew it up or something....but you did ask me to I did ......ALL AT ONCE .... oh well....
I'm still thinking about the So... am I your house pet or your pet peeve? part........I'll get back to you on that

Regarding your I think you all might need another year or two tho all I can say is :

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Old 23-11-03, 09:30
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Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
Hello Yappy;

Yes I'm still your Inbox ? .....I thought maybe I blew it up or something....but you did ask me to I did ......ALL AT ONCE .... oh well....
I'm still thinking about the So... am I your house pet or your pet peeve? part........I'll get back to you on that

Regarding your I think you all might need another year or two tho all I can say is :

Hey MARKO... my mailbox is just fine. Actually it doesn't BLOWUP... but what CAN happen, is when a file is too big for the room left, I can't OPEN my mailbox ... I'm at 50% of 6 mgs they give. Lotsa files saved in there!

LOVED the gifs today ... especially the "trash" one (and I won't explain THAT one...will keep the folks in here GUESSING!

ALEX.... HOCKEY ??????????? YUK! (just kidding!)

xx Yappy yippooroo to you too!
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Old 24-11-03, 00:50
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Oh my God-She's back???

Just surfin the thread at 6:35 PM this Sunday EST & saw you are back!!I told the sleeping Golden Retreiver" Shadow".All he did from his sleeping position,was look up at me & went back to sleep!!Welcome back dear lady.Opened a Molson Dry in your honour.On a serious thought,have been watching the series from the War Amps which is repetative,and have not seen your uncle's name posted as part of our troops murdered in Normandy.Have you seen it?The producer is Cliff Chatterton,President of the War Amps??It's generally on very early in the morning around 3:00 AM,especially on the weekend on CBC Newsworld.Anyway,welcome back Miss Yaappy.Gotta go,the golden just woke up,Gonna get him to get me another Molson before he spills it.
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Old 24-11-03, 13:03
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Default Re: Oh my God-She's back???

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
Just surfin the thread at 6:35 PM this Sunday EST & saw you are back!!I told the sleeping Golden Retreiver" Shadow".All he did from his sleeping position,was look up at me & went back to sleep!!Welcome back dear lady.Opened a Molson Dry in your honour.On a serious thought,have been watching the series from the War Amps which is repetative,and have not seen your uncle's name posted as part of our troops murdered in Normandy.Have you seen it?The producer is Cliff Chatterton,President of the War Amps??It's generally on very early in the morning around 3:00 AM,especially on the weekend on CBC Newsworld.Anyway,welcome back Miss Yaappy.Gotta go,the golden just woke up,Gonna get him to get me another Molson before he spills it.
HI GARRY.....HI SHADOW the heck are yahs? ;p

(regards Cliff Chadderton... I have the video "Take No Prisoners" ... in which my Uncle is mentioned! Thanks Gar.. C )
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Old 24-11-03, 15:07
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Mark W. Tonner Mark W. Tonner is offline
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Wink It's Monday........he he he

Hi Carman;

Good morning......
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Old 24-11-03, 15:41
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Default QUICK!!!!

Hey Mark... I'm YELLING...SEND ME A COPY... QUICK!!!
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Old 24-11-03, 15:55
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Mark W. Tonner Mark W. Tonner is offline
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Question Re: QUICK!!!!

I don't know about might BLOW UP your mailbox ......
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Old 24-11-03, 17:03
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Default Re: Re: Hello, Miss Yappy

...yikes... time for a new page ... I can tell. Very hard to load this thread... page 2 coming up!

Hey MARK-OOOOOOOO... Thanks ... I DID get the copy ! Its nice to have the photo cropped too...wish I could do that Yappy
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Old 24-11-03, 17:08
Keith Webb's Avatar
Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
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Default Flapping

"Maybe if I flap hard enough I'll lift off!
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Film maker

42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
42 FGT No9 (Aust)
42 F15
Keith Webb
Macleod, Victoria Australia
Also Canadian Military Pattern Vehicles group on Facebook
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Old 24-11-03, 17:16
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Smile Re: Flapping

She must really be YAPPING !!!!!! for her hands to be flapping like that Keith, I'll bet that if we got her to sit on her hands........we wouldn't hear anything from her..... .....what can I say Carman.....its Monday morning
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Old 24-11-03, 17:32
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Smile Carman's New Puppet

Oh Oh !!
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Old 24-11-03, 17:43
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Default Well...................

Well.... I figured that where JON and MARK are, then KEITH can't be far behind...I was right! Love it.! Hate you! I can't DO that too....NOT FAIR!!!!!!/@&'##6%3$^-j##ks
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Old 24-11-03, 17:47
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Mark W. Tonner Mark W. Tonner is offline
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Question Re: Well...................

So which is it, do you LOVE us ,
or do you HATE us .................
I'm confused : ...........
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Old 24-11-03, 18:42
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Default Re: Re: Well...................

Originally posted by Mark W. Tonner
So which is it, do you LOVE us ,
or do you HATE us .................
I'm confused : ...........
That "DEPENDS" I the house pet? or the pet peeve?

OOOOOOh ... you guys are dog-meat... I'll let the big guy handle the "Karmen's new puppet" post . I can hardly wait to see what he does to yahs!!!!!
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Old 24-11-03, 18:56
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Unhappy Re: Re: Re: Well...................

Originally posted by Vets_Dottir
OOOOOOh ... you guys are dog-meat... I'll let the big guy handle the "Karmen's new puppet" post.

..... so now we're dog-meat are we..... and here I was playing nice and all............and didn't even send anything BIG to your little itty bitty inbox this ah, hmmm..........................
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Old 24-11-03, 19:19
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Default Re: Little Miss Yappy

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
Hey, Carmen:

You're listed as being at a different e address than you had before. You were from the Kootenays, now you're listed as something different.

Hey're awfully Q U I E T now??? Hiding?

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