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Old 13-11-07, 16:09
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
former OC MLU, AKA 'Jif' - sadly no longer with us
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 5,400
Default Private Messages

It has come to my attention from a few inquiries sent my way that there may be a misunderstanding regarding the handling of PMs. These are primarily oriented towards the conundrum of users having sent PMs to another user but receiving no reply and thus leaving the sender not knowing whether the PM has been read, or whether his communication has been apparently ignored. There are two points I'd like to address here:

(1) Monitoring your sent PMs. A function exists by which you can tell whether the recipient of your PM has read it, and if so, when. As seen in the top section of the screen capture at the bottom of this post, near the top right corner of the Private Messages page, there's a drop-down box; go into that and select 'Message Tracking'. The system will take you automatically to the Tracking Page, illustrated below by second [reduced] image in the graphic. You will be able to see whether your message has been read or not, when the recipient was last online, and if the message has been read, at what date/time.

If the message has been read but not replied to, there's not much I can suggest except to try again; it's wholly up to the recipient as to whether to reply or not.

If the message has NOT been read either the recipient hasn't been online since you sent the message or if he has but has not read it, it may mean he's unaware it's waiting for him. In the latter case, you can give him a quick heads-up via email or a quick post in the forum he seems to spend time in, but here I'll proceed to point no.2:

(2) How to tell if you have a PM. There are four ways to know if you have a PM waiting for you:[list=a][*]Click on the green Private Messages bar at the bottom of the main Forum page and look at the PM page for messages;[*]Look below the green Private Messages bar at the bottom of the main page - the text will tell you if there are any PMs waiting;[*]You may elect to get an email whenever someone sends you a PM;[*]You may opt to have a small notification box pop up in front of you the next time you refresh a page if you have a new PM.[/list=a]

"A" and "B" are no-brainers - if you get used to scanning them regularly. The text is in smallish type so it's important to make yourself read it to know if there's something there.

"C" and "D" are selectable options. I note with interest that many members who sign up elect not to receive any such notification of PMs, and in a couple cases which I've investigated, these users are the ones who apparently aren't aware that they've received a message.

I would urge all of you who accept PMs to at least select option "C" or "D" to let you know there is a message waiting for you. Personally, I use both, redundant I know, but with the volume of messages which pass through my hands, sometimes key in determining priority.

To select Option "C" or "D" or both, go into your usercp via the button top right and select Edit Options. About halfway down you will see the options to receive email notification or enable a pop-up box. Tick off the right bullet and save. Presto! Full comms restored....

Thanks, just thought I'd clear up something here...

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