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Old 27-11-03, 09:17
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Question Help/Yahoo mailbox crap

Hi... below is a "Nokia link" that "just appeared" in
my Yahoo mailbox...I think its also says AT&T Wireless ... there should be NOTHING listed ABOVE the INBOX... I can't find the proper channels via yahoo mail options or help to tell me how to delete this link again. I don't know what the Sam-H its doing in there, or how it got there or whats the point! Does ANYONE KNOW HOW TO GET RID OF IT? Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks folks...Carman

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh...snarl bite yappy
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Old 27-11-03, 12:30
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Ho Hum.....

Miss Yappy..
This is just an add for Nokia....
A revenue generator for Yahoo...
Do You pay for your Yahoo mail box..??
Probably not...
Nokia is paying it for you...
A revenue generator for Nokia and Yahoo...
Another example of those exploiting,money grubbing,filthy,capitalist running dogs...
None of them in the land of the "Big Bud".....???
Have another Prozac and ignore it..
They don't call B.C. the "Left Coast" for nuttin'....
BUt if you are so inclined , you may want to lead the charge to storm the "Winter Palace" down in the capital to protest invasive advertising tactics on your "FREE" e-mail server....
Ignore it..
On more serious matters..
Are you going to be able to get to the middle East(Ontario) this summer or are we going to get up a collection pot to get you to the Caldwell-Convoy thrash on the weekend before the July 1st weekend..?
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 27-11-03, 14:51
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Default Re: Ho Hum.....

[i]....... On more serious matters..
Are you going to be able to get to the middle East(Ontario) this summer or are we going to get up a collection pot to get you to the Caldwell-Convoy thrash on the weekend before the July 1st weekend..? [/B]
Hi Alex ... Thanks for your feedback ... I feel better about the link if its a Yahoo given (taken)
I have no problem because of the FREE service provided (I choose free cause I'm not always able to affordinternet and need email access) My worry was some A-hole sneaking into my account.

Ok...SERIOUS stuff now... You BOGGLE my brain (not hard to do as you ALL well know : ) with the C-C thrash thing ... WOW ... I've already picked out my FLASHIEST THRASH THREADS to WOW and ZOW Can't you just send a SNOWBIRD to get me? Just tell the pilot I'll be the one standing on the roof of my apartment building waving an MLU AND CANADIAN FLAG that I will get from the MLU. I'll just glom ontothe undersideand be there in 2 minutes. Have a hottub and booze ready to thaw me out and wash the bugs off!!! (I currently see no way to get there without changes in fortune/opportunity before then

Regards comments re Left Coast ... I've been out in "Left-Coast" since age 11 ... and you know what? In retrospect I'm getting a VERY clear understanding on exactly the MANY ways the Left-Coast environment influenced and shaped my decisions and life. While some stuff is GREAT ... others have really been a detriment... and part of me has always stood back and had "secret opinions" about how really self-serving and selfish many of the values and ways are... so many "rights" fought for absolutely disregard fairness and are downright abusive in my mind.

Yah got me goin' Alex ... my discontent is alive! I think I've long ago outlived my environment... Nelson, tho beautiful, is a real little hotbed ... even needy little yappy can see this... wanna shake a lot of folk awake, but I'm in the middle!!!!! Capitalist-YAPPY-Left-Coast...HELP I love the scenery!

And all you guys in here ... Carman
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Old 28-11-03, 04:21
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Default Carmen's visit to CC3

Hey, Yappy:

Can't you just save up your CPP and OAS deposits from now til then (end of June) and come on out for a great blast.

If Mike McKinley can do it, so can you.

Know, what? If necessary, we'll put you up for the weekend. We live about 10 km away from the Caldwell blast pad. Not that you'll need a place to'll be humming and buzzing and yapping with all the real people that you've met on this forum.

C'mon, kid, try and make it!

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Old 28-11-03, 05:16
Bruce Parker (RIP) Bruce Parker (RIP) is offline
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As a long time silent admirer of YAP, you "gone done" and broke my silence with the following pearl:

and part of me has always stood back and had "secret opinions" about how really self-serving and selfish many of the values and ways are... so many "rights" fought for absolutely disregard fairness and are downright abusive in my mind.

True 'nuf.
There is hope for you.
Move east.
Save yourself.
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Old 28-11-03, 08:01
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Originally posted by Bruce Parker
As a long time silent admirer of YAP, you "gone done" and broke my silence with the following pearl:

and part of me has always stood back and had "secret opinions" about how really self-serving and selfish many of the values and ways are... so many "rights" fought for absolutely disregard fairness and are downright abusive in my mind.

True 'nuf.
There is hope for you.
Move east.
Save yourself.
Hi STRANGER BRUCE Gee ... now I KNOW who those secret admirer notes are coming from! Nah ... just pullin' yer chain (nice to "meet you Bruce!)

I just get a tad disgusted by how everyone else loses or gets hurt when a certain "-ist" wins. I don't particularly like the real world a whole lot sometimes either but I do have to live in it...and Sometimes my "secret opinions" blurt out of my yappy mouth and I get people choked at me... peacelovers and new age spiritual "keeping up with the Joneses" competitiveness types...get the most upset of course. Get thee behind me Oh Pharisees (if thats the right terminology!)..aaargh!
Dog eat dog is dog eat dog whether its a militant "PEACE" ??? activist who does violence or starts wars to get their point across, or big biz thriving by causing the death of the little biz.
Logic ... where the HELL is it? Oiy ... where's my prozac? (grin! ... nope, not on prozac, tho Zoloft came in handy once in a very hard time. I'll fess up to that! It was extreme...believe me. Not just discontent with life and people. It worked hru the "impossible" time)

I'm cranky tonite ... yesterday afternoon I had a flu shot in the left arm, a pneumonia shot in the right, said NO to the gold shot in the heinie. My arms are sore, I'm feverish, can't sleep, I wanna SPEAK! I could get on a roll here ... but won't.

Guess my Mars really IS afflicted and my Chakras need balancing, and I'm not chewing on enough wheat grass and taking pot and prozac ... while sipping wine out of a pottery goblet with a wine charm reading tarot cards and feeling your aura and feeding you $5 a dozen organic free range chicken eggs with probable botulism while simmering essential oil of "Oh MY" over a crystal held vanilla candle... now ...

Walks and Chocolate brownies works for me best!
Well, maybe something else helps too

Will there be chocolate brownies back there waiting for me?

Now aren't you sorry you came out of the closet Bruce?

(Seriously ... a change would be so "right")

Yappy Yibberish
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Old 28-11-03, 08:27
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Default Re: Carmen's visit to CC3

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
Hey, Yappy:

Can't you just save up your CPP and OAS deposits from now til then (end of June) and come on out for a great blast.

If Mike McKinley can do it, so can you.

Know, what? If necessary, we'll put you up for the weekend. We live about 10 km away from the Caldwell blast pad. Not that you'll need a place to'll be humming and buzzing and yapping with all the real people that you've met on this forum.

C'mon, kid, try and make it!

hey JON ... Will the naked guys in the kilts be there? And my "Brothers"?

And WHO is "Mike McKinley"?

Yah know ... I (think) I'd love to come meet all you people in person. And you're wonderful to offer me a place to "crash". If theres any way at all I could swing the trip, I would, yesterday.

My little old disability (lifetime - actually means lifetime til the policy changes)is very little money. Its provincial, and my shelter costs take up most of it (I get all the medical stuff covered) My eventual hope is to get moved and get some little home based/maybe internet based biz happening to generate some hiroshas. I don't currently get enough to save anything for perkslike visits with crazy people (stuff happens tho!)

So ... if I can, and everybody wants me there, and will be nice to me!!! I'll be there if I can. Thats all I can say for now.

Thanks for thinking of me and making me feel so accepted and welcome in this community

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Old 29-11-03, 06:54
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Default CC3 shaker and mover

Hello, all:

How many of us MLUers, (Most I guess in the Greater Toronto Area) would throw in a few bucks into a fund , adminstered by Sunray of course, in order to finance Little Miss Yappy to come out here and visit us during CC3?

CC3 is, of course, the Chatsworth, Ontario, third annual Canadian Military Pattern (CMP) get together of like minded people who are crazy enough to own/like/restore/drive/appreciate various historical vehicles and other militaria stuff....and drink beer, lots!

So, what say you?
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Old 29-11-03, 09:56
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: CC3 shaker and mover

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
Hello, all:

How many of us MLUers, (Most I guess in the Greater Toronto Area) would throw in a few bucks into a fund , adminstered by Sunray of course, in order to finance Little Miss Yappy to come out here and visit us during CC3?

CC3 is, of course, the Chatsworth, Ontario, third annual Canadian Military Pattern (CMP) get together of like minded people who are crazy enough to own/like/restore/drive/appreciate various historical vehicles and other militaria stuff....and drink beer, lots!

So, what say you?
That was my original intent but would like to see a cross country volunteer lift to get her at least one way ...
Say someone to take her as far as Calgary..someone meet her and take her to Regina..On to The 'Peg...Over the "Hump" to the 'Soo and so on ..Jeez...see 'ain't that big....if nothing else we could "Express post " her..
This is do-able..
Just think...the "CMP Lady Lift"

A two way 'plane ticket makes more sense though..
I'm in...and seeing you thought of the scheem Why don't you organize it..we send you the funds to get her here..Poor Jif has enough on his travel plate just getting to work and back..
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 29-11-03, 13:32
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Default HEY!!!!!

Movers and Shakers... HEY ... I'm blown away.... again! Jon and Alex... you guys are great!

I like the "hitchin' a ride" idea ... July means a lot of people traveling from one end of Canada to the other ... and longhaul truck drivers work all year round!!! I like the idea of "there in a couple of hours" for lots of reasons including arthritis, but I don't think I could handle the idea of you guys footing the bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats a lot of dinero's and I'm willing to pop anti-inflammatories and keep a tired driver awake by yapping and can share driving (automatic only... can't do standard or a big Mack)

Please guys ... i love you for the idea and wanting me there enough to make it happen ... and want to be there ... July is far enough away to find people going both ways around that time? I'm also hoping to have moved from Nelson by then! And don't know where I'd be moved to yet (in BC probably JUST because of needing/having BC disability benefits... I lose em if I leave BC)

Or ... find me a place to live and job I can do with my disabilities to feed myself and get around and access med/hospital services near, while I go thru the process of applying for disability there while trying to get a little internet based biz happening! I'd housesit... whatever works temporarily until I'm established in my own place etc. I'm sure my doc would stock me up on months worth of meds to carry me thru until I can get medical coverage.

Moving that far has crossed my mind many many times ... whats stopped me is ways and means and knowing noone there and not knowingthe areas. Its a major move ... but not impossible with a little networking

Whoknows what tomorrow...or July will bring? Lots of time to brainstorm and comeup with ideas.

Now... back to you-all...

love Yappy

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Old 29-11-03, 14:23
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Date...

Last weekend in June,depending on the July 1st holiday..Thursday is the it is the weekend before that...
Moving here permanently is NOT the object of the discussion..
With your family and friends ties there ..your established meds 'fits and B.C Pension...what we propose is a SHORT term visit..the key here is REALITY..
This gig could work..Don't forget ..after the CC gig we all go HOME...
That is reality..
MLU is a virtual world and a damned fine one to express our dreams and plans..some even become REALITY..
It brings us together from around the world ..but just the end of the day we all end up home..
wherever that may be ..
I would not be a part of any move to even suggest that your visit be permenant..unless you had the financial resourses to make your wishes reality..
I'm sure you wouldn't want to end up squatting in someones basement..or garage or shed or the mission for women far from the warm climate in BC,friends ,family and the rest of the benefits you have established in your present location to the harsh weather conditions of middle Canada..
Summers in Chatsworth Ontario are hot,humid and the winters ..snow piles are in the Ontario snow belt..
So Yapski..lets think of maybe a weeks visit..
Besides that ,if you ended with Jon and his missus for over a week ,he would have you on fire picket and orderly corporal after the first week...
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 29-11-03, 15:36
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ALEX... Nothing like a public flogging to start a day! I get your drift!!! And I didn't expect more than a visit. This visit you guys started yapping about is a great idea...BUT it also twigs into some of my other long time wants/goals. BTW... I wasn't consideringarriving for a visit and not leaving ... a visit and a move 2 different events. The visit would be great if a sure thing... the move is something I seriously think about for a long time and obviously need to be worked out.

Regards REALITY... major geographical moves are hard to swing from where I sit and spin with health issues and disability... but something that, as far as I'm concerned, and my friends and kids, something I need to do for my own happines as soon as I can find a way to do that.
I'm here because this is where my responsibilites have been... I've done my duty. My "duty" moved to another province and my relationship of 12 years is now just FINALLY over for good...I'm free At 49 to finally make some choices that suit and are good for me for a change. I keep in touch with friends. I consider Ontario, and Winnipeg was the other option, and I know all about the winters back that way. I come from there. Better climates for me than the damp here. I lived them. I'd planned on being moved the week of 9/11 ... that changed things. I now plan on being moved by summer, preferrably another province now I'm free to do that FINALLY, but you're absolutely correct about "it's difficult to swing from where I sit and spin" ... I expected the move to be within BC because of the disability help ... butreally don't want that... so if circumstances could accommodate what I truly would like... at age 49 and unhealthy... I'd rather cut to the chase and be disrupted for a while for the long term payoff...which i deserve. I make an effort and a point NOT to create ties and responsibilities to a place I'm going to leave soon...because when i make a commitment, I'm in for the long haul... and will sacrifice heart and soul to follow thru. I don't take people and responsibilities lightly. Never. And I'd sure like to be living in an area that suits my nature and personality better so I can be a happier Mom, friend,lover ... we all deserve it don't you think?

NOW ... put up your dukes my worthy opponant ... wanna fight?

now back to you...Yappy
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Old 29-11-03, 16:13
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Default PS: ALEX

ALEX...if we're both at the event you'd better bring your BOXING GLOVES because I'll be sure to be wearing mine and come looking for you!!!
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Old 29-11-03, 18:03
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default Not to worry, Karmen

We'll just take away his beer and he'll be helpless...
:remember :support
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Old 30-11-03, 01:05
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Hey ... a bit of a challenge... but here's my ride!
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Old 30-11-03, 10:22
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Default Bl**dy H*ll Yappy

Jeez Carmen,

You're previous photos don't do you justice. If you turn up looking like that I reckon it'd be good for about 200% increase in attendance at the beer bash next summer. Probably with a corresponding increase in droolling and decrease in beer consumption.

I hope that you do manage to make any plans that you have work out, looks like our plans to move out to Vic. BC. have fallen apart. At 47 I'm finding it hard to get another job in the UK let alone one on the Island that'll get your government to let us in over there.
Wear a poppy - support our Veterans and the Royal British Legion

A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age!! (Meatloaf)
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Old 30-11-03, 11:44
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Originally posted by Vets_Dottir
Hey ... a bit of a challenge... but here's my ride!
Which one are you....???
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 30-11-03, 18:23
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Default Re: Bl**dy H*ll Yappy

Hi Dave ... I wondered where you were! Am really sorry to hear the Victoria move bombed. It's so beautiful and I'm sure you and your family would have enjoyed living in that area! I'll be there between Christmas and New Years visiting my foster family (from early teen years) and catching upon everyones lives. They're quite insistant I come "home"! Lovely people who did wonders for me and my life My foster sis Paquita... is irresistable ... she's pure Spanish from Madrid and was a true Spanish Dancer in her younger days Made her own costumes. Love it! and them.

Ride: Hey ... I should think if I broughtthe rider of those creatures (and the creatures too I suppose) that all the men would flee from the area YESTERDAY! ... well, maybe NOT. They DO like their machines and beer

Middle age and work: Don't even go there ... eek.
Any skills I had are almost useless now and need to find something that I can do with the arthritis limits ... unpredictabilty of "ability" is also an issue...hence my hopes to fly something from home base that accommodates health etc issues. It'll happen ...eventually ... meanwhile... "discouraged" is an unwelcome attitude some days. yuk

...hope all is well with you and yours!

xx Yappy
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Old 30-11-03, 18:39
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Originally posted by Alex Blair
Which one are you....???
I like to try and be Chameleon-Like and play whatever role works for the moment... watch it ... I'm changeable!" BUT... if I'd had my
d'ruthers...I'd prefer being an Exquisite Goddess airborne by a gorgeous white Winged Pegasus!

Ah well ... Peterbilt, SpitFire, 747 or Greyhound will suffice...if it must! Whatever works...

Yippy Yappy Yi Yo to you too ALEX
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Old 30-11-03, 18:50
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Default Ah... WHAT THE HECK ....

Out-of-the closet--- This is the REAL me ... aesthetically pleasing in all my aestetic glory ... eat yore hearts out.... she ain't coming anywhere near YOU dudes! TALK TO THA HAND!!! ;P
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Old 01-12-03, 20:39
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Talking Many Possibilities

See?....Many possibilities to get from point "A" to point "B" ... JUNE 2004 is lots of time to find economical solutions. I personally like the longhaul trucks because they have the births and I can stretch out ... sitting hard on the arthritis. Rigormortis sets in quickly!

BTW ... can't believe the costs of "tickets" ... a round trip BUS ticket from Nelson to Victoria is almost $500 with taxes during the holidays... aaargh ... am searching ride-sharing instead. Sure miss my VOYAGER VAN! (but not the money-pit it was) Can't imagine what a round trip to Ontario would be...and I KNOW I don't want to accept you guys springing for flight/bus... too insane! If ride share can't be worked out then I'll send you PHOTOS!

Gotta run ... sneaking in while still accessing so far toady

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Old 01-12-03, 20:58
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Default Re: Ah... WHAT THE HECK ....

Originally posted by Vets_Dottir
Out-of-the closet--- This is the REAL me ... aesthetically pleasing in all my aestetic glory ... eat yore hearts out.... she ain't coming anywhere near YOU dudes! TALK TO THA HAND!!! ;P

Whats this?........."YAPPY THE WARRIOR PRINCESS"....or just wishful thinking!...hehehe
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