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Old 21-10-07, 07:45
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Banned IP Addresses

Folks, I've had a field day at this today, a dozen anyway - and that's not been the heaviest day!

The process is as follows:
[list=1][*]I get an email each time someone applies for registration. SOmetimes you can tell right there whether it's another idiot, but sometimes you have to dig a bit deeper;[*]Next step is to open my user control panel which comes with the software. This shows all sorts of interesting bits of information about him;[*]You look the name first; if it's gibberish, the chances are it's an Idiot, but it may also be someone just following what is 'normal' internet protocol elsewhere, so onwards;[*]Then you look at the email address. Some of them are obviously made-up and others are from the same general sources which host many of these bastards. The suffix can tell you things right off as well, such as country;[*]After that, you look at obvious stuff such as 'home page' links provided - again, often obvious, but occasionally misleading, which causes one to investigate further;[*]The same as above for whatever's in their signature block;[*]The you look at the options they've chosen. Right off the bat, almost 100% of those I've had to ban show ICQ numbers; in addition, if they're not saving login details, it's almost sure sign that they're up to no good;[*]Aha! The IP address. This is from whomever is routing their internet traffic and is always recorded (incidently, this is how I can trace who's been where on the forum if I take the time to do so, as in the case of troublemakers who get in). It's trace-time! I use Firefox, so I have Domain Dossier open at all times in the next tab. I copy and paste the IP addresses into that and do a full search to find out where he tracks to. Sometimes you can figure out by the tracking that he's in fact a legitimate user who just needs to have the name thing clarified, but more often than not it simply shows you where the idiots originate. For certain sources you can choose just two or three blocks out of the four-block address, and you copy those;[*]Next step is to zap and then ban the bastard without further adieu.[/list=1]

Fun eh? I've had to do this over two hundred times now, with in some cases some ****ers trying to get in a dozen or more times. There's no way, though - even if I don't wipe and ban them immediately, they can't post until I manually approve them, and in those cases they often just go away on their own. THEN I ban them.

The point behind this explanation is twofold - first, don't get your knickers in a knot when you see some new, obvious spammer/member in and on the Forum - he can't post and I'll clean his clock when I get to him.

Second and more important, occasionally banning a partial block of numbers may inadvertently nail one of you. No worries - you're not being stalked! Just drop me an email and from that I can get your IP and rectify the error.

Just a friendly heads-up on a Saturday night in Toronto!

:remember :support
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Old 21-10-07, 12:48
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Default Meanwhile, across the globe

I've been vigilant with the spammers too - and zapped one this afternoon (While Jif was having his beauty rest).

The ICQ number is usually a good clue - also their linked site usually has something to do with viagra or some other revolting thing - sometimes there is a run of them from a particular country - there were a lot of German ones a while ago for instance.

Pity we can't jump down the line to properly deal (eviscerate) with some of the repeat offenders.
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Old 21-10-07, 13:54
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And while you are doing all this Keefy you also have to be vigilant of Border Raiders. Perhaps I should watch the border to ensure nothing escapes from Victoria. Heh heh!
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Old 21-10-07, 20:33
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Meanwhile, across the globe

Pity we can't jump down the line to properly deal (eviscerate) with some of the repeat offenders.
Wouldn't it be great if you could send a dose of clap down the line to the spammers..Spam would be a thing of the past..
Who ever invents that cure will be a multi millionaire..

Alex Blair
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Old 23-10-07, 02:17
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default Re: Meanwhile, across the globe

Originally posted by Keith Webb
The ICQ number is usually a good clue - also their linked site usually has something to do with viagra or some other revolting thing -
In the news today they said that taking viagra and cialis ,etc. causes deafness....I SAID IT CAUSES DEAFNESS!

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Old 23-10-07, 02:31
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Sean, you'd better yell, I don't think he can hear you...

:remember :support
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Old 23-10-07, 03:30
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Default viagara

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Sean, you'd better yell, I don't think he can hear you...

Film maker

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Old 23-10-07, 05:00
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default To reiterate..

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Sean, you'd better yell, I don't think he can hear you...

...and for the hearing impaired , lean in close to the screen...

1944 Allis Chalmers M7 Snow Tractor
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Old 23-10-07, 05:24
Vets Dottir 2nd
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so do frying pans now you all stop all this darned shouting and be quiet for the rest of us or you'll all be quieted by me own hearing aid

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Old 23-10-07, 08:14
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Originally posted by Vets Dottir 2nd
so do frying pans now you all stop all this darned shouting and be quiet for the rest of us or you'll all be quieted by me own hearing aid

Hmmmmm that seems to have a ring to it Ma!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cliff Hutchings
aka MrRoo S.I.R.

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Old 23-10-07, 09:08
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Keith Webb Keith Webb is offline
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Default Hearing?

You guys!
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Old 23-10-07, 09:29
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Originally posted by cliff
Hmmmmm that seems to have a ring to it Ma!!!!!!!!!!!!
then answer the ring ... but quietly pul-eaaaaase and thank you

psssssssst ... everyone... my keyboard shot .... coffee fatality ... will be replaced this week hopefully ... and now my cdrom drive won't work ,,,,, and jif thinks he has aggravationss then pfffffffft :witch

ps; to geoff for time and effoorts spent fighting spammers ..............
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Old 23-10-07, 11:08
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Default Eh?

Just to let you guys know that the prescription drug you mentioned probably caused my late father-in-law to have a fatal heart attack. At age 81 it may have given him a new lease on life but it was not to last too long.

Fred as you know was in the RAFVR in the war and learned to fly in the Empire scheme at various RCAF bases. Ummm....he seemed to have had a good time in Canada in the war.
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Old 23-10-07, 12:31
Vets Dottir 2nd
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Default Re: Eh?

Originally posted by David_Hayward
Just to let you guys know that the prescription drug you mentioned probably caused my late father-in-law to have a fatal heart attack. At age 81 it may have given him a new lease on life but it was not to last too long.

Fred as you know was in the RAFVR in the war and learned to fly in the Empire scheme at various RCAF bases. Ummm....he seemed to have had a good time in Canada in the war.
hi david ... sorry can't do capitols or type properly.

that's awful news regards that med if it is responsible for your fatherinlaws loss of life. i keep hearing or reading bad news about that drug ...................
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Old 23-10-07, 12:39
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Eh?

Originally posted by David_Hayward
At age 81 it may have given him a new lease on life but it was not to last too long.
Nah, David, it ain't the drugs.... it's women who are hazardous to your health...

Still, if ya gotta go anyway...

:remember :support
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Old 23-10-07, 13:07
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Default Yep!

After my late mother in law died, Fred shacked up with a widow who was a friend of the family for 35 years...a "passionate woman" of contemporary years, widowed may years. At least he had a good time and a good innings.

I just wish I had Fred's ..... when I am 64 (in the words of the immortal Lennon & McCartney). And to my lady friend, I know what you mean about going Cold Xmas Dinner.
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Old 23-10-07, 13:19
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Old 23-10-07, 18:40
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again i see we have managed to stay on topic
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41 U/C, 42 U/C x 2, 44 U/C
42 6LB GUN
and the list keeps growing, and growing.... i need help LOL
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Old 24-10-07, 02:28
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Sorry to here that David, but at least he played "Army" to the very know , he saluted and she blew the hell out of him.
Lets see use Viagra-go deaf-not have to listen to the significant otherand get L*#D...where's the downside?

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Old 24-10-07, 08:45
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I thought going deaf was to do with taking things in hand!!
Also rumoured to cause baldness!!!
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Old 24-10-07, 22:05
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default I was told...

Originally posted by Ken Hughes
I thought going deaf was to do with taking things in hand!!
Also rumoured to cause baldness!!!

...that it would make you go blind!
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Old 24-10-07, 23:03
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: I was told...

Originally posted by Snowtractor
...that it would make you go blind!
Well, just to take yourself as an example, that's an obvious untruth now, isn't it?

:remember :support
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Old 25-10-07, 06:01
Snowtractor Snowtractor is offline
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Default Just...

...keep talking so I can find you, smartipants.
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Old 26-10-07, 03:08
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default Re: Just...

Originally posted by Snowtractor
...keep talking so I can find you, smartipants.
Bloody hell, you got me good with that one, you bastard!

Mind you, you'll pay for that privilege... some day... sometime... when you least expect it...
:remember :support
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Old 01-11-07, 13:35
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Please note:--

Previously, we have not accepted Hotmail registrants except by personal petition, simply because historically, Hotmail has been the source of a great many spammers.

This doesn't seem to be the case anymore, and I have removed that restriction.

Having done so, I would strongly urge potential new members using Hotmail to apply for membership here with their own names as usernames rather than a made-up moniker; not only is it simply polite, it will minimize the chances of being rejected out-of-hand, given the number of spammers we zap every day.


:remember :support
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Old 05-12-07, 13:35
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Default 307

Yep, up to 307 banned IP addresses now, just from wannabe spammers... sheesh. They never bloody give up!
:remember :support
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Old 05-12-07, 13:51
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Default Spam!!!!!

For those who would-be spammers who wish to spam!
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Old 05-12-07, 23:15
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Default Corny

I don't believe I just sat and watched that. Thanks David.
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Old 05-12-07, 23:36
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Default Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam... the immortal words of Monty Python...O, you lot know the rest. If not:

Best wishes!

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