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Old 12-01-06, 21:43
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Derek Heuring
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Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
[B]This picture says it all....
I've always hoped and prayed that the Liberals unlimited arrogance and their belief that they "know what's best for Canada" would eventually result in their demise. Well I remember the "Salmon Arm salute" when Trudeau flipped off protestors from the window of his train in Salmon Arm, B.C. an act that wouldn't have been tolerated from a spoiled brat, let alone the Prime Minister of a country. An act for which he was met at every subsequent stop with a hail of rotten vegetables! Witness his telling an Opposition M.P. to F### off, later trying to pass it off as "fuddle duddle" Much has been written of Trudeau's legacy but few have mentioned the continued, unmitigated arrogance of the Liberal party, Trudeau's most permanent legacy.
Chretien, a Trudeau bootlicker of the highest order gamely followed suit. He once grabbed a protester by the throat and publicly choked him. (claiming Royal Perogative, I'm sure!) Chretien was also a strong supporter of enacting the War Measure's Act in 1970. In 1999 when I was serving in the Golan Heights, King Hussein of Jordan passed away. King Hussein deserved high praise as a peacekeeper. He refused to participate in the Yom Kippur War and was the first of the 6 Day war Arab participants to seek peace with Israel and stop calling for Israel's destruction. The buzz around Camp Zouani was whether or not P.M. Chretien would stop by the Camp and visit the troops while in the Middle East for the funeral. We were shocked to hear that H.R.H. Chretien refused to cancel his ski trip for King Hussein's funeral and sent a lackey instead! Thank you for supporting world peace, Mr. Chretien. Thank you for supporting Canadian peace keepers Mr. Chretien! Ya Jackass!
I could go on and on about Alan Rock, Sheila Copps, Benoit Bouchard et al but I don't have the inclination to waste another breath on any of those lunkheads!

PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! CANADA! Vote these cretins out!

One more thing, years from now when you're a little jaded with the Conservative party and you're thinking about switching your vote, remember:
IT CAN GET A LOT WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-01-06, 21:47
Vets Dottir
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Default Re: Liberal voters

Originally posted by Keith Webb

In fact the impression I have of a typical Canadian Liberal voter is someone rather effemenite who when they're not out hugging trees is protesting against the war-like nature of our CMPs!
There now, ya see, this only goes to prove that Ma does NOT fit the Liberal profile for those of you who still think so ... except I've never DRIVEN a CMP. I hope rides in carriers and sitting in CMP's counts. I have my feminine moments rarely, and yes I AM a tree hugger, but I only hug the ones left after using the others to build my home and stoke the fireplace.
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Old 12-01-06, 22:12
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Default Re: Liberal voters

Originally posted by Keith Webb
There seems to be a slight disapproval of the liberal party in the forum... I was wondering whether someone could profile a 'typical' liberal voter for us non-Canucks - demographic - appearance - preferences (a dislike of wusty old twucks, perhaps) - you know the sort of thing - it appears the standard anti-liberal profile is to drive a CMP!

In fact the impression I have of a typical Canadian Liberal voter is someone rather effemenite who when they're not out hugging trees is protesting against the war-like nature of our CMPs!

Kieth, rather than describing what a Liberal is, it is probably easier and more descriptive to tell what they aren't.

Liberals aren't:

Servicemen, veterans, hunters, gun collectors, people who honour WW I, WW II, or Korean vets; believers in tradition; supporters of personal freedom; frugal with our tax dollars; concerned with the opinion of the majority of Canadians; military vehicle restorers; from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or the North West Territories; people who will stand up to the Indian tribes when the natives break every law on the books; people who will stand up to the Bloc Quebecois and treat them like the traitors they are!; humble; honest; fair; above sucking off the U.S. military's teat if it means they can spend less on defence; supporters of property rights for Canadians; for law and order; for tough sentences for criminals; in favour of Capitol punishment; in favour of an immigration policy that will maintain the historic mix and balance of Canada's population; equally sharing the tax payer's dollars; in favour of a political system that is fairer to most Canadians (i.e. an elected Senate); supporters of Canadian war heroes such as Billy Bishop; rural; ........
I could go on and on but I think you're getting the picture, right Kieth?
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Old 13-01-06, 03:54
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Default Some Lighter Fare...


A Liberal party television ad attacking Stephen Harper for proposing to station troops near <Canadian> cities has quickly inspired parodies on a number of blog sites.

A few examples:
President Kennedy is gunned down in Dallas, Texas.
George W. Bush's home state.
Where a lot of wealthy American right-wingers live.
Some say the fatal shots were fired from a grassy knoll.
Where was Stephen Harper that day?
He isn't saying.
Choose your <Canada>.
- - -
Little Susie Smith, a seven year-old girl in Brampton, Ontario, has her bicycle stolen.
A pink bicycle.
With little streamers on the handlebars.
And who just happened to be campaigning in Brampton that day?
Stephen Harper.
That's who.
We're not making this up.
Choose your <Canada>.
- - -
Stephen Harper drinks Merlot.
With a lamb entree.
In our cities.
In <Canada>.
- - -
Inability to write complete sentences.
Because of no Day Care Program.
Right here in this ad.
In <Canada>.
- - -
Just now at the Subway on Bank St. I was buying my lunch and there ... in line ... standing in front of me ... was a soldier.
In our cities.
In <Canada>.
A soldier.
He seemed to be ordering the six-inch ham and turkey.
With chipotle sauce.
In <Canada>.
We're not making this stuff up.
- - -
Stephen Harper has a dog.
You know who else had a dog?
Adolf Hitler.
That's who.
Did Stephen Harper train his dog to attack racial minorities on command?
We don't know.
He's not saying.
Choose your <Canada>.
- - -
Stephen Harper ate at a Tex-Mex place once.
You know what the "Tex" in Tex-Mex stands for?
George W. Bush's home state.
And you know who else would have liked Tex-Mex food if he were alive today?
Adolf Hitler.
We're not making this up.
Choose your <Canada>.

Sources:;; First hit - Premier mot clé
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 13-01-06, 04:24
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Thumbs up re Rob

:remember :support
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Old 13-01-06, 08:41
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Not being particularly religious (pagan, as a matter of fact), may I invoke some Higher Authority to pound some sense into the Canadian voter's psyche?

IMHO, this is a critical vote situation. We have suffered many scandals and mis-appropriation of funds during the 12 year tenure of the Liberals, (previously accurately reported on this Forum).

If we don't get it together, we're doomed.

Benjamin Franklin, on another issue, said "If we don't hang together on this, we'll surely hang separately".

We, in Canada, are virtually in crisis mode...the atypical immigrant vote upon which the Liberals depend, could sway many voting results.

I'm really nervous about the ballot outcome. If the Liberals get back in...we're doomed.

If the Conservatives get in, then there's hope!

Stay tuned...
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Old 13-01-06, 08:42
Vets Dottir
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Default Re: Re: Liberal voters

Originally posted by sapper740
Kieth, rather than describing what a Liberal is, it is probably easier and more descriptive to tell what they aren't.

Liberals aren't:

Servicemen, veterans, hunters, gun collectors, people who honour WW I, WW II, or Korean vets; believers in tradition; supporters of personal freedom; frugal with our tax dollars; concerned with the opinion of the majority of Canadians; military vehicle restorers; from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or the North West Territories; people who will stand up to the Indian tribes when the natives break every law on the books; people who will stand up to the Bloc Quebecois and treat them like the traitors they are!; humble; honest; fair; above sucking off the U.S. military's teat if it means they can spend less on defence; supporters of property rights for Canadians; for law and order; for tough sentences for criminals; in favour of Capitol punishment; in favour of an immigration policy that will maintain the historic mix and balance of Canada's population; equally sharing the tax payer's dollars; in favour of a political system that is fairer to most Canadians (i.e. an elected Senate); supporters of Canadian war heroes such as Billy Bishop; rural; ........
I could go on and on but I think you're getting the picture, right Kieth?
PHEW : I'm sure glad I fit (in so many ways) into your profile of what the Liberals are NOT ...

Relieved Ma Yappy
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Old 13-01-06, 09:06
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a

Well, if I didn't have choices before, I certain do now.

That ad smearing the military and representing them as dangerous and evil .... (yeah I know, they were used as scapegoats in order to buy votes through attacking someone they wanted to present as a a bad guy in order to ostracize (Conservatives) and win votes, but the bastards used the good guys (military) to try this bullsh*t)

From that ad I see images ....

Uncle Phillip bleeding and dieing on D-Day so that this gov't could have the rights and freedoms to run and win rule only to sacrifice their sacrifices and image only to abuse an opposition party in order to win votes. He is turning in his grave.

Uncle Eddie bleeding and dieing in a field as a POW so that this gov't could have the rights and freedoms to run and win rule only to sacrifice their sacrifices and image only to abuse an opposition party in order to win votes. He is turning in his grave.

Lordy ... if only the dead could rise and stand against this BS. The next best thing is for us to all speak out for our fallen soldiers ... let the living speak for themselves. Please?

My Uncles I mention are only 2 mens lives ... of how many lost? They're ALL turning in their graves hoping those of the living will speak out against this BS ... it's our legacy to make sure that we all do right by what they did right FOR by protecting what they saved for all of us.

Those ads, and the attitudes represented, and driving them to begin with, can't be allowed to destroy the image and purpose, true roles, of our military, past, present, or future.

The citizens of the country need to clearly know and understand the importance and role that the military, and all who serve, have played, and play, in sustaining and maintaining their own lives and lifestyles ... without our military facing and fighting our dragons for us, there would be no us "as we know life" ... that the Liberal Gov't can even have such an ad as a concept to begin with ... tells me that they really don't know how they are biting the hands that have fed them ... or else they just don't give a shit and think no one else will notice? Either way ... I can't accept a gov't who bites the hands that feeds them and even gives them possibility of life ... "The Military" ...

Outraged and worried Karmen.
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Old 13-01-06, 14:45
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir
Well, if I didn't have choices before, I certain do now.

That ad smearing the military and representing them as dangerous and evil .... (yeah I know, they were used as scapegoats in order to buy votes through attacking someone they wanted to present as a a bad guy in order to ostracize (Conservatives) and win votes, but the bastards used the good guys (military) to try this bullsh*t)

From that ad I see images ....

Uncle Phillip bleeding and dieing on D-Day so that this gov't could have the rights and freedoms to run and win rule only to sacrifice their sacrifices and image only to abuse an opposition party in order to win votes. He is turning in his grave.

Uncle Eddie bleeding and dieing in a field as a POW so that this gov't could have the rights and freedoms to run and win rule only to sacrifice their sacrifices and image only to abuse an opposition party in order to win votes. He is turning in his grave.

Lordy ... if only the dead could rise and stand against this BS. The next best thing is for us to all speak out for our fallen soldiers ... let the living speak for themselves. Please?

My Uncles I mention are only 2 mens lives ... of how many lost? They're ALL turning in their graves hoping those of the living will speak out against this BS ... it's our legacy to make sure that we all do right by what they did right FOR by protecting what they saved for all of us.

Those ads, and the attitudes represented, and driving them to begin with, can't be allowed to destroy the image and purpose, true roles, of our military, past, present, or future.

The citizens of the country need to clearly know and understand the importance and role that the military, and all who serve, have played, and play, in sustaining and maintaining their own lives and lifestyles ... without our military facing and fighting our dragons for us, there would be no us "as we know life" ... that the Liberal Gov't can even have such an ad as a concept to begin with ... tells me that they really don't know how they are biting the hands that have fed them ... or else they just don't give a shit and think no one else will notice? Either way ... I can't accept a gov't who bites the hands that feeds them and even gives them possibility of life ... "The Military" ...

Outraged and worried Karmen.

Well said Ma....I can feel the emotion in your words. Many a Canadian family have lost loved ones on foreign fields. They were men who intimately knew the meanings of words such as Duty, Honour, and Sacrifice. The Liberal Party's attack ad bares for all to see how morally bankrupt they truly are. The Liberals are attacking the one group in Canadian society whose actions are governed not by avarice and self agrandizement but by selfless idealism and patriotism.... concepts utterly foreign to the Libs!
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Old 13-01-06, 21:38
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Angry How things really are...

It's not as if we're surprised.... :

January 13, 2006

Liberal tried to bribe me: NDP candidate


VANCOUVER (CP) - The New Democrats said Friday they've filed a complaint with Elections Canada alleging a Liberal candidate in the B.C. riding of Abbotsford tried to bribe the NDP hopeful into throwing his support behind the Liberals.

NDP national secretary Eric Herbert wrote Elections Canada Commissioner Raymond Lavigne on Thursday forwarding claims by New Democrat Jeffery Hansen-Carlson that Liberal David Oliver and his campaign manager offered "a job in Ottawa" and support if he wanted to enter civic politics.

"This allegation is a very serious matter and questions the integrity of the Liberal campaign," Hebert wrote.

An Elections Canada spokeswoman in Ottawa said the agency never confirms if it has received a complaint. Investigations can take months or even years to complete, she added.

A volunteer at Oliver's campaign office said the Liberal candidate was aware of the complaint but was not immediately available for comment.

In a notorized letter accompanying the complaint, Hansen-Carlson claimed he was invited to a meeting at Oliver's campaign office last Tuesday.

He said Oliver and campaign manager Gordy Kahlon told him the race between Oliver and Conservative Edward Fast was so tight that the Liberals could win if they got a couple thousand NDP votes.

"They figured they needed 1,300 votes in Abbotsford to win the riding and I should commit to this simply out of fear of the Tories," Hansen-Carlson said in an interview.

Abbotsford is a traditional Conservative stronghold. Retiring MP Randy White won it in 2004 with 61 per cent of the vote.

Hansen-Carlson said he was asked to issue a statement asking NDP supporters to back the Liberals out of fear of what a Conservative government could do to Canada and to Abbotsford, a city of 116,000 about 60 kilometres east of Vancouver.

In return, the two Liberals "guaranteed me a win in the next local general election and they also said a job in Ottawa would be waiting for me if Mr. Oliver did in fact win the riding," Hansen-Carlson said in his letter.

Hansen-Carlson, a 23-year-old graduate student who ran unsuccessfully for Abbotsford city council last year, said they told him he would also be a respected hero in the Liberal party.

"I walked out shocked," Hansen-Carlson said. "I simply said I'll sleep on it. I gave no commitment whatsoever in the discussion. I knew the meeting was set up to bribe me."

Hansen-Carlson said he didn't flatly turn down the offer because he felt cornered.

"I had two people I respected who I view as having influence in the community corner me in a private back office, completely putting me on the spot, telling me this is how Canadian politics really functions," he said.
:remember :support
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Old 13-01-06, 22:18
Keith Webb's Avatar
Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
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Default This morning's Melbourne newspaper

Headline (on page 20) reads: "Canada's governing party faces disaster as nation swings right"
"Opposition borrows moves from John Howard's campaign book."

It's interesting to get an overseas perspective:

"CANADA'S governing Liberal Party, which just weeks ago was expected to win the forthcoming national election, now appear headed for certain defeat on January 23.

And they may have the Australian Liberal Party to blame.

Prime Minister Paul Martin's centrist Liberal Party is often referred to as Canada's natural governing party because it has run the country for 61 of the past 75 years. But scandals and a smug campaign have seen the party go from leading the race to falling up to 12 percentage points behind its chief rival, the more right-wing Conservative Party, according to various polls.

At 46, Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper is the youngest of the leaders of the main parties. He is an entire generation younger than Mr Martin, who is 67.

With little more than a week to go, polls and pundits indicate the Conservatives could form a minority government. The party has no natural allies, so a minority government would be weak, although some analysts say it is possible they could win a majority of seats.

Canada's Conservatives looked south, way south, for inspiration. According to Canadian media reports, Brian Loughnane, the Australian Liberal Party's federal director, has been an informal adviser to the Conservative Party, as the two parties are politically akin.

The reports were published in The Globe and Mail newspaper and broadcast on CBC Television, two of the country's most respected media outlets.

The reports claimed that a senior strategist for the Conservative Party, Patrick Muttart, apparently shaped his party's election plan after a close study of Prime Minister John Howard's last election victory. Neither Mr Loughnane nor Mr Muttart would comment on these reports.

Whatever the reasons, the shift in public sentiment (as large as 16 percentage points in seven days, according to some polls) is significant.

"This is the most dramatic shift I've seen in a very long time," said demographer Donna Dasko, who runs political polling at the Toronto firm Environics. "Not only has opinion shifted rapidly, but this shift wasn't expected," Ms Dasko said. "While most pundits here still expect a Conservative minority government, the Conservatives may manage to get a majority out of this election."

At the beginning of the campaign, no one suggested the Conservatives had a majority within their grasp.

There appear to be two main reasons for the Liberals' demise. First, their Government has been racked by scandal for the past four years. Secondly, they have been in power for 13 years and are widely seen as smug."

Film maker

42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
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Keith Webb
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Old 14-01-06, 02:12
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Default Re: This morning's Melbourne newspaper

Originally posted by Keith Webb
Headline (on page 20) reads: "Canada's governing party faces disaster as nation swings right"
...The reports were published in The Globe and Mail newspaper and broadcast on CBC Television, two of the country's most respected media outlets.]Source.[/URL]
Now, there is something you don't see in Canada - the words "CBC" and "respected" in the same sentence. I almost lost some valuable beer thru my nose over that one...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 14-01-06, 05:00
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Default Re: This morning's Melbourne newspaper

Originally posted by Keith Webb
Headline (on page 20) reads: "Canada's governing party faces disaster as nation swings right"
"Opposition borrows moves from John Howard's campaign book."

It's interesting to get an overseas perspective:

"CANADA'S governing Liberal Party, which just weeks ago was expected to win the forthcoming national election, now appear headed for certain defeat on January 23.

And they may have the Australian Liberal Party to blame.

Prime Minister Paul Martin's centrist Liberal Party is often referred to as Canada's natural governing party because it has run the country for 61 of the past 75 years. But scandals and a smug campaign have seen the party go from leading the race to falling up to 12 percentage points behind its chief rival, the more right-wing Conservative Party, according to various polls.

At 46, Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper is the youngest of the leaders of the main parties. He is an entire generation younger than Mr Martin, who is 67.

With little more than a week to go, polls and pundits indicate the Conservatives could form a minority government. The party has no natural allies, so a minority government would be weak, although some analysts say it is possible they could win a majority of seats.

Canada's Conservatives looked south, way south, for inspiration. According to Canadian media reports, Brian Loughnane, the Australian Liberal Party's federal director, has been an informal adviser to the Conservative Party, as the two parties are politically akin.

The reports were published in The Globe and Mail newspaper and broadcast on CBC Television, two of the country's most respected media outlets.

The reports claimed that a senior strategist for the Conservative Party, Patrick Muttart, apparently shaped his party's election plan after a close study of Prime Minister John Howard's last election victory. Neither Mr Loughnane nor Mr Muttart would comment on these reports.

Whatever the reasons, the shift in public sentiment (as large as 16 percentage points in seven days, according to some polls) is significant.

"This is the most dramatic shift I've seen in a very long time," said demographer Donna Dasko, who runs political polling at the Toronto firm Environics. "Not only has opinion shifted rapidly, but this shift wasn't expected," Ms Dasko said. "While most pundits here still expect a Conservative minority government, the Conservatives may manage to get a majority out of this election."

At the beginning of the campaign, no one suggested the Conservatives had a majority within their grasp.

There appear to be two main reasons for the Liberals' demise. First, their Government has been racked by scandal for the past four years. Secondly, they have been in power for 13 years and are widely seen as smug."


You know the old adage "don't believe everything you read in the newspaper"...well, the same applies to any media source.

Neither the Globe and Mail nor the CBC can be described as being the country's most respected media outlets.

Understanding the G&M's editorial stance is like stirring porridge, and the CBC is so Liberally left wing opinionated that no other political point of view is countenanced.

So, Keith...from all of the above posts , perhaps you can gauge the mood of the average intelligent, thoughtful, insightful, politically aware Canadian voter...who will vote in an appropriate manner.
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Old 14-01-06, 15:14
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Default Liberal Voters

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
... perhaps you can gauge the mood of the average intelligent, thoughtful, insightful, politically aware Canadian voter...who will vote in an appropriate manner.

I just saw a newscast about our hard-done by convicts who are confined to our federal prisions (which I may add have better facilities and development programs than most military bases). To a "man" they will vote (yes, they can vote) Liberal...Quel surprise!

I think this says a lot about the Liberals, who have instituted cushy prisons that allow: free TV, free Internet access, conjugal visits, outstanding gyms, fantastic metal/wood/etc shops; tattoos, free education, great food (ask me, I know - another story at another time), tons of social workers, access to telephones and the right to vote despite (for some) stealing the innocence or lives of others.

I wonder which way the prison guards will vote?
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 14-01-06, 16:46
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: This morning's Melbourne newspaper

Originally posted by Jon Skagfeld
...from all of the above posts , perhaps you can gauge the mood of the average intelligent, thoughtful, insightful, politically aware Canadian voter...who will vote in an appropriate manner.
If you want some entertainment and have some time to read it, you might want to check out the 362 posts in this thread in Tanknet (which I founded and administer with others):

Regards the prison thing, I was disgusted by some of the prisoners' comments on TV last night. They're ALL going to vote Liberal because the Libs will ensure they keep their "rights". I am not making this up.
:remember :support
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Old 14-01-06, 20:40
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Thumbs up Just Voted

... in the advance polls. Karmen and I.

What a privilege, one which most people on this earth will never know.

Now, I only hope fir the right outcome!
:remember :support
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Old 14-01-06, 20:52
Vets Dottir
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In answer to you-all's wonderin's ...

NOPE .... I would NOT allow the Master Sunray to see how I voted ... ( FYI I chose None-of-the-Above on the ballot )

How do YOU think Ma REALLY voted ... which party?
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Old 14-01-06, 22:44
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Default Re: Just Voted

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
... in the advance polls. Karmen and I.

What a privilege, one which most people on this earth will never know.

Now, I only hope fir the right outcome!

If the Libs win again, better start tanning!
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Old 14-01-06, 23:11
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Re: Just Voted

Originally posted by sapper740
If the Libs win again, better start tanning!
If the Libs win again (I doubt it!), I'm moving....
:remember :support
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Old 18-01-06, 15:53
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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This is a bit of a hoot:
:remember :support
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Old 18-01-06, 21:54
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RHClarke RHClarke is offline
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Default That Growling Noise You Hear Coming From Ottawa... not the sound of Buzz's best buddy's teeth grinding in frustration, but rather the sound of shredders wearing out. The good Liberal ship" Ottawa" is sinking, and the remaining rats are making sure that it is lined with nice little bits of shredded paper.

When the lid finally gets ripped off those Liberal bastions of waste and politically correct sacred cows, I think we will all be shocked at the vastness of waste and corruption.

C'mon Monday!
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 19-01-06, 06:06
Jon Skagfeld's Avatar
Jon Skagfeld Jon Skagfeld is offline
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Default Re: Liberal Voters

Originally posted by RHClarke

I just saw a newscast about our hard-done by convicts who are confined to our federal prisions (which I may add have better facilities and development programs than most military bases). To a "man" they will vote (yes, they can vote) Liberal...Quel surprise!

I think this says a lot about the Liberals, who have instituted cushy prisons that allow: free TV, free Internet access, conjugal visits, outstanding gyms, fantastic metal/wood/etc shops; tattoos, free education, great food (ask me, I know - another story at another time), tons of social workers, access to telephones and the right to vote despite (for some) stealing the innocence or lives of others.

I wonder which way the prison guards will vote?
Yeah, it was the Liberal government who gave the vote back to prisoners...(the Trudeau Charter of Rights, ya know).

Prior to that, prisoners were specifically disenfranchised, as a form of civil punishment, meaning that the actions for which they were incarcerated were not deemed worthy of voting priviledges.

The permutations of that treasonous bastard, Trudeau, still permeate our judiciary, legislature and executive.

Some legacy...yet some Canadians, inexplicably, think that he was the greatest statesman that Canada ever had!

Shows you how stupid some Canadians (and what part of the Third World are you from?) are.

I JUST MADE THIS UP, since it's my personal opinion. :dh: ?
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Old 21-01-06, 22:12
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Default A tidbit from the morning paper here

In a small article on page 10 of the Melbourne Age is a quote from some joker named Martin saying if the conservatives get in they may even ban gay marriages!!!

Quel horreur!
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Old 22-01-06, 09:52
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Default Re: Liberal Voters

Originally posted by RHClarke

I just saw a newscast about our hard-done by convicts who are confined to our federal prisions (which I may add have better facilities and development programs than most military bases). To a "man" they will vote (yes, they can vote) Liberal...Quel surprise!

I think this says a lot about the Liberals, who have instituted cushy prisons that allow: free TV, free Internet access, conjugal visits, outstanding gyms, fantastic metal/wood/etc shops; tattoos, free education, great food (ask me, I know - another story at another time), tons of social workers, access to telephones and the right to vote despite (for some) stealing the innocence or lives of others.

I wonder which way the prison guards will vote?
We have the same kind of prisons over here - and then the politicians wonder why people re-offend! It's because they have better facilities inside than out! Offenders get free access to education and support that those who actually work for a living have to pay excessive fees for!
Bring back bread and water diets, and hard demeaning labour - after all it's supposed to be a punishment for crimes commited; not a holiday camp!!

(Sorry about ranting on someone elses political thread, but it really pi**es me off when I see what goes on - I reckon the only thing that stops more people going for the freebies is the danger in bending down in the showers to pick up the soap!!!)
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Old 22-01-06, 10:19
Richard Notton
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Default Re: Re: Liberal Voters

Originally posted by DaveCox
We have the same kind of prisons over here - . . . . .
after all it's supposed to be a punishment for crimes commited; not a holiday camp!!

(Sorry about ranting on someone elses political thread, but it really pi**es me off when I see what goes on - I reckon the only thing that stops more people going for the freebies is the danger in bending down in the showers to pick up the soap!!!)
Ah, Dave has articulated just what I was thinking too, however, our prisoners do not get the vote.

Happily, the dangerous shower scenario is now totally nullified by soap-on-a-rope.

However, it reminds me that a partial snippet of news last night alleged that my Lib-Dem MP has been found to be procuring young lads for nefarious purposes, "rent boys" I think in the modern idiom.

Oh dear.

Not that I voted for him though.

Where is Enoch Powell when you need him most?

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Old 24-01-06, 04:37
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Default Arrrgh! The Results are Coming In

Atlantic Canada - Liberal
Quebec - Bloque
Ontario - all over the map
West - mostly Conservative

Result - Minority Conservative Government. Hmmm, PM PM must have known something was up. As I drove past his digs on Sussex Drive this afternoon, a large moving van was dutifully waiting by the old city hall...Good riddance.
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 24-01-06, 04:48
Vets Dottir
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Ma Yappy voted Conservative (as I mentioned earlier in my thread about who did I vote for) though Master Sunray was convinced that I voted NDP ..... (how little you know me )


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Old 24-01-06, 05:21
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GODDAMIT! How the hell can the people of Canada send that many Liebrano$ back to Ottawa. I AM DISGUSTED.

Have to grudgingly congratulate Layton, though. He done good for himself (even though I hate the bastard).

We have our work cut out for us now.
:remember :support
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Old 24-01-06, 06:21
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Harper is in and Martin is resigning. There IS hope for us yet...
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Old 24-01-06, 12:24
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Finally we may get some sensible legislation on long guns...

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Harper is in and Martin is resigning. There IS hope for us yet...
Sensible gun control...
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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