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Old 26-03-07, 14:03
Ozzie John & Fiona Ozzie John & Fiona is offline
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Default Corowa feed back

G-Day all
I'm interested to getting your feed back on this years Corowa (good & bad) so we can look to improving the event for next year. Please be honest as we can only get better with your help. What would you like to see done different, better, added, changed, etc

John Hedges
President KVE inc
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Old 26-03-07, 17:11
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Default Re: Corowa feed back

Firstly John....How's Fiona after her biking accident. Hope she's better.


Originally posted by Ozzie John & Fiona
What would you like to see done different, better, added, changed, etc
Change that f@#%ing swap meet to a different day or location. As many ( including myself ) have been saying for a long time, it isn't fair for the people whom participate in the parade that the BLOODY SCABS, start buying at the swap meet at 7.30am

This year for the first time I didn't participate in the parade as our vehicle didn't make the journey at the last minute. I was asked to assist Fiona Shearmann to set up her jewellery stall ( why anyone would want jewellery at a MV swap meet is beyond me, but....) I was at the Bangerang Park at 7.30 and already people were there buying, and to make matters worse it was mostly people who don't participate in Corowa. They'd made the trip especially to raid the swap meet.

NOT ON !!!!

Please John can your committee work out a way to make this all very fair.

I think that just moving it to the Airport wouldn't work either as the scabs would just head up there straight away. Maybe some sort of participant entry sticker. This would mean that there would be more participants

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Old 26-03-07, 18:19
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Early Birds..

Although I didn't make the gig at Corowa this year ,early birds that raid the stalls are a pet peeve of mine..
Now if the early birds want to "Case the joint" that would be fair enough but a restrictriction on any selling until say,9:00AM as a stipulation of a sales table,would put an end to it..
Any seller that breaks the selling rule would be asked to pack up immediately and have to leave the area...under peril of being sheared with a pair of rusty sheep shears and dipped in sh*it and sent on there way...
It would be a stipulation of entry by all concerned that this rule applys and is ridgley the Yass mafia...
That should put the fear of God into them..and give all the parade people a chance to get there for the opening of sales at 9:00 or what ever time is assigned..
It would also open up the possibility of better prices for sellers if two or more buyers wanted the same part....instant auction..!!!
I don't think it would be a very hard sell to the table people..
Make sure that you have a Security group and medical people on hand to deal with fist fights,eye gouging , sac kicking,head butting and ear biting.... but maybe Australian's are more genteel than Canadians at swap meets...
Pretty simple solution..
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:

Last edited by Alex Blair (RIP); 26-03-07 at 18:27.
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Old 27-03-07, 01:15
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Default Re: Re: Corowa feed back

Originally posted by Pedr
Change that f@#%ing swap meet to a different day or location. As many ( including myself ) have been saying for a long time, it isn't fair for the people whom participate in the parade that the CHEEKY RASCALS, start buying at the swap meet at 7.30am

Good Idea! I gave Keefy a lift out to the Airport to film the vehicles, but had to leave him there to find his own way back in order to race in to the swapmeet to set up while the crowd still had money in their pockets. Unfortunately, I was too late, and even prowling the other sellers sites found a lot of the good stuff sold.
Corowa always has some unofficial horse trading going on in the camp all week before the actual swapmeet, but the Saturday is still the big day.
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Old 27-03-07, 06:48
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This was only my first corowa this year, although I hope to make it more regular, even with the boat trip and 900km of roads driven.

I enjoyed the swap meet, and didn't find too mcuh stuff missing, but then again, I didn't know what was there, and I was only looking at Land Rover bits

I was surprised about how much trading was happening at the caravan park, but I enjoyed wandering around to see what was for sale.

Out of curiousity, how much larger would the event to take to outgrow what ball park can accomodate? Just a thought as it is the biggest meet of it's type in australia that i'm aware of, in a hobby that is becoming more popular. I know that the river is conveniently close, even if it was uncooperative this year, and I presume that there is more space still at the park, but for how long? just a thought.

Also, perhaps a little more information about the evenings goings ons. I know that the movies that I saw were excellent, but we didn't know that they were happening untill somebody came around and told us. maybe some thing more formal tome wise? say an 8:00pm start for movies or whatever for those interested?? Not that it made much difference to me as we were in bed early anyway because my wife (who is pregnant) was suffering from the geat and the long trip, as was I a little.
Richard Green
Land Rover Series 2 Ambulance
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Old 27-03-07, 13:15
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Post My Two Bob's Worth

Having arrived on Saturday morning, late, by the time I got there the parade was over & the swap meet shot to shit. Nobody's fault other than my own, but we did make an effort, dragging kids into the car before 07.00. Many of the vehicles I have seen in photos from Sat morning were gone & stayed gone.
The weekend would have been better for us if:
a) I selected a familiar route for the 2.5hour drive (ie. if I wasn't such a dickhead)
b) If the parade was on in the afternoon
Let me also say that despite my idiocy, we still had a great time and find ourselves inspired more than ever. And we did love the relaxed atmosphere...
Keep up the effort all at KVE, & see ya next year if not before.
HH & Jo
Howard Holgate
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Old 27-03-07, 15:09
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default My pocketful of 20 cent AUS coins

... strange things that they are. Not that we're any less strange, but I digress...

Howard may have a point ref timing; but I also understand Keith's reference to KVE's only indirect involvement with the swap meet. If the organizers aren't willing to change their day (for instance to the Friday before), we have to approach this from another angle.

While we can't do anything about people who insist on coming in late (Howard, ), what if the parade were to be held in the afternoon instead of the morning? That way the Corowa lot could shop to their hearts' content in the morning, then show off in the afternoon? It would seem that a change like that MAY be possible given KVE's direct control over official events. I know this would require liaison with local officials (through bribery or the threat of dangling them over the crocs, or better still, being chained up to the back of a Blitz and... oh, never mind).

Still, might this be the easiest answer?
:remember :support
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Old 27-03-07, 15:13
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Sometime tomorrow (it's 2311 here right now), I will create a COROWA 2008 thread and transfer this discussion over there. Use this one for your reflections on 2007 (and previous) thereafter please. Any intervening 2008 posts will be transferred when I've set up the receptacle.
:remember :support
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Old 27-03-07, 15:15
Ozzie John & Fiona Ozzie John & Fiona is offline
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Default Response from info request

Thank you for your prompt responses. It is gratifying to see that our effort is not in vain and your input has all been noted. To clarify a couple of points:

1. Swap Meet - KVE does have some control as to the location of it by the fact that we have to seek approval from Council each year for it's location, hence we can suggest changes in it's location. It should always be remembered that the swap meet is an unofficial event, not under the full control of KVE, there is no site fee charged. Stall holders participate as individuals in their own right.

There has in the past been some talk of moving it to the Airport where there is much more space, powered sites, toilets. shade and therefore, when the procession has arrived at the Airport, they don't have to rush away to go to the Swap Meet in order to secure any 'treasures'.

2. Insurance - for both the swap meet and parade, which is (once again) a group of individuals driving their vehicles up the main street under their own liability. It is not a controlled event, in the sense that we require road closures to the public for this to happen. If we did this, we would have to submit a full traffic management plan to Council/RTA and Police which we wish to avoid. Insurance can be arranged for both these events but it is a lot of expense and responsibility that the KVE committee at this time, feels is an unnecessary burden on our committee.

3. 2008 Theme Vehicles - Given that there may be a much larger number of them than the Year of the Carrier, and some may well be much larger, we will have to consider whether or not they may be able to participate in a procession up the main street. This may mean they will have to assemble at an appropriate location, eg the Airport.

4. KVE Meeting - I intend to convene a meeting of the committee in the near future, so please continue with your suggestions for change and/or improvement to the event at Corowa.

John H
President - KVE Inc
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Old 27-03-07, 15:25
Ozzie John & Fiona Ozzie John & Fiona is offline
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Default Re: Re: Corowa feed back

Originally posted by Pedr
Firstly John....How's Fiona after her biking accident. Hope she's better.

Thanks for the enquiry, I am fine thanks, no broken bones, stitches have been removed, bike consigned to the shed for quite some time, until I get my trainer wheels from Dutchy!!
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Old 27-03-07, 15:58
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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OK, new thread created, posts transferred, but a couple lost in the process. My apologies. Repost as you feel necessary. Sorry, I usually leave this to the steel-trap mind of Hanno... mine's obviously steel-MESH right now. At least we're done.

Nearly midnight here, off to bed in two shakes of a lamb's tail.
:remember :support
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Old 28-03-07, 06:40
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Default My post

I think mine was lost in the move - if it doesn't turn up I'll have to try to remember just what I said, but in essence it was the one John referred to relating to the fact that KVE weren't responsible for many of the elements of the event and therefore can't be expected to just change these things of their own accord.

Anyway, I suppose we'll need to wait for the results of the next meeting KVE have as a board...

They all do an amazing job for we who participate in the event.
Film maker

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Old 28-03-07, 07:05
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Default Re: Re: Re: Corowa feed back

Originally posted by Ozzie John & Fiona

Thanks for the enquiry, I am fine thanks, no broken bones, stitches have been removed, bike consigned to the shed for quite some time, until I get my trainer wheels from Dutchy!!
Hello Fiona,

I was very glad to hear your accident wasn't worse than it was, but sorry to hear it happened at all. Glad you're recovering nicely!!!

I'm also very disappointed to have not gotten over there to meet you and John and do the whole Corowa thing ... which was a huge highlight of what I was majorly looking forward to ... Corowa and everyone there!

Regards the pushbikes ... seeing some photos they look exactly like the kind of bicycle I need and would actually be able to use ... no gears, no handbrakes (neither of which I can work with my hands) I can no longer drive either, although my hands can do more now than I've been able to in literally YEARS! I KNOW I could do a pushbike and gotta love that green color

Take care and all the best in your recovery.

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Old 28-03-07, 08:13
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: My post

Originally posted by Keith Webb
I think mine was lost in the move - if it doesn't turn up I'll have to try to remember just what I said, but in essence it was the one John referred to relating to the fact that KVE weren't responsible for many of the elements of the event and therefore can't be expected to just change these things of their own accord.

Anyway, I suppose we'll need to wait for the results of the next meeting KVE have as a board...

They all do an amazing job for we who participate in the event.
Yeah, Keefy, yours was one of the few. I figured out what I did wrong this morning, so a lesson learned, but you encapsulated it well enough here.

Sorry mate, but the spirit, intent and expression of your comment was not lost.
:remember :support
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Old 28-03-07, 10:46
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Alex....Thanks for the laugh.

Unfortunately us Aussies aren't gentle either, and are known to participate in the odd bit of the biff'o, but we always make up and shake hands over a beer or two in the end....well....nearly always.

Phoenix....Welcome to the family ( from REMLR member 038 ). Corowa is a fantastic thing. I've been coming/going for ten years now...and I'm still only a new comer!

People often ask "what happens or what do you do at Corowa?" and I tell them not a lot.

For me anyway, Corowa is a chance to relax for the year, Catch up with friends that I don't get to see very often due to the tyranny of distance in our beloved country, Talk about my hobby and these vehicle which I love, buy the odd part or bit that I haven't been able to find in someone else's shed back home, See some fantastic restorations and vehicles that I am incredibly envious of, and a lot of similar things.

I believe "Corowa Swim-in" is AT the Ball Caravan Park. There are some who participate and don't stay at the caravan park as it is too hard to find comfortable accomodations, and that's fine but the Swim-in is at the caravan park. For a while it looked like we were at capacity. Down where we camp ( in the South Australian area heehe ) last year we were completely cramped, not a spare foot of grass anywhere. Over the ten year it has grown steadily each year, but this year, there wasn't as many people in the park. They seemed to still be there on Saturday for the parade and swap meet.

As far as the movies and other stuff, Jan put it all on the official agenda that you recieved when you signed your vehicle in for the event. I don't usually attend alot of the organised stuff, we're usually to busy 4WDing on the other side of the river, or this year we floated the 4 or 5 kilometres from the new bridge to the old bridge in what was left of the river. You see there's plenty to do at've just got to find it. Trevor Brown is a guy from Adelaide, who just started bringing and showing the "movies" during the evening. It's what he wants to do and he gets enjoyment in doing it. It's not really an official Corowa thing....but we all know that it's there. and there are a few things like that.

Tony...I'm sure that you have been to more Corowa's then I have. There has always been "Horse trading" going on before the swap meet. I don't think that, that will ever change. I think that it helps to make Corowa the event that it is. I was very interested to hear from Geoff W-B how our event differs from others overseas, and I am glad that our event is the way that it is.

BUT the swap meet is getting worse. There are numbers of South Australians that I am aware of and there must be others from other states, whom come over just to raid the swap meet. They're not attending the rest of the event. Don't stay at the Caravan Park or participate with their vehicles, and I think that just isn't right. If they aren't going to attend and participate...why should they get the pick of the swap meet ...cause that's what's happening.

KVE is only a new thing, and I support it whole heartedly. It was time that some of the organizing for the event was spread a bit further than the two or three that it fell upon year after year. They did a fantastic job..but the event was growing and growing and the stress was becoming obvious on some people.

Now it will be somewhat more official, which is a good thing as the event continues to grow. I wouldn't have any problems paying a fee to attend, to go towards insurances and other costs. Corowa has been pretty informal and laid back for this long, but it is getting so big that things may have to change. This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Perhaps if everyone whom attends is registered or ticketed this too may stop those who just appear at the swap meet to poach the good gear.

Corowa has become a truely national event...even some would say an international event with the participation of such people as Geoff W-B, Richard Farrant, Henri De Walli and others, and it is for this reason we are fooling ourselves if we believe that it won't continue to grow at the same rate. There are people from my state that weren't even interested in military vehicles before that I have seen at Corowa this year. They will tell others, who will tell others....etc en eternium.

KVE is Corowa Swim-in now. The committee will make all decisions on behalf of and for all those whom attend our event. This is what was decided at the meeting in 2005. Representatives of all clubs in Australia voted unanimously to allow the creation of a committee to oversee the organisation of the event. Therefore if the committee decides to make changes to the way the swap meet happens or where it is be it. But as President, John; realize that if and when, we the people aren't happy about something....your's is the door we'll be knocking on first.

Perhaps it is time that KVE did start to take a proactive interest in the swap meet and start to register and charge traders to attend. This might sort the men from the boys as far as trading.

Howard...all I can say mate is you and Jo and family will have to pack the camping gear and come along earlier like Tuesday before the swap meet. Believe me, you won't regret it.

GWB...Sir, thank you for attending this year. I know that you've had a great time here, and if you can make the arrangements your end, you know that you have a family in all of us to migrate over here to the Oz. Any which way I hope you are able to make it next year too...with Karmen in tow, (and maybe Hanno?)

Thanks to all whom were involved again this year, it was as always, a brilliant week.

Sorry about the long-winded response.


NB Glad you're OK Fiona.
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Old 28-03-07, 10:58
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Default Re: and forever

Originally posted by Pedr

Sorry about the long-winded response.

I guess I'm a yappy Yappy influence
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Old 28-03-07, 13:31
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Default Corowa as it was

Corowa as an event has changed vastly over the years . I attended the first one in 1980 and also next events up to 1984 . Typically , around 15-20 vehicles turned up back then . The park was situated a lot closer to the old bridge back then , further to the South of where it is now.

One of the big highlights of the event back then was the local scrap yards . We raided Plumbs in Wodonga and of course Uptons freely let us scrounge their sheds . The stuff dragged out of those yards was mind spinning - cans of WW2 paint . Jeep Rifle holders . The LVT's in Uptons yard .

This F15 of Tim Vibert , came along in 1981 . This hot rod had a Ford Windsor 302 V8 with C10 auto fitted . Not your average F15 .

The problem with the early birds at the swap is really something that is nigh on impossible to fix. The dealers buy and sell among themselves anyway as they set up their stalls .

I do like Geoffs idea a lot , have the parade in the afternoon (12 midday maybe ?) . It would allow more time for latecomers and also more time for breakfast and fixing up broken vehicles during the morning , and the shopping rush in town will be over by then too .

Back in 98 , there was an alternate event held at the airport . Why , I dont know , but a breakaway group decided to have their own Corowa rally at the airport .

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Old 28-03-07, 13:45
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Default Repairs

Repairs at Corowa .

Burnt exhaust valves , head off . Phone calls to FWD's in Melbourne ......

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Old 29-03-07, 01:14
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G'day Pedr, I didn't even notice that you were a REMLR member untill you mentioned it, REMLR seemed to haev a good number of members at Corowa this year, at least 1/2 a dozen I think.

To be honest, I must have overlooked the movies on the official sheed

I understood that the parade was in the morning so that activities on and arround the river could occur in the afternoon. Seems that I missed out on some off roading though, I guess next time I go i'll have to keep a bit more of an eye open
Richard Green
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Old 29-03-07, 02:06
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Originally posted by phoenix
G'day Pedr, I didn't even notice that you were a REMLR member untill you mentioned it, REMLR seemed to haev a good number of members at Corowa this year, at least 1/2 a dozen I think.

To be honest, I must have overlooked the movies on the official sheed

Seems that I missed out on some off roading though, I guess next time I go i'll have to keep a bit more of an eye open
Corowa often has the eerie appearance of not a lot happening, but it has things are going on all over the place. It can be as busy or as laid back as you want it. I suppose the earlier in the week you arrive, the more you can do, and the more people you can get a chance to meet. People quite often tend to move in certain circles relating to particular vehicle interests or club groups, and it can be time consuming to catch up with all these groups, but a rewarding way to share a common bond. Phoenix, I did notice you and WilE together, but never got the chance to say G'Day!
REMLR Mem No 128
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Old 29-03-07, 03:16
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If you'd looked closely on sunday you would have seen WileE, dickyjoe and I having a chat and collecting some NOS panels that dickyjoe had picked up from Aulbry for us. You should have come over and said hello

As for being s busy or laid back as you want, that is very true. I found I was tiered a lot though, with a pregnant wife getting up in the night for bathroom breaks a lot, an airmatress that decided to deflate every night, tempritures and humidity that were almost unknown to us tasmanians and the sheer volume of things to do and people to see, it seemed like we were constantly tiered!!!! Just have to go back again to see the rest

Same at hte Army Buseum Bandiana, I spent so much time photographiong and recording the information about their 18 land rovers in the museum and sheds, that I didn't really get a chance to have a good look around the rest of the displays. Might be even harder with a little buib next year, but when there is a will, there is a way
Richard Green
Land Rover Series 2 Ambulance
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Old 29-03-07, 12:35
Richard Coutts-Smith Richard Coutts-Smith is offline
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Default Swap meet comments

I have been going to Corowa for over 10 years now, and while virtually being a local, have never been able to attend more than the Saturday. I used to love the drive out to Rutherglen, then the walk along the looong line of the convoy, with a chance for a coffee and chat as we ambled along. The drive out to the airport (and I'm scratching for a description here) just doesn't seem to have "IT". So I have used the oppourtunity to have my annual shed clean out and set up a site at the swap meet once the parade starts.
I made one, thats ONE!, sale during "Parade Time". Funnily enough, while I made some sales during the morning, by far the busiest time was after 11.00 when most sites had, or were in the process of packing up.
Make of that what you will.
I have heard many times of the deals made during the week before, sometimes concerning things I have been searching for (Damn that RH door),Frankly it is rare that I actually get to buy anything, But I still love the dayout, the chance to see, hear, touch the vehicles we are all so passionate about So what if a couple of early Saturday birds get a couple of worms, Corowa is still the highlight of my year and maybe next year I'll get to spend a couple more days there!
Thats me done
See you next year
Austin Champ x 2
Humber 1 Ton & Trailer
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Old 31-03-07, 12:29
Ozzie John & Fiona Ozzie John & Fiona is offline
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Default Re: Re: Re: Corowa feed back

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ozzie John & Fiona

Fiona's two favourite vehicles, no prize for guessing which one falls over
Tried to send a photo, did not work, need help

Last edited by Ozzie John & Fiona; 31-03-07 at 13:06.
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Old 31-03-07, 12:58
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Corowa feed back

Originally posted by Ozzie John & Fiona

Fiona's two favourite vehicles, no prize for guessing which one falls over
John, methinks you might be treading on thin ice there...
:remember :support
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Old 31-03-07, 13:55
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Corowa feed back

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
John, methinks you might be treading on thin ice there...
Well, he ought to start "Backpedalling"!
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Old 31-03-07, 14:39
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Corowa feed back

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ozzie John & Fiona
Originally posted by Ozzie John & Fiona

Fiona's two favourite vehicles, no prize for guessing which one falls over
Tried to send a photo, did not work, need help
Hi John,

Do you need help posting a photo? Or emailing photos to someone? If so, I can try to help you by either trying to explain how to do that. or you can email me the photos and I will do the task for you.

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Old 25-06-07, 16:10
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Question KVE/Corowa 2008

G'Day all... time for another session of Stupid Questions from Jif.

(1) Have any steps forward been taken regards the swap meet timing issue as discussed above?

(2) Has a date/time block been set aside yet for Corowa 2008?

(3) Does KVE have its own website? If not, why not? Domains are cheap enough, and I've got webspace coming out my ears...

All for the moment. (Then again, when do I ever shut up...? )
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Old 25-06-07, 17:06
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Default Corowa 2008

As it was me whom stirred this hornet's nest...maybe I can offer a reply.

Firstly, Corowa 2008 will be held from Monday 10th March to Sunday 16th March.

With regard to the !$#%@ Swap Meet. It is felt that KVE aren't in a position to do much about it. Location wise, it is believed that the Bangerang Park is convenient for families due to it's proximity to the Caravan Park, when people have completed their respective purchases and conversations; and is close to Automatic Teller Machines for instances when extra cash is required for those "just gotta have it" spending sprees.

As there is no insurance premiums paid, with no fee charged to either seller or buyer it is a "public event". KVE believe that they have no jurisdiction to move or change this public event.

I appoligise if I have miss-understood or have explained this incorrectly. I am sure that KVE will correct me if I am wrong.

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Old 26-06-07, 01:03
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There was a webpage with the event details, but it seems o have gone missing at some point!!
Richard Green
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Old 28-06-07, 03:18
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Default web page

The Corowa webpage was provided by Andrew T in Adelaide , he had to remove it because of limited space on his server , and time demands , he works at 4 jobs , on the go all the time . He provided KVE with a free service for years and he deserves a pat on the back I feel .

Being webmaster for clubs etc, is a thankless task . It's time consuming as the site often needs constant upgrading . Usually , the volunteer doesn't receive much recognition for his/her work . I know as I did it for some time for a certain MV club here , all I got out of it was a kick in the face and so I decided to resign from the club altogether.

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