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Old 18-09-06, 01:36
Dan Sicotte Dan Sicotte is offline
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Default Picture library

I was just curious as to why MLU doesn't have a picture library of the members' vehicles (those that have some, or would want to post pics). RH Clarke came by and said I should post some pics of my Ferret. But where would I do that? A library would be great. It would be good for restoration, and general knowledge.

Just curious as to weather this has been brought up before.
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Old 20-09-06, 01:30
Dan Sicotte Dan Sicotte is offline
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So it's a bad idea then.
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Old 20-09-06, 02:36
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default pictures

I'll field this one Geoff
Hi Dan,
though no specific picture library exists, people are free to post pictures with their posts, and most often do. I think we have seen most of the forum members vehicles under post like " my new cmp" or such. The pictures then stay with the posts and replies instead of standing alone and linking them back to the relevent conversations, more work for the moderators.
I will agree hunting them down is a pain, but certainly a learning experience.
1944 Allis Chalmers M7 Snow Tractor
1944 Universal Carrier MKII
M9A1 International Halftrack
M38CDN 1952
Other stuff
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Old 20-09-06, 02:46
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RHClarke RHClarke is offline
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Another option would be to open an account with PHOTOBUCKET and or other online repositories and post a pointer (url) to the pictures. I believe that this has already been done on MLU, and I am sure that one of the more experienced Photobucketeers can provide the necessary info on just how to do this.

In any case, I strongly urge you to "show off" your project. There are quite a few of us out there who are interested in your project and your talents (i.e.: custom made Ferret exhaust pipes et al).

PM coming your way...
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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