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Old 22-02-07, 21:52
Vets Dottir
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Default Not getting MLU notifications?

Hi Folks,

I haven't been getting email notifications for PM's or emails from MLU when I should be ... I just sent myself a test email and a test PM through my profile and didn't receive the email notifications. Anyone else having this problem too, or is it just me???

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Old 22-02-07, 22:08
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Not getting MLU notifications?

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
Hi Folks,

I haven't been getting email notifications for PM's or emails from MLU when I should be ... I just sent myself a test email and a test PM through my profile and didn't receive the email notifications. Anyone else having this problem too, or is it just me???

It's part of what I mentioned in the Officer's Mess. Server-based email ain't working and the buggers haven't yet answered me. I haven't received any email for 14 hours.

If anyone needs to contact me, use, or PM me (preferable). I will notify when rectified, although I suspect it will take until I switch providers.
:remember :support
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Old 22-02-07, 22:15
Vets Dottir
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Thanks for replying Geoff. I hope this gets fiixed/sorted out soon. My own emails and such aren't that important but I assume a lot of members are and they ain't getting through when they need to.

Do you figure this is just server troubles or is it a combination of the server and the older version forum software???

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Old 22-02-07, 22:24
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir
Do you figure this is just server troubles or is it a combination of the server and the older version forum software???

With the progressively regular outages we've experienced, I know it's the provider and/or whomever they subcontract for server space. The software is not at fault (with the minor exception of the change-of-email-address which we're aware of). I'll probably upgrade the software once we get back from Oz, but first things first; what we had yesterday ain't working right now. I want to migrate before we leave in case the whole thing crashes and burns. It may be as soon as this weekend, but like I said, it may involve a day's outage as the DNS information is repopulated throughout the internet.
:remember :support
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Old 22-02-07, 22:28
Vets Dottir
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I don't know the whole process, not being savvy about any of this internet/server stuff, but it sounds good to know things are being dealt with and that MLU will soon be running okay ... good luck with whoever you find as a new server!!!

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Old 23-02-07, 22:24
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Looks like my SUNRAY email is back up, but it doesn't change my decision. Aside from cleaning the house, sorting this is my weekend tasking.
:remember :support
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Old 24-02-07, 00:27
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Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Aside from cleaning the house, sorting this is my weekend tasking.
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Old 24-02-07, 00:49
Grant Bowker Grant Bowker is offline
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Default Not sure if it helps in diagnosis but..

since late Tues or early Wed I have not been able to use Netscape browser for the forums (received an error message about a PHP application) but it seemed OK for the rest of the site. I have had PMs apparently disappear into space this week. All attempts to view forums on Internet Explorer have been successful.

Even with the troubles it is still wonderful to have such a resource (mainly) available.
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Old 27-02-07, 02:25
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
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Been up all day for ME... but Karmen and Keefy have told me they've had repeated problems getting in... let me know if you've had problems. I've been trying to negotiate a new deal with a new provider. Keep me posted.
:remember :support
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Old 27-02-07, 05:50
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Default Getting In

First time I've been able to get in since Sat morning.
Appears to be ok now.
Cheers, Bill
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Old 27-02-07, 12:04
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Access from Holland is o.k., except for the "customary (for not much longer, I hope!) outages".

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Old 27-02-07, 20:03
Bruce MacMillan Bruce MacMillan is offline
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Default access problems

I have had problems all week. It was down all morning here and is just now up. It looks like a DNS issue as I could ping the ip address but not the url.
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Old 27-02-07, 20:28
Vets Dottir
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Default Well ... i'm in!

I finally was able to get in just now ... haven't been able to at all yesterday except for ONCE very briefly early yesterday, then absolutely not at all until just now! ... and basically same scenarios for about the last 3 days.

[quote]Bob is having huge problems as well Geoff![/b]

I did receive your email Geoff ... that's the only mail I had from MLU site today so far (I mean VIA the forum like emails through my profile or notifications) I don't have the IP address to try accessing it that way ... can you note it down in here for me/us please and thank you?

Now I have to check what new posts have happened in the last few days and hope I don't lose access again ...

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Old 28-02-07, 02:22
Vets Dottir
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Amazing ... I haven't had a problem accessing MLU all day today!!! Weird to have this so unpredictable ... and I know of a number of others who have been having the same problems.

Derek ... Sapper ... mentioned he's been getting that same page as me about can't access webpage ... and its come and go ... like its been for me.

I'm worried MLU just may go pfffffffffffft into thin air soon ... any news on a new server prospect yet?

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Old 28-02-07, 14:15
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Default Welcome to the clan!

Had trouble trying to get in on Sunday 25th...which would be your Saturday 24th. Same error message about PNP that everybody else got.

but been fine for a couple of days.


When I can't get my MLU, I just press this button....
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Old 01-03-07, 14:28
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Its been a frustrating few days trying to access MLU but everything seems to be in order now. In fact tonight I have noticed that the resolution of the printed word is that good you would think that everything is in Bold.

Looking forwrd to seeing you guys in just over a week.

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Old 02-03-07, 21:12
Vets Dottir
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I'm able to access through my usual link today as well. Yesterday I couldn't.

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Old 03-03-07, 14:24
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Default Re: Not getting MLU notifications?

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
Hi Folks,

I haven't been getting email notifications for PM's or emails from MLU when I should be ... I just sent myself a test email and a test PM through my profile and didn't receive the email notifications. Anyone else having this problem too, or is it just me???

I have a different set of problems with our website, other than recurrent outages.

1) I don't receive my PMs sometimes for up to 2 weeks after they are sent to me. After I finally do get them and open them, the "you have a new PM" message keeps popping up for several days after I have read them.

2) The forums don't refresh each time I open them. The date of the last thread submitted is usually several days old. I have to click on the "see latest thread" icon at the bottom of the page in order to read the latest threads. However, I continue to promptly receive notification by email that someone has responded to a forum that I joined.

But I'm not complaining. I love our little website and the community it has brought together. Derek.
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Old 03-03-07, 21:03
Vets Dottir
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I'm having to access MLU through an alternative link today as my usual is NOT working again. At least the alternative one is this time, but it craps out on me sometimes too :

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Old 04-03-07, 04:30
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Default Alternate

Me too.
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Old 04-03-07, 14:24
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Unhappy LET ME IN...pleeaase!!

Bloody thing....couldn't get in last night. No matter what I tried.

Finally I pushed that pictured button on my computer ( see picture above )

Working tonight

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Old 04-03-07, 15:59
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In contrary to our Canadian and Australian members I haven't had any problems loggin in or browsing etc. on the mlu forum these last weeks.

Greetings from holland

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Old 04-03-07, 17:59
Richard Notton
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Default Re: LET ME IN...pleeaase!!

Originally posted by Pedr
Finally I pushed that pictured button on my computer ( see picture above )
I have found that keyboard button to be of inestimable value and use it frequently in many applications including herein before leaving the machine.

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Old 04-03-07, 22:13
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Originally posted by wim sikkelbein
In contrary to our Canadian and Australian members I haven't had any problems loggin in or browsing etc. on the mlu forum these last weeks.

Greetings from holland

Well I did, It worked only after approx. 12.00 hour till 17.00
now its working fine, but for how long, had a link from Hanno, it has worked all the time.

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Old 04-03-07, 22:23
Vets Dottir
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I had trouble getting in yesterday though didn't try very often as I've been sick with fluish something. The link that has me in now is an alternate one Geoff sent me, but sometimes it hasn't worked either. Like yesterday ... no link worked.

Any news on a new server yet Geoff?

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Old 05-03-07, 14:12
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir
I've been sick with fluish something.

Cripes Woman....don't tell me your bloody crook now. Just hurry up and get on that plane. We'll fix ya here. Bit o' Goanna Oil oughta get ya right.

Just stop running around outdoors in the all together...don't you know it's too cold for that business up your way.

3 days to go

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Old 10-03-07, 03:59
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Pedr
Cripes Woman....don't tell me your bloody crook now. Just hurry up and get on that plane. We'll fix ya here. Bit o' Goanna Oil oughta get ya right.

Just stop running around outdoors in the all together...don't you know it's too cold for that business up your way.

3 days to go

I swear that Murphy's Law is at play right now ... or the stars are crossed these days as far as health and disruptions go. I went out of my way to "avoid" exposure.

Funnily enough though, today is the FIRST day in a LONG TIME that I've actually been able to access MLU every time I tried. I was even able to gain access through the regular links, plus have been all getting notifications again today as far as I can tell. I don't count on not having problems happen again so emailing directly is sure to get through to me, where MLU is very iffy these days. (I'm still not okay healthwise. This is too tiresome)

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Old 10-03-07, 16:38
Bill Murray Bill Murray is offline
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FWIW. I have had full access through the regular MLU sign in for the last 36 hours or so.

I'm not sure if Jiff migrated to a new hosting server or whatever or if the old supplier got their s@#$ together.

What a pleasure!!
Dog Robber Sends
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Old 10-03-07, 23:31
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Bill Murray
FWIW. I have had full access through the regular MLU sign in for the last 36 hours or so.

I'm not sure if Jiff migrated to a new hosting server or whatever or if the old supplier got their s@#$ together.

What a pleasure!!
Hi Bill, and the rest of you

Geoff was not able to migrate to a new server yet and will not be able to do this change until after he gets home from Australia.

I've been having NO problems for the last two days either. Amazing. I have no idea why things seem to work okay for me now, or why they weren't for a while there. I'm even getting all the new notifications in a timely manner too, I believe I hope this continues working okay.

Meanwhile, Hanno and I are in charge of MLU while Master Sunray is away in Australia, I will be monitoring and watching out for the forum, and there are a lot of Admin things I'm able to do (same Admin powers as Geoff and Hanno) and Hanno can do some things I can't (like submit trouble tickets to the server when the forum goes down)

As long as I'm home (trip still up in the air as I'm still quite sick at the moment) I will be available, along with Hanno, to everyone if there are any problems and I will help if I can, so don't hesitate to PM or email me if there are any problems or forum questions.

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Old 10-03-07, 23:57
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir
Hi Bill, and the rest of you

Geoff was not able to migrate to a new server yet and will not be able to do this change until after he gets home from Australia.

I've been having NO problems for the last two days either. Amazing. I have no idea why things seem to work okay for me now, or why they weren't for a while there. I'm even getting all the new notifications in a timely manner too, I believe I hope this continues working okay.

Meanwhile, Hanno and I are in charge of MLU while Master Sunray is away in Australia, I will be monitoring and watching out for the forum, and there are a lot of Admin things I'm able to do (same Admin powers as Geoff and Hanno) and Hanno can do some things I can't (like submit trouble tickets to the server when the forum goes down)

As long as I'm home (trip still up in the air as I'm still quite sick at the moment) I will be available, along with Hanno, to everyone if there are any problems and I will help if I can, so don't hesitate to PM or email me if there are any problems or forum questions.


Ma, I've had full, complete and uninterrupted access ever since you took over...guess MLU just needed a woman's touch!
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