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Old 13-02-03, 15:59
Ian McCallum's Avatar
Ian McCallum Ian McCallum is offline
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Unhappy Still no 'Heavy Utility Vehicles'?

Hi Geoff,

Excellent new forum layout, like it a lot.

However on checking the main site I still see there is no posting within the softskin vehicles section relating to the Heavy Utility? Been under development since I first visited the site many moons ago, surely you are still not short of material on the variants, or are you?

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Old 14-02-03, 20:39
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Still no 'Heavy Utility Vehicles'?

Originally posted by Ian McCallum
However on checking the main site I still see there is no posting within the softskin vehicles section relating to the Heavy Utility? Been under development since I first visited the site many moons ago, surely you are still not short of material on the variants, or are you?
Not really short, Ian! The problem has more been time... with my current schedule being what it is, I sometimes don't remember my own name!

I have tons of stuff which just has to be formatted and input, on many subjects. It irks me that I haven't "gotten around to it" yet. Between the various sites which I have up & running at least in skeleton format, this could easily be a full-time job on its own! What I need is a web programmer... but you're right, I'm going to have to figure this one out sooner rather than later...
:remember :support
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Old 23-03-06, 03:22
Rob Fast Rob Fast is offline
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Default I would love to see ...

the Heavy Utility section a little more updated. I know Geoff, you have your hands full, screening a lot of my negative banter, and the like! I think there is a real genuine interest in all of the HUP/HUW posts on the forum, the NIPPER post gets a lot of attention I think. At your leisure Geoff. Cheers Rob
1942 C8A- HUW " Wireless Nipper"
1943 F-60S LAAT and 1939 Bofors
1942 C8 Wireless
1943 FAT/ 17 pounder
1941 C15 GS 2B1

Last edited by Rob Fast; 24-03-06 at 03:48.
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Old 23-03-06, 04:29
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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I'd love to, Rob, honestly. The last three years have been a little rough on me personally, and I've found little time or energy to update any of my sites, aside from keeping the forum up & running. I'd give my eye teeth for a skilled web developer who knows WW2 and vehicles, right about now...

I'll do my best, and thanks for the note.
:remember :support
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Old 23-03-06, 08:47
Keith Webb's Avatar
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Default Developer

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
I'd give my eye teeth for a skilled web developer who knows WW2 and vehicles, right about now...
Would love to assist Jif, but have my hands full just trying to process the stuff I have!
Film maker

42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
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Macleod, Victoria Australia
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Old 23-03-06, 13:15
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Developer

Originally posted by Keith Webb
Would love to assist Jif, but have my hands full just trying to process the stuff I have!
I know that Keefy, but I appreciate the thought! Besides, between you and Hanno, you've pretty much covered my slack. Eventually, I WOULD like to completely revamp my whole site, though; the design as it exists is outmoded now. What I'd LIKE to see is a database-driven system.

:remember :support
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Old 10-07-06, 08:54
Ponysoldier Ponysoldier is offline
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Default Hello

I'll tell you that I'm retired and have quite a bit of time
on my hands,I'd be more than happy help in any way
that I can.This is a great fourm and the many others
are the same.I would consider it an honor to help
in any way.
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Old 13-07-06, 22:23
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Hello

Originally posted by Ponysoldier
I'll tell you that I'm retired and have quite a bit of time
on my hands,I'd be more than happy help in any way
that I can.This is a great fourm and the many others
are the same.I would consider it an honor to help
in any way.
Pat, thanks for your kind offer. The forum will remain as is of course, but the rest I haven't decided what to do with. After 8 years it really does need revamping, but life has been so busy and indeed, upside down, in the last 4 years, I haven't made time to approach the issue.

Thanks again, Pat; I really appreciate your interest and participation in MLU's affairs. You have a unique perspective which is welcome.

:remember :support
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