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Old 09-06-13, 01:30
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Niels Vegger
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Default Question about Cab 12 Chevrolet FAT

Hi All
I have a couple of questions regarding Chevy cab 12 FATs that I hope someone can help with.

Are the axles and brakes on a 1941 Cab 12 Chevy FAT same as on a 1944 Chevy Cab 13 C60? I have heard that they are.
If not, would it be possible to fit C60 axles on a cab 12 FAT? or where do I find brake parts for a cab 12?

Is it possible to find manuals and handbooks on cab 12 chevys anywhere ?
1941 Chevrolet, Cab 12 CGT, 7A2 body
1944 Ariel W/NG
1944 Scammell Pioneer SV/2S x 2
1955 Austin Champ, 04BF45

1946 Chevrolet 5400 COE, Civilian
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Old 09-06-13, 18:11
Phil Waterman Phil Waterman is offline
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Default Pat 12 to Pat 13 interchange

Hi Neils

What you want to find is the later or Pattern 13 parts book, in most cases it will list the parts and where there is a difference it will will say something like early or late body style or give a serial number change over point.

In a general sense I think you will find that on the C60 and FAT Chev you will that the axles assemblies are interchangeable as units.

As to where to find brake parts first bit of confusion is that many Chev 3 Tons used FORD brakes, now as to the parts and where to find them it will depend on what you need. Brake lines etc are relatively easy to find as there are modern equivalents. Brake cylinders, in my experience have them sleeved the sleeved will out last NOS or new parts many times over.

There are several good threads about brake parts on MLU it takes a little searching to find them.

I have a lot of photos of the Axle assemblies for the Pattern 12 and 13 C60 on my web site.

Keep us posted on your progress.

Cheers Phil
Phil Waterman
`41 C60L Pattern 12
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Old 10-06-13, 16:31
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Niels Vegger
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I will see if I can find a parts book then.
I have bought a 41 Cab 12 Chevy fat in reasonable condition, but it is missing all "internal" parts in the front brakes: Liners, springs cylinders etc.
and I have 44 Cab 13 C60m that is getting broken for spares so I was wandering if I could use the front internal brake parts from the C60 for the FAT, or if had to replace the whole axle (front and rear)
It will be awhile before the FAT is delivered because of paper work and it is in another country, and therefor I can not check if the parts are the same.
1941 Chevrolet, Cab 12 CGT, 7A2 body
1944 Ariel W/NG
1944 Scammell Pioneer SV/2S x 2
1955 Austin Champ, 04BF45

1946 Chevrolet 5400 COE, Civilian
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Old 10-06-13, 21:27
Hanno Spoelstra's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Niels V View Post
I have bought a 41 Cab 12 Chevy fat in reasonable condition, but it is missing all "internal" parts in the front brakes: Liners, springs cylinders etc.
and I have 44 Cab 13 C60m that is getting broken for spares so I was wandering if I could use the front internal brake parts from the C60 for the FAT, or if had to replace the whole axle (front and rear)

I am not sure, but would hazard a guess that the brake parts are the same as the CGT used the same mechanical components as the C60 3-tonners. Would be best to save the C60L's complete axles if you have the space, otherwise save the brake back plates, internal brake components plus drums. That should give you enough options for the CGT while you go through the parts lists and sort out the details. I'll check my manuals to see if I have the info.

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Old 10-06-13, 22:03
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Niels V Niels V is offline
Niels Vegger
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All the mechanical part and the original body parts will be kept from the C60M but most of the body work is postwar danish and rotten so thats going in the bin
1941 Chevrolet, Cab 12 CGT, 7A2 body
1944 Ariel W/NG
1944 Scammell Pioneer SV/2S x 2
1955 Austin Champ, 04BF45

1946 Chevrolet 5400 COE, Civilian
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Old 11-06-13, 01:25
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
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Default A word of caution......

Some early Chevrolet Gun Tractors....Also knows as CGT had the specail heavy duty casted from axle which differed from the typical CMP later production front axle. ..... and from my experience and photos ...that special Heavy Duty cast axle had similar eggcups mountings and brake plate of a 16 inch CMP front axle.....
.....................even when 20 inch rims were installed.

Early cab 11 CGT had that front axle one is at the Kars Museum.... I also found such a large axle on a 1942 C15a ....... but it is the 4 bolt eggcup which would not exchange for the larger C60 axle......

Now to complicate things early FAT also known as Ford Artilery Tractors also had GM front axles.......

So my advice is save all you can from the C60 if they do not fit they can always be traded for other parts later...... once you have you gun tractor home start taking pictures of your front axle so we can identify it for you on the forum.

Photos 1,2,3 are from the Kars cab 11 CGT photo 4 is the same CGT with rare early cast GM rear axle
Photo 5 is Petrolia's famous Ford FAT with GM axle.
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Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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