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Old 08-06-08, 12:00
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Default Last Post from me.

Hi MLUers,

This is my last post (I think) in MLU to basically let you folks
know I am leaving MLU as soon as Geoff gets around to deleting my membership for me, and I won't be back BUT if any of you wants or needs
to contact me, and you don't have my email address, ask anyone who
might have it to send it to you, and they have my blessings to pass it
on to you.

My recent posts in my POWS thread wasn't bids for pity-parties, it was
an attempt to try and get things in here dealing with reality and people being and doing right by each other as a stance against things working against that in here at the moment. What more can I say before I leave? Not much

D-Day plu 2. This date is absolutely untintentional for timing of me leaving, but the timing is amazing. Folks in here who know what brought me here, My Uncle Ed, know that he is who brought me here, also know that today happens to be the anniversary of his execution in Normandy 64 years ago.

All through my membership in here, I've gone on and on, again and again over the years, ad nauseum, about my thoughts and feelings about MLU, members, Geoffs creation of this environment and the people its drawn, and how wonderful a place its been. The quality of the people and how they treat each other in here, and the humour and help and god knows what else, has always been a draw. My gratitude to all of you, including Geoff (believe what you will) on those levels, is still strong in me. Gratitude and credit where they are due is my way, without ignoring the discredits also due. Both/and. I hold both up when I look at people, and try very hard to keep the both/ands alive and respond to both in people and life. I call that dealing with reality and reality is the most precious thing in the world to me as reality is all we have to build from.

So much wonderful and awesome reality to MLU and MLUers. Unfortunate that the other, lack of it, ends up deciding for me its time to go.

You folks rock. And you won't miss me too much because my presence in here has not been good for a long time now and I can't fix that.

Thats about all I can think of at the moment and my membership will probably be deleted shortly so won't be able to post again, but just know, all of you, that my membership in here and what I got from you all on all levels, none can compare. It doesn't get any better than that and MLU has given more blessings in ways that matter, than any negatives.

Take care of yourselves, and for those whose loved ones are serving and/or will ... those who are/will serve

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Old 08-06-08, 14:34
malcolm erik bogaert malcolm erik bogaert is offline
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Default Carmens last post

Carmen dont know what going on...but guess it must be something pretty serious for you to leave this band of brothers(and sisters)...whatever it is you take care of yourself and accept our best wishes from my location just across from the Holy Island of Lindisfarne (cradle of Christianity) in North-Northumberland. best regards malcolm
mally B
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Old 08-06-08, 23:06
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Like Malcolm I have no idea what is going on either but understand what life is like and will respect your decision.

Take Care Yappy, until we chat again

Cliff Hutchings
aka MrRoo S.I.R.

"and on the 8th day he made trucks so that man, made on the 7th day, had shelter when woman threw him out for the night"
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Old 09-06-08, 00:24
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Wink Ma...Carmen..Karman...Yappy...

I respect your decision to leave..You will be missed..but with all your AKA's you will be in good company ,so keep your stick on the ice..and good luck..until our paths cross again..
Alex Blair
:remember :support :drunk:
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Old 09-06-08, 00:50
lynx42 lynx42 is offline
Rick Cove
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Good Luck and Best Wishes, Ma. Sorry that your moving on. We at MLU will sure miss you. Come back as a guest and check on us Ozzies. Rick
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1943 Ford Lynx
1942 Bren Gun Carrier VR no.2250
Humber FV1601A
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Last edited by lynx42; 09-06-08 at 00:56.
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Old 09-06-08, 01:52
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So long Ma you will be missed All the best in the future
Now who is going to keep Cliff and Keith in line with the
Robert Pearce.
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Old 09-06-08, 01:56
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Originally Posted by hrpearce View Post
So long Ma you will be missed All the best in the future
Now who is going to keep Cliff and Keith in line with the
someone will just have to me!
Cliff Hutchings
aka MrRoo S.I.R.

"and on the 8th day he made trucks so that man, made on the 7th day, had shelter when woman threw him out for the night"
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Old 09-06-08, 07:34
Lynn Eades Lynn Eades is offline
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Default Carmen

You have been here all the time I,ve been here. You have added a richness to the flavour of this forum. A near lone voice in this otherwise male domain.
I would like to think that you and Geoff can make peace some time.
I, for one will miss your presence,and look forward to seeing you pop up again sometime in the future.
All the best, until then.

Carrier Armoured O.P. No1 Mk3 W. T84991
Carrier Bren No2.Mk.I. NewZealand Railways. NZR.6.
Dodge WC55. 37mm Gun Motor Carriage M6
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So many questions....
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Old 09-06-08, 14:06
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Default Carman

it has been a lot of fun with you in here over the years and you created some funny and interesting threads like the.... MLU-ers Story once upon a time.... which I enjoyed along with the rest of the crew in here
you keep well and look after those old bones of yours
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Old 09-06-08, 23:18
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Default Bye!

We have touched base thanks!

Last edited by David_Hayward (RIP); 10-06-08 at 12:35.
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Old 10-06-08, 12:12
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So sorry to see you go Ma, i have enjoyed very much your input and hearing about you and yours,respect and best wishes for the future
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Old 11-06-08, 05:01
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Derek Heuring
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Default Sorry to see you go Carmen.

I think I speak for most MLUers when I say that a little injection of estrogen in this testosterone laded forum was welcome and refreshing, in small doses anyway

I'll keep your private email handy and should one of my annual treks to B.C. find me in the East Kootenays, you know I'll knock you up...that's British slang for dropping in, not what you preverts are thinking!

CHIMO! Derek.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
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Old 11-06-08, 05:45
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Dave Demorrow
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we will all miss ya, you can still come back i hope
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and the list keeps growing, and growing.... i need help LOL
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