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Old 08-09-05, 23:30
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Default Skillette

I make the most of my genes, thank you verra much

Wranglers I suppose?

Here we go in bull low,
stuck in four wheel drive....
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Old 13-09-05, 23:49
Norm Cromie (RIP) Norm Cromie (RIP) is offline
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Default gas,gas, gas


I am afraid my son it will be a black day in hell when you see the price of gas affordable.

I told you those oil barons were bastards....
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Old 14-09-05, 03:49
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Default Affordable is relevant

All you have to do is quit wasting money on the kids. My 2 year still has a gut on him, so I'm cutting back on the milk and kid food. The diaper bag says they are good for 25 pounds, so I'll test that theory when the frau is at work. No sense changing the sprog six times a day when the design limit is never reached.

As for education, school will ruin him anyway - the greatest dopers at my university were the education guys (who, by the way are now principals and administrators - kind of explains why the kids are dropping out like flies here in Daltario).

Now, with all these savings, I can afford to bump the car up to 110Kph on the QWay and only be the second slowest car on the freakin road.

See, gas is affordable! (Note for the dry-humour challenged and soulless oil execs, this is sarcasm and not a reason to raise the price of gas)
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 15-09-05, 04:14
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Default Re: Re: Gas Gas Gas

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Don't feel so bad, at least not yet. Watching CNN last night, I saw pictures of gas price boards down south showing between five and six dollars per gallon! Ten dollars' worth limit per purchase... methinks the shyte is going to hit the fan.

And Jon's right - we are a net exporter of petroleum... if our oil companies come in next quarter with record profits, I'm going to be pissed. The government won't do anything about it though... not only do they make more money every time thee prices go up, probably half the cabinet ministers are sitting on substantial chunks of pertroleum stocks and futures. :
Fortunately, that was a sole Shell station in Georgia that was price gouging for a short while. The price here in Texas spiked at $3.09 per U.S. Gallon (3.8 litres) and has been dropping slowly since; now $2.72 per gal. Still outrageous!
Why are prices so high? Law of supply and demand kameraden! World wide demand for oil has increased dramatically. China mainly and India as well are rapidly becoming more industrialized and are working diligently to secure future oil supplies for their burgeoning industries. China has been actively seeking to purchase American oil companies. There has also been an unrelenting series of events worldwide in recent months to keep the global supply's ability to meet the global demand in doubt; oil worker's strike in Venezuela, Iraq war, loss of oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, two explosions at B.P. refineries in Texas City, lack of refineries to meet E.P.A.'s new requirements to remove Sulphur from oil and gas. All this and more have kept upward pressure on oil and gas prices by futures traders. And of course, price gouging by Oil companies!
Now, for Canada you have no further to look than Brian Baloney and NAFTA. With the signing of NAFTA there was no more domestic price for domestic oil and natural gas reserves. All were to be sold at world prices lest the Americans scream "UNFAIR!" Well I remember watching my heating bill soar year after year! The effects of NAFTA are well known to anyone in B.C. who have seen softwood imports face countervailing duties imposeed by the U.S. over what they perceive as subsidized "Stumpage rates" What ever happened tp good ol' competition anyway?
So, mes amis, what to do about it? Firstly, I refuse to buy anything that isn't made in Canada or the U.S. I boycott items made in China as much as possible. When I phone a call centre and are greeted by Apoo from the Simpsons, I ask to be connected to a "local" call centre. It's only one man's attempt to fight back, but every journey begins with a single step.
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Old 15-09-05, 15:58
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
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Default Now electricity to be increased !!

Hydro Quebec,our electricity conglomerate,owned by the Quebec gov't,who posted record profits last year,the bulk of which was from the sales to New Englnnd states,are now asking the government permission to increase our charges.If the b--t--ds made so much money last year,why don't they take what they need out of the profits and leave us little guys alone,while we figure out where to find gas money for our next fill-ups ??

Damn bureaucrats.They must sit at their desks trying to figure out new ways to stick it to us
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Old 15-09-05, 19:20
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Default Supply and Demand..BS

When the oil companies close down working refineries, cap thousands of productive wells that are put into production only when the price is right, that is not supply and demand. That is controlling the market aka monopoly. And when you control the market, you call the shots ...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 16-09-05, 21:22
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Default Someone just sent this to me.

Not sure where it originated but it's clever...
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Old 18-09-05, 02:43
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Default Oh! Happy Day!

Good news! Our benevolent oil companies have deigned to sell gas to us at under $1.00 CAD per litre (99.9 to be precise). Such generosity after such an atrocity...

How about a spot check overseas? Has the price dropped in Oz, the UK and the US?
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 18-09-05, 04:25
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Default Re: Oh! Happy Day!

Originally posted by RHClarke

How about a spot check overseas? Has the price dropped in Oz, the UK and the US?
In Texas the price as of Sat. Sept. 17th is now $2.69 per US gal which works out to $0.84 Canadian per litre.
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Old 18-09-05, 04:46
Keith Webb's Avatar
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Default In Melbourne

As at today, Sept 18th 2005

Highest $1.39 and low of $1.26 per litre. So no, we're still being manipulated, not to mention the tax upon a tax which we pay each time we fill up.

We pay an excise set at 37.7c per litre on fuel, then there is a GST on top of that.
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42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
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Old 18-09-05, 05:34
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Default USA Overseas? Under perhaps in NO..

It would seem that the politicians from Oz go to the same taxation creativity programme as those from Canada. We too tax the tax on fuel. There is little incentive for our politicos to step in on our behalf as they are raking in millions that were destined to pay down our national deficit and pay for road upkeep. Note to file - the TransCanada essentially is still a goat track thru the woods from Arnprior to North Bay and beyond...

The deficit is gone, the roads are deplorable - not surprising as only 5% of gas tax revenue makes it back to the road...where do you suppose this money goes? Any theories out there in the West (of Canada)?
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 18-09-05, 16:04
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Default Re: USA Overseas? Under perhaps in NO..

Originally posted by RHClarke
where do you suppose this money goes? Any theories out there in the West (of Canada)?

N.B. : For the duration of this thread, the place name "Ottawa" will be replaced by

Do we Western Canadians have any theories about where our tax dollars go? As a matter of fact we do! We prescribe to Dr. Stephen Hawking's theory of Black Holes. As we see it, 's density has increased to the point where all money is sucked into 's vortex but can never escape, especially to those areas outside the "Event Horizon" Once trapped inside 's gravitational field, western Canada's money is miraculously transmuted into an animal protein which we outside the sphere call "Pork" What happens to this Pork? Well you might ask! Through 's system of "Worm Holes" where logic is turned upside , the animal protein is ltransported through time and space to like minded provinces, because you see, in 's universe, likes attract and opposites repel. Hence, we see Quebec and the Maritimes living high off the Hog while B.C. and Alberta foot the bill. Thus spake Zarathrusta!
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Old 18-09-05, 21:50
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Default Maritimes Living High on the Hog?

Zarathrusta, or Zara, sounds less threatening...When was the last time you visited the Maritimes, and please explain the high on the hog theory...As for the province that threatens to go away, but just won't, "hog heaven" is an apt description. You ain't seen nothing yet...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 18-09-05, 22:13
David_Hayward (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default Petrol down!

Supermarkets here are dropping petrol prices by 4pence per gallon though the Tesco in Salisbury is 92.9 pence per litre and yet 200 yards away is an Esso [Exxon] that is down to 89.9 pence per litre now! Yet around the corner the local station was empty at £1.15 per litre a few days ago!

The new Honda Civic IMA is out..nice car! Petrol + electric. Saw one at the Honda dealer in Salisbury where I had to take my poor Civic as I off-roaded when I skidded ona country lane and went into bushes and saplings. Front wing/fender dented, bumper off, headlamp smashed ..first time ever and I have been driving cars since 17 in 1973 and bikes since 1972, but in France since I was 14.
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Old 18-09-05, 22:18
Keith Webb's Avatar
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Default Prices

Just heard the price is set to fall here too - it seems that production is being upped. More bloody manipulation!
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42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
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Old 19-09-05, 00:56
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Default Re: Maritimes Living High on the Hog?

Originally posted by RHClarke
Zarathrusta, or Zara, sounds less threatening...When was the last time you visited the Maritimes, and please explain the high on the hog theory...As for the province that threatens to go away, but just won't, "hog heaven" is an apt description. You ain't seen nothing yet...
I made several visits during my military career to Nova Scotia; in and around Halifax and C.F.B. Greenwood and spent a month under canvas in '98 in Stephenville, Nfld bye. Also spent the better part of summer when I was younger in St. Stephen's, New the maritimes! My last trip to the Maritimes was in 2000, I believe.
The comment "living high off the hog" was in reference to the Billion Dollar Bribe paid to the provincial governments of the Maritime provinces to "Harmonize" (there's an oxymoron!) the sales tax with the G.S.T.
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Old 19-09-05, 01:03
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Default Re: Oh! Happy Day!


How about a spot check overseas? Has the price dropped in Oz, the UK and the US? [/B]

This just in from Denton, Texas! My wife just filled up her car for $2.47 which works out to approx. 0.75 Cdn. per litre. Still high but at least its going in the right direction.
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Old 19-09-05, 03:25
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Default I'm Guessing it was $2.47 a gallon...

If not, I'm movin south!
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 19-09-05, 07:16
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Filled up yesterday - 7p a litre less than the same time last week!
Wear a poppy - support our Veterans and the Royal British Legion

A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age!! (Meatloaf)
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Old 19-09-05, 12:15
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Now with all the crazy fluctuations in the price of Petrol and Diesel, did anyone see the price of Engine Oil or Gear Oil budge an inch? The price of Crude has gone up 80% in the last year, but my brand of Engine Oil is still the same price. Now, I see two explanations for this. 1. There is such a massively huge markup in the price of engine oil that they can absorb rises in input costs of 80% and still make a good profit. Why does no-one ever complain about the huge price of oil?, or 2. There are so many additives and detergents in oils these days that the actual mineral oil content is now so insignificant as to not affect the price.
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Old 19-09-05, 12:55
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Originally posted by Tony Smith
anyone see the price of Engine Oil or Gear Oil budge an inch? The price of Crude has gone up 80% in the last year, but my brand of Engine Oil iNow with all the crazy fluctuations in the price of Petrol and Diesel, did s still the same price. Now, I see two explanations for this. 1. There is such a massively huge markup in the price of engine oil that they can absorb rises in input costs of 80% and still make a good profit. Why does no-one ever complain about the huge price of oil?, or 2. There are so many additives and detergents in oils these days that the actual mineral oil content is now so insignificant as to not affect the price.
I think No.1 more than anything else, coupled with the fact that society as a whole simply doesn't use as much oil as propelling/heating fuels.

I DO wonder about the cost of oil used to develop all those other products out there, eg plastics etc. There has to be a million-and-one uses for the stuff we laymen haven't even thought of (I'm sure Mr. Palindrome knows).

At least gas is still cheaper than booze.

:remember :support
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Old 19-09-05, 21:42
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Default Ya, but...

Booze is not a necessity...(for most), whereas, if you are living, for the sake of arguement in "Dog River" and worked in say, "Wollerton", where there ain't no passanger railway, subway, or other transist system, then gas is a necessity. For a lot of folks this is a reality.

Now, if you are a wealthy politician who keeps his business interests registered off shore, and live off the public purse, then gas is not a necessity, just an annoyance, dismissed with a giggle and an apology...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 20-09-05, 02:39
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: I'm Guessing it was $2.47 a gallon...

Originally posted by RHClarke
If not, I'm movin south!
Just drove back from Chicago today and filled up in Detroit at $2.49 a gallon..
It's coming down but saw .99 9/10 in Windsor...
Alex Blair
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Old 20-09-05, 02:55
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Default Buk oil

I buy bulk oil one thousand liters at a time, and at that amount my price will increase 12 cents a liter Nov. 1st. I will have to reflect that in my oil change prices. The last 2 increases I have absorbed because of the competitive nature of oil changes. Quick lubes have ruined the job but that's a story for another day.
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Old 21-09-05, 01:52
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: 70 + mpg

Originally posted by David_Hayward
Using the on-board mpg computer I found our Honda Jazz would do 75 mpg at times! I have even seen over 80! Now I have just noticed there is a new hybrid Civic on sale here, petrol/electric, 55 mpg. £15000. Might buy one!
Hi Dave
I just got back from Chicago,Il.,and am driving a '97 Toyota Tercel,two people in it and stuff..Not too heavy,and with the cruise control set between 95-100KM I put on 2936 KM (1820.3 miles) and burned 145.9 liters of fuel(32.06 Imp. Gallons ) for an avarage of 56.78MPG for the trip..
I gassed up in west Detroit and again in Ottawa 842Km(522miles) and stogged in 37.464 litres of fuel(8.22 Imp Gal.) for the overall gas mileage of 63.5 MPG...
That was at 98-100KMH with cruise control on...
A great tail wind helped..
With that kind of mileage I',m keeping what I have..
A clean air filter,platinum plugs,and 45 Pounds of air in the tires and reduced speed helps..
Alex Blair
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Old 21-09-05, 03:48
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
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Default 98 to 100kph....

Was that in city driving Alex????

....were you still in first gear????

Last time I saw Alex leaving the parking lot at O'Malleys he was going so fast he was breaking the speed of light as some red paint fell off his car........ but that was before the price hike!!!

Wait til Rita sinks the remaining oil platforms in the gulf this weekend.....

.....Phil Waterman was upposed to be looking up those WW II wood burner design/concepts...... I am really getting interested since I have a wood lot?????

Bob Carriere....B.T.B
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Old 22-09-05, 00:49
Phil Waterman Phil Waterman is offline
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Default OK start here

First step a generator run off wood gas. To start the process
take a look at

If it will work for a VW will it work for and Ford Escape and what will the inspection station say? I like the trailor approach.

Though thinking about it a Ben Hur trailor and the HUP might be the better choice for a test subject. That stove bolt 6 should run on anything.
Phil Waterman
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Old 27-09-05, 03:22
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
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Default Keeping busy this Winter....

Thanks Phil

Reading all this material and thinking of building one should keep me out of the bars for the Winter months.

Never realized this had been so well researched and documented.

Bob C.
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
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Old 28-09-05, 00:24
Phil Waterman Phil Waterman is offline
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Default First $100 + fillup

OK last weekend before Rita hit the Gulf Coast I went out to fill the tanks on the C60. Had two firsts in one fill-up- The price went up while filling the tanks and total for the two main tanks and two jerry cans came to more than $100.
Phil Waterman
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Old 28-09-05, 00:46
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Default Re: OK start here

Originally posted by Phil Waterman
First step a generator run off wood gas. To start the process
take a look at
Dead end street - try LPG for a real alternative:

We've been doing this for decades and it works like a charm. Lots of KTR club members have large vehicles like GMC CCKWs running on LPG.

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