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Old 15-10-05, 11:07
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: King size?

Originally posted by FV623
By crude extrapolation I reckon there's 800 ciggies there, some £184 to me (Just under ½ a Stalwart fill-up), or Oz$ 430.302, bit on the pricey side for a good toke I think.

I think I'd rather sniff £184 of petrol, thanks!
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Old 15-10-05, 23:26
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: King size?

Originally posted by Keith Webb
I think I'd rather sniff £184 of petrol, thanks!
Be ok as long as no one offered you a lit match

But I would rather smell the fumes left by the petrol AFTER they were used by a CMPs Ford V8 engine.

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Old 01-12-05, 00:03
Richard Notton
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir
Yeah sure ... show me the inside of your baccy tin

Well, after a long wait for a card reading engine from Epay, and a refund for non-delivery; then a repeat buy elsewhere, I can finally read the camera pictures again.

Of course I'm now learning how to drive Corel Photo House 2; here it was then, but I do have to admit to many refills since.

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Old 30-05-06, 22:30
Vets Dottir
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Well, poor Master Sunray, where ever will you people smoke downtown when at work as of Thursday?

OTTAWA (AFP) - Sweeping smoking bans will take effect at midnight Wednesday in Canada's two most-populated provinces, Ontario and Quebec, amid protests by smokers the prohibitions are unfair.

Most people here said they support the ban, according to reports, but some bar and restaurant owners who deem them unwieldy and a threat to their businesses, vowed to flout the new laws.

"Canadas adult smokers are tired of feeling powerless and voiceless as they are hit time and again with increasing taxes, more severe restrictions, and social stigmatization," lamented Nancy Daigneault, president of the smokers' rights association, on its website.

"No one is talking about turning back the clock to the 'smoke anywhere days' or forcing smoking on non-smokers, but a little balance and civility that allows for reasonable compromise would be nice."

The non-profit association boasts thousands of members and is funded by tobacco firms.

Quebec Health Minister Philippe Couillard told local media 75 inspectors are poised to descend on the province's more than 6,000 bars and restaurants at one minute past midnight to nab potential scofflaws.

Officials in Ontario, where many cities and towns have already enacted anti-smoking bylaws, promised less heavy-handed enforcement by giving out warnings for first offenses.

The new restrictions will forbid smoking in restaurants and bars, bingo halls, shopping centres, pool halls, bowling alleys, convention centres, private clubs, tents, churches and other indoor public places.

Violators face severe fines -- a few hundred dollars for individuals and several thousand dollars for businesses.

The laws will come into effect one week after a waitress who became a famous anti-smoking advocate in Canada, describing on television how she got lung cancer from second-hand smoke at work, died of the disease.

Heather Crowe was 61 years old. She was thrust into the national spotlight after she filed a claim with a local worker safety and insurance board and won.

It was the first successful claim for full worker compensation for illness caused by workplace exposure to cigarette smoke.

"People shouldn't have to go to work to die," Crowe noted in anti-smoking television advertisements broadcast across Canada and in parts of the United States.

Rocco Rossi, chief executive of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, said her efforts became "pivotal to the success of tobacco control reforms" across Canada.

Other jurisdictions in Canada have already implemented stiff anti-smoking laws.

According to Health Canada, smoking rates here have fallen steadily since the mid-1990s. About five million people or almost one in five Canadians still smoke
For the record, I may (non-committal but succumbing to the act soon) be quitting smoking pretty quick as a prioritizing my needs and budget thing. I'm psyching myself up to that Seems my budget works for internet and cable OR smoking, not both, but I need the net connection as an asset (plus just being connected to family and friends). I've been a heavy smoker since age 13 and am now 52. That's a total of 39 years smoking! ... I did quit for a week once in 1986 or so. I spend between $80 and $100 per month on tobacco and papers. I smoke approximately 1 package (50 grams) per week. That's a LOT of dollars on a wee bittie budget.

I know a lot of ex-smokers and most of them quit because of expense, NOT rules and anti-smokers pressuring them

MASTER R., ... is that little stick thing and narrow strip of "paper?" in your picture for making a sort of filter for your cigarettes?

Ma Yappy as a smoker or an ex-smoker would NEVER become an anti-smoking witch against smokers or businesses who cater to smoking customers, or workers who choose to work in them, through smoker-friendly establishments that gives the general public the freedom to choose to enter that establishment or not! As far as I'm concerned, entering a business establishment is a choice, NOT A RIGHT or a LAW and it's just another form of selfish discrimiation harrassment to try and force a business to cater to your preferences. Doublestandards are not democratic (that the correct word to use?) PLUS I do NOT see anywhere non-smokers or governments that make and enforce the laws offering to compensate for the losses and closures of businesses that fail, and lost wages for workers, because of non-smoking dictated rules inflicted on them without being given a choice. It's a selfish highhanded "my way or the highway action" that doesn't give a damn what it costs others for them to get their own way ... bullying is a good description of the behavior. (Yes, I'm very cranky about highhandedness these days and sometimes rant a bit)

Enough blah blah for now.

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Old 30-05-06, 23:03
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Quitting Smoking...


Quitting smoking is difficult,but if you sew your lips shut and cut off your hands......
WEll maybe just one more puff....
Alex Blair
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Old 30-05-06, 23:25
Vets Dottir
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Hi Alex, cute. Now THERE'S an extremist, eh?

Regards smoking bans, I can sympathize and go with not smoking in office buildings, health establishments, and other places where the general public frequent/work/must go and such because so many people and employees don't smoke, are allergic, sensitive, etc. Smokers must consider the environment where they are as well as non-smokers must consider where they are, and most smokers I know are very accommodating to being considerate when that's fair. There has to be reasonableness.

Going to the extremes of inflicting/forcing businesses to sacrifice their freedoms to choose and businesses and livelihood just to make an establishment non-smoker friendly is just going too far beyond reasonableness.

There are SO many environmental risks to health other than smoking. Smoking has been targetted and singled out and has been made "an issue". What a mess it all is trying to come up with a balance of reasonableness that considers and respects both sides and doesn't arbitrarily destroy longstanding businesses and jobs.

Time for a cigarette (I've not quit yet ) and anyone comes to my place knows to expect smoking, although if it really effects them and they ask, I will refrain from smoking inside while they're at my place ... outside? I'll stand far from them and light up where the smoke won't blow in their direction

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Old 31-05-06, 00:34
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Default PC Strikes

That PC C@@@ started down here about 4-5 years ago
it went as far as one entire city going smoke free.
One could not smoke within the city limits.
Bars and the related industries screamed to high heaven
to avail. It was not til law suites started landing on
city counsel members,loss of lawful income you know
did things change..Sometimes you gotta kick the dog
to get him to wake up...
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Old 31-05-06, 01:20
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default I agree BUT !!??

I always ask non smokers-"But what do you do after sex??"I get this stunned look then I ask,"Do you go for a walk,order a PIZZA.beat up the kids,kick the dog.or do you go to a secret place and light up or quit and just get FAT??"
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Old 31-05-06, 21:06
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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A lot of PC bullcrap if you ask me. Hell, the air quality in Toronto these last few days is far worse than the residual smoke in sealed, ventilated smoking rooms. It literally stinks outside, and the media are broadcasting warnings against going out, while at the same time beating their chests against us evil smokers. What clots.

The ironic thing is that the gummint will never ban the substance because of the taxes they get from it, yet they will go all out to 'punish' those of us who pay those taxes. Hypocracy at its worst.
:remember :support
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Old 31-05-06, 21:44
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default 1-800-RAT-LINE....

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
A lot of PC bullcrap if you ask me. Hell, the air quality in Toronto these last few days is far worse than the residual smoke in sealed, ventilated smoking rooms. It literally stinks outside, and the media are broadcasting warnings against going out, while at the same time beating their chests against us evil smokers. What clots.

The ironic thing is that the gummint will never ban the substance because of the taxes they get from it, yet they will go all out to 'punish' those of us who pay those taxes. Hypocracy at its worst.
THis just came over Newswire...
They even post a 1-800 number to rat out you evil smokers.....

Toronto protected by new Smoke-Free Act
TORONTO, May 31 /CNW/ - Toronto Public Health inspectors are visiting
restaurants, bars, private clubs and other entertainment facilities to ensure
operators are informed and in compliance with the provincial government's new
Smoke-Free Ontario Act, which came into effect today, May 31.
"This new Act protects employees and the vast majority of non-smokers
from second-hand smoke. We support this new Act, and expect that the majority
of restaurants, bars and other facilities will be in compliance," said Medical
Officer of Health Dr. David McKeown.
Tobacco is the number one preventable cause of death and illness in
Ontario, killing more than 16,000 Ontarians every year, or 44 people every
"This Act helps new generations of young people to grow up in smoke-free
environments, and will hopefully discourage them from starting to smoke," said
Dr. McKeown. "From a public-health perspective, this initiative takes us all a
little closer to leading healthier, longer lives."
The province-wide Act prevents smoking in all enclosed public spaces and
workplaces, including restaurants, bars, schools, private clubs, sports
arenas, entertainment venues, work vehicles and offices. It strengthens laws
against tobacco sales to minors and restricts the display of tobacco products
in retail outlets, with a complete ban on their display by May 31, 2008.
In the City of Toronto, private clubs will now be smoke-free, and
Designated Smoking Rooms can no longer be used for smoking. Ashtrays and
health warning signs must be removed.
For further information about the changes for Toronto, visit our website
Call the Smokers' Helpline at 1-877-513-5333 for information about
quitting smoking.

Visit our website at
Alex Blair
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Old 01-06-06, 01:12
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Default Hey that getting nasty

Geeze sounds to me like they are getting down right
nasty about it.Geoff your right they wont and cant
ban smoking it is to much money jingling in pockets
for them to resist...
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Old 01-06-06, 03:52
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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In my bar tonight, around 1800, after the normal walk-in traffic, the owner opened up the smoking room again. They've suffered today, though... the place was virtually empty whe I got there about 1600, and remained so. Sad to see. They're all good people.

This is a piss-off.
:remember :support
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Old 01-06-06, 04:24
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this crap hit new brunswick a couple of years ago and the only ones it hurt were restaurant and bar owners. the night before it went into effect i went for a visit to my local watering hole, had a few delicious alpine lagers, accompanied by several players lights, and walked out...never to return. i figure that everyone is supposed to have rights, so why not let the owner decide who he caters to?not so....we are out in the cold, and they were left with trying to attract new smoke free business to make up for the losses. i ask....why would i pay top dollar for a beer when i can't have a smoke(s) with it? what i really miss is the cameraderie, or the shooting of the poop, while i enjoyed my beer and smoke.

...all is not lost, for in a few weeks there will be lots of cameraderie, beer drinking, smoking, story telling, and other shinanigans up at cc-5 and i intend to enjoy every bit of it! mike
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Old 01-06-06, 19:06
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Sounds like a load of bollocks to me. Ok, I don't smoke where there is food being served, I don't go where smoking is already banned, but to tell me that I couldn't use the smoking room (hut in the carpark) at work, or smoke in the carpark itself; that would lead to all out war! What a lot of damage could be done to the local and national economy if all smokers just told the bosses to f**k off until all privleges were restored!

(In my case - my boss also smokes!!)
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Old 24-07-06, 22:15
Vets Dottir
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Default Something new ...


Nicotine in a bottle on its way to Canada
Updated Mon. Jul. 24 2006 12:55 PM ET

Canadian Press

TORONTO -- Canadian smokers may soon have a new alternative to lighting up a cigarette to soothe their need for nicotine -- and it comes in a bottle.

Nic Lite, a lemon-flavoured, water-based nicotine drink that contains four milligrams of organic nicotine -- equivalent to the amount of the drug found in two cigarettes -- may soon be landing a spot on store shelves on this side of the border.

In a statement released in June, the makers of Nic Lite said they plan to roll out the product in more than 50 U.S. airports, targeting nictoine-addicted airline passengers facing the agony of smoke-free flights.

"We attempted to find other products that might have the same biological effect on people to help them when they can't smoke, or in our case, when they can't smoke and shouldn't smoke,'' said Joseph Knight, CEO of the California-based Nico Worldwide Inc., the makers of Nic Lite.

"We tried a lot of different product combinations and herbs and things, and the only thing that really works is the nicotine molecule itself.''

Knight said his company has filed an application to Health Canada to bring the product to Canada.

"We're hoping that in the next two to three months we would have our clearances in place,'' Knight said in a phone interview from Oxnard, Calif.

The product is being touted as a way to cope with smoking bans, which proves timely for Ontario and Quebec where enclosed workplaces and public places went smoke-free on May 31.

Health Canada spokesman Paul Duchesne said the product would be labelled as a natural health product but isn't approved for sale in Canada.

"Health Canada will only authorize for sale those products which it deems of high quality and safe and effective for over-the-counter use,'' Duchesne wrote in an email to The Canadian Press.

Nico Worldwide Inc. may have been dealt a blow in distributing the product in the United States. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration told the company in June that its product doesn't meet the definition of a dietary supplement.

The company had cited a 1993 New England of Journal of Medicine article which stated that nicotine is a naturally occurring compound in many vegetables including cauliflower, eggplant and tomatoes, to support its dietary supplement claim.

"The mere presence of nicotine in foods . . . without any evidence that these foods were promoted for their nicotine content does not constitute `marketing' nicotine as a food or dietary supplement,'' wrote Vasilios Frankos of the FDA's dietary supplements programs division.

Knight said the FDA originally approved Nic Lite in 2004 and that his company's lawyers plan to meet with the government agency in Washington.

Some experts are questioning how effective Nic Lite is in its delivery of nicotine.

Even nicotine replacement therapies such as the patch and gum don't transmit nicotine to the brain as quickly as a cigarette, said Joanna Cohen, director of research and training for the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit.

"Nicotine water you have to ingest, it has to go into your stomach, you have to absorb whatever there is in there, and it's probably quite dilute, and then eventually it's going to have to get your brain.''

Cohen said she doubts nicotine water is the ideal way for a quick nicotine hit.

"That wouldn't be your method of choice if you want to help to curb a craving,'' she said. "You'd want something a bit faster.''
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Old 02-08-07, 10:42
Vets Dottir 2nd
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I LIKE THIS STORY ... I think ... its good and bad for me ... some ideas in this article that I haven't heard of before ... like "smoking causes RA???" ... and "nicotine is an antiinflammatory???" ... eh? ... K.

Heavy smoking may slow arthritis
Joene Hendry, Reuters
NEW YORK - In people with rheumatoid arthritis, heavy cigarette smoking appears to slow the rate of joint destruction, new research suggests.

"Potentially, this may be due to the anti-inflammatory properties of nicotine," Dr. Axel Finckh, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland told Reuters Health.

Smokers less likely to get Parkinson's

----> INTERESTING says Ma Yappy!!! ---> Cigarette smoking is a known risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis , a chronic inflammatory disease that causes progressive joint destruction, disability, and premature death, Finckh and colleagues reported in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

Yet, it remains unclear if smoking influences the progressive joint destruction and disability cause by rheumatoid arthritis. Finckh and colleagues therefore assessed joint X-rays and results from self-reported functional disability questionnaires for more than 2,000 rheumatoid arthritis patients in their early- to mid-fifties.

Most of the patients (1459) did not smoke; 489 were considered moderate smokers and 55 were classified as heavy smokers, consuming more than one pack per day.

Overall, the investigators found that the smokers and non-smokers had similar rates of progressive joint damage and functional disability.

Unexpectedly, they also found slower rates of progressive joint damage in the X-rays of heavy cigarette smokers compared with the moderate smokers and the non-smokers over the 3-year study.

These findings suggest that smoking is more influential in the development of rheumatoid arthritis than the progression of the disease over time, but further research is needed to fully understand the impact smoking has on disease progression.

Still, Finckh cautioned: "The cardiovascular hazards of smoking certainly outweigh the potential anti-inflammatory benefits of nicotine," so the health risks associated with smoking are much greater than any benefits people with rheumatoid arthritis may gain from smoking.

Additional study is needed to understand the influence of tobacco and nicotine on the body's immune system.

SOURCE: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, July 2007.
İReuters 2007
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