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Old 12-11-05, 01:51
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Remembrance-Here we go again CBC!!

Excuse this rant.

Was just watching CBC Newsworld with hostess Gloria Makerenko(good looking woman with bad hair_isn't makerenko a dance as in "Do the Makerenko"??)

Anyway,she's describig the various ceremonies across Canada,which were very good,then shows film of the Montreal parade,saying,and I quote,"Led by a pipe band"'which came into view on-camera.

Excuse me Makaaaerenko,or whatever the hell your immigrant name is(by the way please get your hair done).This pipe band is THE BLACK WATCH-ROYAL HIGHLAND REGIMENT OF CANADA,who have LED this damn parade since they returned from the GREAT War in 1919 and who also have the honor of leading the St.Patricks'Day parade every March 17th..It's like describing the 48th or Toronto Scottish,two renowned highland regiments as "a pipe band".Where is CBC getting these people?They don't have a clue.Guess they're all jealous of their boss(Rabinovitch's high salary(or however you spell the bastards' name.

Thank you for letting me rant.We now return to regular scheduled programming.(personally I'm going for another Molson Dry !!

ASssholes at CBC !!

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Old 12-11-05, 04:25
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Default CBC deserves Respect!

After all, it produced our last two GGs! OK, I'll retract the respect part. Aside from HNIC, all we get is milquetoast drivel and liberal spin on CBC ...for just under a billion a year I might add. The monkeys are running the zoo...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 12-11-05, 05:00
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Did it not strike anyone that someone kicked out the plug on CBC Newsworld's coverage "lost power" just as the prayers were beginning? I had blank screen, then a card for several minutes, then they managed to get back on just as the rabbi was wrapping things up (with a veiled slam at the War on Terror, as it turned out).
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Old 12-11-05, 06:40
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default Tradition

A question for those in the know, is not the toast to the Queen always the first toast or does the toast to the veterans come first on rembrance day?
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Old 12-11-05, 17:52
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Good Question !!

In all of the dozens of ceremonies I've been in over the years and if there were a wee dram involved,we've always toasted the Queen first.Can't recall ever toasting the vets first.
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Old 12-11-05, 18:43
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Default Re: Remembrance-Here we go again CBC!!

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
Excuse this rant.

Was just watching CBC Newsworld with hostess Gloria Makerenko(good looking woman with bad hair_isn't makerenko a dance as in "Do the Makerenko"??)

ASssholes at CBC !!

No, no, no! It's a food, not a dance! Haven't you ever heard of Makerenko and cheese?!? It's very cheesy!
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Old 13-11-05, 03:27
klambie klambie is offline
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Default CBC

I'm as game as most to criticize the CBC, but what the hell does someone's name have to do with it? Does Mansbridge sound non-immigrant enough to you? Do you think he would have known this? Stick to the facts.
Kevin Lambie
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Old 13-11-05, 04:27
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: CBC

Originally posted by klambie
I'm as game as most to criticize the CBC, but what the hell does someone's name have to do with it? Does Mansbridge sound non-immigrant enough to you? Do you think he would have known this? Stick to the facts.
Whoa, hoss... a little sensitive are we? I think Garry's point was that within the process of the evolution of this grand experiment called 'multiculturalism', some of the absolutes which are the building blocks of our military culture are being rapidly forgotten, not passed along or generally ignored, especially by a media which should, to the contrary, be shoring them up.

I personally don't give a shit WHAT your name is, but I damned well resent any talking head who does not render the appropriate respect to our heritage, or worse, is too lazy to learn. And the CBC is among the worst for that, going back to the Valour and the Horror crowd and beyond.

Apropos of nothing whatsoever, did you see those vets in Ottawa yesterday turn their backs on our second consecutive female CBC-Talking-Head-Governor General? I sure noticed it. At least Clarkson could speak (pregnant pause)... but the point remains, the attitude seems to emmanate from the top. Need I say more?
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Old 13-11-05, 04:53
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Default Leadership (?) from the top?

Political Leadership in Canada = pandering to the squeaky wheel. There has to be a better system for electing and holding the elected monkeys accountable. Maybe our friends (most of us still think that way) to the south have the right idea...

A lot of folks slam the US system, but look at the advantages they have:

They elect the president - the Liberal (Band of Thieves) Party elects our PM (granted he must be an elected MP);

They can impeach - we wait for four years (except Ontario keeps on screwing this up...)

Their senators are elected. Ours play hockey or write books...and are nominated and appointed by those who have vowed to clean up patronage appointments and to address the democratic deficit...sure.

Their pres can only serve two terms,

Their public broadcaster earns its living - ours gets tons of money to rub our noses in our past by means of revisionist tripe contrived by liberal nut-cases...

If we (Ontario) elect PM and his gang again, I'm gonna claim refugee status at the border - think they will let me in with my trucks?

As for turning backs on the GG at the Ceremony - not the time or place in my mind, but we do live in a "free" society that welcomes self expression...there are worse displays of bad behaviour (just up the hill on Wellington Street).

Need a beer...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 13-11-05, 06:36
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hey RHClarke
come on down here to TX. im planning on building a military museum and living history area that will have a heavy UK/Canadian/ausi influance, so i could use the trucks
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Old 13-11-05, 08:05
klambie klambie is offline
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Default Re: CBC

Not sensitive in the least. Garry made a point, but then added some gratuitous rubbish that added nothing to his argument. You don't appear to disagree with me in any substantial way. I agree completely with the criticism of the lack of knowledge, but the implication that her last name has anything to do with it is crap and doesn't advance the argument at all. A few 'immigrant names' crossed my mind yesterday morning, and I suspect that they would have called bullshit had they been here as well.

Whoa, hoss... a little sensitive are we? I think Garry's point was that within the process of the evolution of this grand experiment called 'multiculturalism', some of the absolutes which are the building blocks of our military culture are being rapidly forgotten, not passed along or generally ignored, especially by a media which should, to the contrary, be shoring them up.

I personally don't give a shit WHAT your name is, but I damned well resent any talking head who does not render the appropriate respect to our heritage, or worse, is too lazy to learn. And the CBC is among the worst for that, going back to the Valour and the Horror crowd and beyond.
Kevin Lambie
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Old 13-11-05, 15:22
Bruce Parker (RIP) Bruce Parker (RIP) is offline
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Default Klambie:

Two points here in response to your comments on 'immigrant names':

First, it is not rubbish to notice what is a self evident fact. I've been a long time listener of the CBC (which has some surprisingly good content if you filter out that which focuses on the honuorable folk music/culture Montreal-busker-homeless people). Their choice in staff that speak to the public is almost universally either without any accent, but a very "foriegn" sounding name, or with an obvious accent which suggests an ethnic or linguistic origin. To suggest a corporation does not set and mantain it's public image through it's choice of staff is ridiculous. The CBC, by policy, wishes to be seen in a certain way and they hire accordingly. Whether you like or argree with this image is a separate question. (don't you ever watch the news from your least favourite source just to rant at their obvious bias in the other direction? Is your favourite source lilly white without bias?)

Second, your response, very close to a charge of racism, is what keeps political correctness alive. Blatant racist comments are disgusting. We fought and won a war against them. But to call 'racism' when someone touches on something you disagree with, or to stop people from making observations (however distasteful), feeds a narrow mindedness that prevents any valid discussion or disagreement. I'm firmly on the side of allowing all discussion and letting public opinion...fairly...decide.

Klambie: the architect for the new Canadian War musem was a Japanese-Canadian who was interned by the Canadian government during the war. If this didn't matter, and was not meant to make a point, why would the CWM make note of it?

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Old 13-11-05, 21:03
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Peter Mans Bridge

Originally posted by klambie
I'm as game as most to criticize the CBC, but what the hell does someone's name have to do with it? Does Mansbridge sound non-immigrant enough to you? Do you think he would have known this? Stick to the facts.
Whoa Klambie.or whatever your name is !!Spaz out friend.As a matter of fact,go have another beer!

I have it as fact from watching "This Hour has 22 Minutes'"according to Rick Mercer that they've changed the name of the Confederation Bridge to Prince Edward Island to Peter Man's Bridge.Seriously,I'm of Irish extraction,If you tell jokes on the thread about my lineage,I'll laugh.I'd probably tell you some you haven't heard.So enjoy life,go out dancing.Do the Makerenko !!By the way,what is your name other than your handle??
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Old 14-11-05, 00:38
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Retort to my last thread to Kevin Clambie

I ask your forgiveness for not paying attention to your name "Kevin Clambie" and I apologize ,because of your rant and disparaging language like using the word b-llsh-t with regard to my remarks,also of my making fun of Gloria Makerenko's name.But after reading your previous thread to Geoff s response,I have only one question for you,why are you getting all riled up to a fellow member of the thread for making his comments?Oh! By the way, your response to Geoff was TOTALLY full of BULL
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Old 14-11-05, 01:09
Bruce Parker (RIP) Bruce Parker (RIP) is offline
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Default Garry Garry Garry...

French can only make jokes about the French.

Brazilians can only make jokes about Brazilians.

Germans don't joke.

First Nations...lets not even go there.

Everyone MUST make bad taste jokes about Americans (only if they relate to bashing Bush...remember Clinton is a nice guy).

NOBODY make jokes about colourful people.

Newfies are fair game and the only...race...that actually likes this untoward behaviour.

Other countries may or may not be critisized. Please check for a comprehensive list.

Geoff can't you make a rule or censor all posts to this forum?

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Old 14-11-05, 01:26
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Dave Demorrow
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good one bruce.
as a member of the SOB gang, could someone tell me what all the heat is about? i dont get the CBC down here, i guess i will just stay with FOX.
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Old 14-11-05, 02:35
Bruce Parker (RIP) Bruce Parker (RIP) is offline
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Default CBC

CBC is our government created and subsidized broadcasting corporation.

Depending on which side you are on, it either represents the best and brightest programming which couldn't exist in the private, profit drive sector...or...provides off beat, politicaly motivated, subsidised nonsense.


A NASA scientist, being interviewed, is asked by the neutral CBC employee "So, your rocket-things cause global warming, cost many billions of dollars that could be spent on feeding the underpriviledged, and don't return much, how do you respond?"

An honourable homeless person, who makes music by thwacking garbage can lids attached to a stolen (underground) synthesizer, is asked (with reverence): "So, where did you get your inspiration, you talented thing?"
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Old 14-11-05, 09:09
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Dave Demorrow
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ok so its the BBC or euro CNN with that american hating twit (richard quest). and yes the US is single handedly causing global warming, the killing of millions of people with land mines, the undermining of french culture, the spread of evile in the mid east, the killing of all things furry, and the distruction of the oceans, vallys, wetlands, green places, blah, blah, blah.....

i dont know how many times i have listened to the euro news telling the world how the us should be forced to become like europe. i look at it more as the Comeadian News Network

being in europe and the mid east for the last 14 of 20 years i know all about tilted media.
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