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Old 25-11-05, 01:14
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Election on the Way

The Official Opposition of the Canadian Parliament tabled a motion of non-confidence today, and it WILL be passed Monday. None too soon, I say, but un-nerving nonetheless, simply for the fact that I suspect the largely immigrant population of Ontario will once again elect the Liberals simply because they have been throwing about billions of dollars in the last two weeks, in an effort to buy votes. BTW, that's billions of MY money, and yours. It's an extension of a legacy which has plagued us for the last 12 years, if not the last 30.

I don't know what to say here except that I'm dissatisfied with what we have now, and fearful of what we might have to endure henceforth. While it's not my habit to inject political statements into this forum, I call myself old-fashioned and will even accept the epithet 'retrogressive'; we have not done well in the last generation, and I hope for better times to come.

Please feel free to add your comments (albeit keeping it polite), and for those of you considered 'our ilk', well, pray for us in whatever form you choose. Perhaps we can make a new start here. Every veteran I've ever spoken to would ask you the same.

Thank you, and

:remember :support
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Old 25-11-05, 02:52
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Geoff, it is high time that the Liberals get thrown out. I surely hope they do, but, as stated the billions of dollars slated to improve this and that are but a mere ploy to buy votes. What infuriates me is the fact that the average joe takes these promises at face value; the fact being that the billions in spending is really something that will never happen, yet people believe it. I am fed up with the gun registry, health care, social spending and especially immigration. Call me a racist but when our grandfathers came here with a dollar in pocket, looking for a new life and a dream, they were given a tract of land and it was do or die. Not like today's world of PC bullshit and bleeding heart Liberal nonsense. I far prefer the world of my youth, where Merry Christmas was just that, the Lord's Prayer was daily, punishment fit the crime, if you didn't like it and were the minority, well that's the way it was etc. Personally, I've really become disheartened by the way that this country's government has made me feel; a white Christian male who's rights and privledges have been superseeded by those who were not even born here, bitch about the way everything is, get whatever they want, impinge on my freedoms and make me the minority.
No offense intended towards our fellow Ontarians, but it is no suprise that the rest of the country feels that we are arrogant and control the rest of the country. Truth is, the city of Toronot, which has most of our immigrant populace, do control the way that the rest of the country lives.What does a downtown East Indian or Chinese Torontonian know about the plight of the East coast fisherman, the West coast lumberman, the Albertan cowboy or the Southern Ontario farmer? Absolutely jack-shit, yet those votes sway the power in the House and us real people have to suffer for it. Kudos to the likes of Ralph Klein who tell the feds where to get off. How can the Liberal party go through the Gomery inquiry and the likes of PM Martin and former PM Createan get away with stealing millions of dollars of our money yet not go to prison for it? I get laid off from a job or need some health care and its a big deal to get some cash.
I know that I'm complaining and you fellows must sympathize, but truth is, the people that need to hear this rant either don't speak English or are too ignorant to realize the truth of the matter. This country is going to hell in a handbasket at the hands of our elected morons...
3RD Echelon Wksp

1968 M274A5 Mule Baifield USMC
1966 M274A2 Mule BMY USMC
1958 M274 Mule Willys US Army
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OMVA, MVPA, G503, Steel Soldiers
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Old 25-11-05, 04:11
Vets Dottir
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Tell us how you REALLY feel Chris ....

Believe me, you speak what many others think ... you're a strong voice Chris, that resonates with many others views and fears

You certainly said much of how I view the issues too, even though you folks are much more knowledgable about the dynamics than I am.

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Old 25-11-05, 04:36
Jholl72 Jholl72 is offline
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Well said Chris.
I feel the same way. This country seems to be in a downward spiral.
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Old 25-11-05, 05:16
rob love rob love is offline
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I can live with the lies ("I will scrap the GST"), the theft, the fear mongering (to listen to a Liberal you would think Harper was some kind of satanist), and the pompousness of the liberals......If they had just left my guns alone.

The billions spent recently, with the veiled threat of: If we aren't re-elected this stuff won't go through", is starting to backfire. People are starting to see it for what it is (at least my Girlfriend is) as both an attempt to buy votes with our own money, and a looming threat if we don't.

I think Martin just wanted to stay in power long enough to reach the 6 year mark for his second term underlings so they could reap their gravy pensions.

Of course, when this is all over, we'll get to blame Ontario again for re-electing them. Of course the West is not blameless. Those displaced Easterners in Alberta keep sending squeeky Anne Mclellan to Ottawa.
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Old 25-11-05, 11:50
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A Canadian and a Chinese immigrant are discussing politics.

Says the Canadian: "Democracy is great, we have elections every four years!".

To which the Chinese reacts astonished: "Evely foul yeals? We have elections evely day!"
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Old 25-11-05, 13:07
wayne c. petrie wayne c. petrie is offline
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Lets ship out are presently elected officals by FedEx.Then elect all Independents.
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Old 25-11-05, 14:13
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Originally posted by wayne c. petrie
Lets ship out are presently elected officals by FedEx.Then elect all Independents.
Wouldn't THAT cause a shit-storm in Ottawa! The bureaucrats wouldn't know what to do with themselves (or mebbe they would - see Hanno's post)

Seriously, our system needs restructuring. Our taxes are amongst the highest in the civilised world, and we get damn-all for the privilege of paying: the money is used to buy votes elsewhere in the country. Our appointed-for-life Senate is a joke. Our appointed-for-life judiciary is a joke as is Trudeau's constitution, which allows the former to rule the country by fiat (not the car).

As many Canucks still do, I used to stick my nose up in the air when we were comparing our sustem with that of the Americans, but I've come to realize that their system of checks and balances is more practical in its own way and certainly more representative. Ours may intrinsically be more flexible, but that very fact allows abuse-of-power, which has been evident since Trudeau's time. Rule by Order-in-Council should be abolished, as should Party Whips, scurrying about like rodents ensuring MPs vote according to the whim of the PM. It's absurd. What we've ended up with is a benign dictatorship. At least we have the chance of electing an alternative... it's our only saving grace.

Rob -- maybe they're sending Annie to Ottawa to get rid of her? I can see no other possible explanation...

It's too early in the morning for all this, but I confess to being sick and tired of paying everything for nothing. While I've seen annual salary increases in the last 10 years, they've been below the cost-of-living increases, with the result that together with tax increases, I'm actually seeing a great deal less real income than I was in 1995; and as some of you have pointed out, it's bought me precisely nothing.

If Alberta ever does decide to separate, count me first in line to claim refugee status...

People, just ensure you and everyone you know actually votes. We have no hope if you, or they, don't. I know many will say it's a pointless exercise, but it's surely better than the alternative!

:remember :support
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Old 25-11-05, 15:53
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Food for thought !!

If,through election,say the conservatives get in with 20 more seats,the liberals cease to exist,the NDP win or lose a few votes,and here's the kicker,the Bloc take the liberal votes in Quebec,because the people in Quebec will not vote either NDP or conservative,we'll be back to suare one ergo-another minority gov't with the Bloc and NDP dictating the vote in the house,and,if you think we had problems with the liberals,just wait till you see the Bloc in action.Like I said,food for thought !!
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Old 25-11-05, 16:08
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Food for thought !!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
If,through election,say the conservatives get in with 20 more seats,the liberals cease to exist,the NDP win or lose a few votes,and here's the kicker,the Bloc take the liberal votes in Quebec,because the people in Quebec will not vote either NDP or conservative,we'll be back to suare one ergo-another minority gov't with the Bloc and NDP dictating the vote in the house,and,if you think we had problems with the liberals,just wait till you see the Bloc in action.Like I said,food for thought !!
Then we'll shut off the monetary taps, move all our business out of there and tell them to piss off!

The Bloc only screeches when they know the Libs will give them what they want.... the 'squeaky wheel' syndrome? They're no fools - they know on which side their bread's buttered. Trouble is, we've spent more than a generation kissing their asses (and sadly, I include Mulrooney in that); they'll push until they either get what they want, or run into a brick wall. Hopefully, that wall will represent Responsible Government.

Garry, what are the people in your neck o' the woods saying right now?
:remember :support
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Old 25-11-05, 16:15
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Unhappy Addendum

Funny isn't it, how right up to Chretien's time Quebec was the deciding factor in all federal elections. With the coming of the Bloc that impetus has shifted to Ontario; that's equally as idiotic, as few east and no one west of Ontario actually has any real say in government.

Sometimes methinks our vast country should be defined politically as a loose coalition of largely independent province-states, working under the mantle of a decentralized federal government. I don't think it can work successfully any other way, given our low population and the diversity of the regions. Trudeau saw it the other way 'round, and look at what we've become. Amongst all else, the theory of 'income redistribution' is nothing other than socialism at its worst, it just doesn't work for any of the parties involved.
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Old 25-11-05, 17:29
centurion centurion is offline
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Looking in from the outside can I suggesr the approach taken by the inhabitants of Fourecks (Terry Pratchett's Disk World continent that bears more than a passing resemblance to Australia)? In this case all politicians are automatically sent to jail as soon as being elected on the grounds that "it saves time later."
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Old 25-11-05, 18:26
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Originally posted by centurion
In this case all politicians are automatically sent to jail as soon as being elected on the grounds that "it saves time later."
A good point well-taken, sir. I shall bring that up in the House the next time the Honourable Speaker recognizes me...

Gawd, to think that they earn more than twice what I do for doing nothing more than bloviating on an occasional basis... I'm in the wrong line of work! Mebbe I should run for office after all...
:remember :support
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Old 25-11-05, 21:18
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Election..Ottawa South...

I'm voting and living in Ottawa South...
Dalton McGuinty is my provincial MPP...Liberal...
David McGuinty,his brother, is my Federal MP...Liberal...
The guy that ratted out the Liberals on the Quebec adscam gig is running for the Conservatives in my ward...
My choice is to vote for a McGuinty Liberal or a rat....
I'll take the rat.....
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 25-11-05, 22:30
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: Food for thought !!

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Then we'll shut off the monetary taps, move all our business out of there and tell them to piss off!

The Bloc only screeches when they know the Libs will give them what they want.... the 'squeaky wheel' syndrome? They're no fools - they know on which side their bread's buttered. Trouble is, we've spent more than a generation kissing their asses (and sadly, I include Mulrooney in that); they'll push until they either get what they want, or run into a brick wall. Hopefully, that wall will represent Responsible Government.

Garry, what are the people in your neck o' the woods saying right now?
Geoff,you can't turn off the money taps.If the Bloc are in a majority of the minority,they'll only vote on items that prefer their agenda.Also,the NDP will be wallowing at the trough for what they want.We have no say in what will happen.I know the liberals are GONE,but God help us on the minority results.I'm in your corner on what you say,but look at reality.We're ALL f--ked again.
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Old 26-11-05, 00:06
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Alex: I understand that scientists will now be using Fiberal politicians as testing subjects for three reasons:

a. they will do anything for a vote;
b. they are not as cute as rats; and
c. the scientists do not get attached to them.

PS rats cause fewer problems and have wasted billions less than our esteemed Fiberals.
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 26-11-05, 01:08
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Talking liberals!

hi from new zealand,we seem to have the same people
in charge of our country that you have in yours!!!.
when will common sence prevail? the sooner PC is outlawed
the better for all
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Old 26-11-05, 14:17
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I do in fact like the American approach to government, whereby the individual states carry more ppower and represent the constituency in a more fair capacity. Although the Americans must also deal in a PC world, they seem to be more inflexible to BS unlike us.
Maybe we should throw all our government out and ask them to save us??? We're half way there already.
3RD Echelon Wksp

1968 M274A5 Mule Baifield USMC
1966 M274A2 Mule BMY USMC
1958 M274 Mule Willys US Army
1970 M38A1 CDN3 70-08715 1 CSR
1981 MANAC 3/4T CDN trailer
1943 Converto Airborne Trailer
1983 M1009 CUCV

RT-524, PRC-77s,
and trucks and stuff and more stuff and and.......

OMVA, MVPA, G503, Steel Soldiers
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Old 26-11-05, 15:27
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: Re: Food for thought !!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
I'm in your corner on what you say,but look at reality.We're ALL f--ked again.
Well then, we'll just have to elect a Conservative majority government, won't we?
:remember :support
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Old 26-11-05, 15:38
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Originally posted by chris vickery
Maybe we should throw all our government out and ask them to save us??? We're half way there already.
Naw, they have a bit to much on their plate right now anyways. How about we decentralize and reorg?

I agree with your comment ref the breakdown of states' rights vs federal rights, and it seems to me we could develop our own unique definition of same. They, of course, have 50 states, none of which dominate anything (by virtue of population, unlike Ontario), but they can do that because of their overall population base and related demographics. We can't break down into smaller units like that simply because there aren't enough people in any given province, with those we have mostly congregated in or around the larger cities. I firmly believe that new immigrants should have been spread across the length and breadth of this huge land rather than permitted to join urban ghettos. That might also have served to preserve what we [quaintly] now call our 'traditional' value system, which Trudeau effectively dismantled.

Every province has its own unique character, and should, I think, have been encouraged to evolve separately under a simple federal umbrella organization. Centralised government didn't, and doesn't, work for us, and inter-provincial squabbles and resentments have been the inevitable result.

If things don't change, I think we're screwed.
:remember :support
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Old 27-11-05, 12:17
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Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball

If Alberta ever does decide to separate, count me first in line to claim refugee status...

Years ago I went to a meeting of the then nascent Reform Party to hear a quiet, unassuming man talk about how, "The West wants in!" During his talk he told a little joke, asking if anyone knew the difference between a Catfish and a politician. For those of you who unfamiliar with this joke, the punchline is," one of them is a bottom-feeding slime sucker, the other is a fish!" Well, Preston Manning won me over and I voted and worked for the Reform Party at every opportunity. For once I had hope that maybe, just maybe the Central Canada stranglehold on our nations policies could be broken, that Canada wouldn't be ruled by the likes of Alan Rock and Jean Chretien. We all know the result. The Reform Party along with my hope for a truly equal Canada died a slow death. The Reform Party platform of a Triple "E" Senate (Elected, Equal, and Effective) slipped into oblivion. During my years living in western Canada I participated in many discussions on what path the West should take. There was talk of "Cascadia", having economic and political links with the West coast states, from Alaska to California. There were many who proposed that the West should separate and go our own way. None of these ideas ever came to fruition and it saddens me to hear from this thread that not only have things not gotten better in Canada, it appears they've gotten much worse in the four years since I left. Love or hate the U.S., you've got to admire American's devotion to equality and individual freedom. politicians here in the U.S. know all too well that their livelihood depends upon satisfying the wishes of the voters. Canadians have spoiled their politicians by tolerating the nonsense they propose from Ottawa, by accepting the notion that, "we know whats best for Canada" That kind of claptrap just wouldn't fly down here!
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Old 27-11-05, 14:44
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Default Keep the B******** honest!

Why not raise your concerns with a friendly name in Parliament? But don't tell him I sent you!
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Old 27-11-05, 23:05
c. ladouceur (RIP) c. ladouceur (RIP) is offline
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Default Chris

"Personally, I've really become disheartened by the way that this country's government has made me feel; a white Christian male who's rights and privledges have been superseeded by those who were not even born here, bitch about the way everything is, get whatever they want, impinge on my freedoms and make me the minority".

In times of trouble,stick to the old family motto,"PROBITAS VERUS HONOS", and know that you are a better person.
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Old 29-11-05, 01:08
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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We're up to the plate, lads and lassies. The government has just been defeated in the House of Commons.

Pray for us sinners, we venture henceforth into The Unknown.
:remember :support
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Old 29-11-05, 01:09
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Default IT'S ON!

The House has just passed a vote of non-confidence in the "government". Who said there ain't no Santa??

Now, we got to get those Canadians who refuse to vote, or were too lazy to vote last time, to get out there and send the Liberals back to whence they came...Lord help us otherwise.
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 29-11-05, 04:11
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Default Re: Keep the B******** honest!

Originally posted by Tony Smith
Why not raise your concerns with a friendly name in Parliament? But don't tell him I sent you!
Good one, Tony!

But I submit, this Tony Smith looks like he's at least from a parallel universe... possibly even a zombie. Just check out those eyes...

Film maker

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Old 29-11-05, 18:02
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default January 23rd

... is our date with destiny.

I have already submitted my name to my riding association for volunteer work. I hope some of you do that too. It's never been more important.

:remember :support
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Old 29-11-05, 18:51
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Default Re: January 23rd

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
... is our date with destiny.

I have already submitted my name to my riding association for volunteer work. I hope some of you do that too. It's never been more important.

Hell just froze over!

After all the broken promises to the West by the Conservatives and Lyin' Brian, who I worked hard to get elected, I swore Hell would freeze over before I'd vote for the Conservatives again. However, since the only thing I hate more than a Conservative is a Liberal, I'm off to the Canadian consulate to see if I can get registered for an absentee vote. Geoff, who's the candidate in your riding and what's his address, I'm going to send a donation to him.
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Old 29-11-05, 21:22
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: January 23rd

Originally posted by sapper740
Hell just froze over!

After all the broken promises to the West by the Conservatives and Lyin' Brian, who I worked hard to get elected, I swore Hell would freeze over before I'd vote for the Conservatives again. However, since the only thing I hate more than a Conservative is a Liberal, I'm off to the Canadian consulate to see if I can get registered for an absentee vote. Geoff, who's the candidate in your riding and what's his address, I'm going to send a donation to him.

Thanks, I'll know tomorrow who this chappie is. Apparently this is a HARD riding for Conservatives (Toronto-Danforth), so I will have my work cut out for me! It would be easier if I spoke more Greek than 'ouzo', 'souvlaki' and such, but what the hell.

Ref Brian, be advised he wasn't REALLY a Conservative... Trudeau wanted him in Cabinet but Brian saw the writing on the wall and went the other way. We haven't had the chance at a truly conservative leader since Stanfield ran, and we all know how he imploded. This will be a new experience. I was impressed watching Harper this morning... he spoke better than the other trained seals - no notes, no teleprompter, not even another yahoo mouthing him the words! Amazing.

Any good jobs down Texas way? Might need one if all this goes tits-up.
:remember :support
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Old 30-11-05, 02:51
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Default Re: Re: Re: January 23rd

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball

We haven't had the chance at a truly conservative leader since Stanfield ran, and we all know how he imploded. This will be a new experience. I was impressed watching Harper this morning... he spoke better than the other trained seals - no notes, no teleprompter, not even another yahoo mouthing him the words! Amazing.

Any good jobs down Texas way? Might need one if all this goes tits-up.
Robert Stanfield was a vastly underrated Parliamentarian. I had a lot of respect for him. Unfortunately he ran during a time of "cult of the personality" He was just one in a long line of competent Conservative leaders who unfortunately lacked a TV persona and couldn't compete with the flashy, but shallow Trudeau. I like what I've seen of Stephen Harper, think he's a good man.
Lots of good jobs down here Geoff, but why would you want to leave Canada? I mean, all Texas has to offer is a great economy, low taxes, law and order, conservative values, great weather, cheap real estate, right to keep and bear arms including concealed carry and full auto, friendly people, beautiful and demure southern women, great freeway system, relatively low gas prices, politicians responsive to the wishes of the electorate, powerful military, citizens who honour their servicemen............
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