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Old 23-11-08, 12:14
Jan Thompson's Avatar
Jan Thompson Jan Thompson is offline
Corowa Project 30
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posts: 520
Default KVE Newsletter

Hi all,
We have just released the first KVE newsletter. If I have you on my database you will receive a copy via email. If you aren't on my database then take a look at the website
Many thanks to people who have contributed and particularly Ben Hemmings who has put the final product together. We are looking for articles from participants for our next newsletter which will go out towards the end of January or early February. For any contributions please send me an email
Remember to keep looking at the website for any changes and updates. The following is only a small part of the newsletter.

Secretary/Public Relations Report
Another year has nearly flown by. Corowa 2009 is only 3 ½ months away. It has been great working with the current committee this year and we are well on the way to completing the organising for Corowa 2009. There has been more delegation of tasks. Rick and other committee members are becoming more familiar with the local Corowa representatives. We had a meeting with a number of representatives in town when we were there for our AGM in July and they are very interested in assisting us more in the future.

It is going to be a great year with lots of celebrations. This is the 30th Year of the event and I have attended 28 of these events. I missed 1982 and 1985 so I can justifiably say I know why people keep coming back and why we don’t want to make too many changes. With the event now being so much bigger we needed to form an Incorporated Association to cover our members and unfortunately we do ask that you pay a $10 Entry fee as we do have more expenses to pay. You will receive a package with more than $10 value if you prepay now. To be apart of this in the future you are welcome to join KVE Inc. You can download a Membership Application Form off the website or ask me for a copy.

News on the Meal functions:
I would appreciate people letting me know whether to include them on the meal lists as catering is not an easy task especially if there are 50 people or 250 people.
On the Thursday evening the Corowa Council would like to give recognition for our event especially since we have been in their town for the past 30 years and will put on a Civic Reception from 6pm. At this stage the plan is for the RSL club to provide some finger food and we will by our own drinks. It won’t be a long function so please come along.
On the Saturday evening we have decided to get the Corowa Rotary Club to provide a meal for participants. We haven’t done this for a few years as people tend to be blasé about whether to attend or not but due to this being our 30th Year we would like to encourage people to come along to our presentations and auction. Come along and support the local Rotary Club. We have a local person doing the auction this year and Tim Scriven has organised a couple of marquees. If you prepay your Entry Fee you will be entitled to a 2 course meal for $10 per person and that includes any person you have nominated as attending on your Entry Form. KVE will subsidise the extra $5. We understand that people need to be fed at some stage during the evening so decided to have the Rotary Club start serving at 6pm. If possible it would be great if all who are attending could have eaten their main course by 7pm and then dessert will be served. We are aiming to commence the official proceedings at 7.30pm sharp. I would prefer people to give us an idea of numbers attending so we can provide accurate numbers prior to the event. You will be required to pay for this upon arrival and will be given tickets.
The Sunday evening Carvery meal at the Corowa RSL Club is always a great night. A booking has already been made but we need confirmation of numbers also. It is always good to encourage people to stay until the Monday so they can come along to this function. The cost at the moment is $18 per adult and $7.50 per child.

Donations for the auction would be greatly appreciated. Please bring them to the Site Office at Ball Park and hand them to a KVE member. We have an auctioneer from town running the auction and this money goes towards our insurance and running costs of the event.

Camping at Corowa Airport:
Tabitha at the airport would really appreciate people pre-booking their powered or non-powered sites so she knows how many people are staying. She is considering hiring more toilets and showers but she can only do this with knowledge of numbers. She is also willing to provide meals at a very reasonable cost. The same system will apply as in March 2008. The Airport is located at Redlands Road Corowa. Contact Tabitha and Tim Hughes on 0415 704748.

Accommodation at Ball Park Caravan Park:
For those requiring a powered site at Ball Park Caravan Park it is advisable to contact them ASAP. Some years they have run out of powered sites and with the increased interest for 2009 I would be getting in early. Contact Sonya & Andrew Palmer on (02) 60331426

We are after articles for our next newsletter so if you are a member or a participant and have anything you would like to contribute please forward to

Entry Forms:
We have started putting together rally packs and appreciate if people can send back their entry forms ASAP. Please remember to send in your entry form & entry fee prior to the end of February so we have an indication of the numbers of vehicles and people attending. We will then be able to determine how many special mementoes to order. Please ensure you complete both pages of the entry form. You will realise that the second page asks for numbers of participants to the meal functions.

Site Office:
Please let me know when you are able to man the Site Office. There are many new faces and it is always a good opportunity to meet people. A list of duties will be provided so that anyone can help with this task. We do require a member from KVE to be on each shift and we would like to invite other participants to help out.

Themes for 2009:
There are 2 themes for 2009. The primary reason the event was set up is due to the amphibious vehicles so the main theme is Year of the Amphibious Vehicle. Unfortunately there may not be as much water in the river as we would like but it will be good to see a variety of these vehicles in attendance. A member who is bringing a Buffalo has already stated that he will take it in the river no matter if there is enough water or not. In 2002 we had Year of the Blitz and it was requested a few years ago to have a Year of the Blitz 2 for all those people who were still restoring their Blitz’s. Hopefully many of those will attend in 2009.

Themes for 2010, 2011, 2012:
In 2010 the theme will be Year of the Jeep.
The theme for 2011 will be Year of the British and European Vehicles
In 2012 the theme will be Year of the 6X6.
Participants attending the event in 2009 will be able to make suggestions on the theme for 2013.

Wednesday 11th March: School visit
We are looking for a selection of vehicles to take to the Corowa Primary School at 10am. We have offered to give the children a chance to have a look at and hear some information from owners about your vehicles. A letter went out to all primary schools in the Corowa area and we currently have had responses from the Corowa Primary School and Lowesdale Public School. The 14 children from Lowesdale will be transported to the Corowa Primary School.

Thursday 12th March: Trip to Maurice Wilson’s property
We have been invited again to Maurice Wilson’s property on the outskirts of Corowa. This would be an ideal location if the Amphibious vehicles were able to do a trip down the river but at this stage a lot of water will be needed to fill the river. The road run will depart from Corowa Airport at 10am. Feel free to pack some lunch.

Friday 13th March: Trip to Milawa:
The current agenda is as follows:
• 8.00-8.30 Depart Corowa
• 9.00-9.30 Arrive Milawa
• 9.30 Small parade through Milawa to primary school
• 10.00 Visit Milawa primary school – activities and answer children’s questions
• 11.30 Cheese factory/art gallery - cheese tasting and grab a bite to eat
• 12.30 Mustard shop – taste different kinds of mustards
• 13.00 EV olives – taste olives and olive oils and bring a container to fill up if you
want to buy some olive oil
• 14.00 Brown Brothers
• 15.30 Depart Milawa

Special thanks to Sue and Leon Heynders for organising the agenda.

Saturday 14th March: Parade, Swap Meet and other activities
Saturday is the main day of activities commencing with a parade departing from near Ball Park at 9am sharp. Alex McPherson will be in contact with the Corowa Council and will give us a detailed report on the Traffic Management Plan for the parade shortly. This will be put on the website. There have been changes to the entry to Ball Park so this will also be taken into consideration. If coming from Victoria apparently you turn right at the bottom of the Bowling Club (where the original entry used to be) and if you are in NSW heading towards Victoria you turn left.
With the large number of vehicles likely to be present we may need more assistance with the line up of vehicles prior to the parade. To make things easier make sure you register in at the Site Office during the week and place your vehicle number on your front windscreen or bumper bar. This is the easiest way for us to get a vehicle list together after the event. For those arriving on the Saturday morning make sure you go directly to the line up and see me for your vehicle number. If you pay your entry fee you will receive a vehicle certificate of attendance.
After the parade, follow directions for parking your vehicle so we can obtain a group photo of the vehicles. We hope to have a number of marshals assisting us with this task. If you are able to help please let me know.
The Corowa Rotary Club will be running the Swap Meet again in 2009. Please abide by their regulations and do not start selling until 9.45am, once the parade vehicles have been displayed. It will cost $5 per site and they will have lots of food available.
The arena will be set up again near the airport for vehicle activities.
Come and support the Dinner, Auction and presentations on Saturday evening. Make sure you purchase your meal tickets ASAP. The Corowa Rotary Club will be providing a 2 course meal from 6pm. The Auction and Presentations will commence at 7.30pm. There is bound to be a combination of items of interest. Donations will be gratefully accepted. We need your support to make this a special event for our 30 year celebrations.

For further information on the event please feel free to give me a call on 0423 943010 or send an email to To ensure you are kept up to date with details send me an email to get on the database.
Special thanks to Ben Hemmings for putting the newsletter together. He is also in charge of our website.

On behalf of the committee and members of KVE Inc I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year. This newsletter is intended to go out to members of KVE along with past, present and future participants of the Annual GPA Swim-In and ex-Military Vehicle Gathering at Corowa, NSW, Australia. Let’s spread the word to people throughout Australia and the world about how great this event is!
Jan Thompson
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Research & Development
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