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Old 22-04-09, 16:41
Phil Waterman Phil Waterman is offline
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Default Recent Change to Internet Explore

One of the recent (last two days) up dates to Microsoft Internet Explore may give you an error message or Phishing Filter message when you try to respond to a MLU thread.

Started noticing this yesterday the it shows up in the address bar as a yellow highlight with a "Suspicious Website" note beside then a Phishing Filter warning text box appears. I suspect depending on your security settings this may try to block sending information.

Perhaps one of our experienced web types could check this out. I tried to attach the warning message as a jpg file but could not do it. I have saved the message and screen shot so I can e-mail it if that would help.

Cheers Phil

Alternate title for this message MicroSoft strikes again
Phil Waterman
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Old 22-04-09, 17:53
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP)'s Avatar
Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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This surprises me... not. This is a direct result of the last 11 years (in our case) of spammers hijacking addresses wherever they can find them on the internet; ultimately, perfectly legitimate domains get blackballed by others who won't take the time to verify that legitimacy.

The situation you describe with Microsoft is easily avoided - just load and use an alternate browser such as Firefox (my preference for some years now). It's easier on your system as well as being more flexible, and it offers benefits such as multiple tabs (rather than having to have multiple windows opened to navigate back & forth between various sites). Please do consider it if you're operating in an MS Windows environment!

Phil, if you like you can send me that error message through email... sunrayniner ~at~ sympatico ~dot~ ca (make the corrections first).

Oh yeah, one more thing... we still have Internet Exploder here, but will NOT upgrade from 6.0.29 - it's a little more stable even though it sucks the life out of memory after a while. If you haven't already, do NOT upgrade to Exploder 7.x.

Better still, use Firefox.
:remember :support
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Old 22-04-09, 22:54
Phil Waterman Phil Waterman is offline
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Default Strange you should suggest Firefox

Hi Geoff

Just after I posted my message I e-mailed my son inlaw who is in the web design business and he sent me the link to change over to Firefox, which is his browser of choice, of course design sites for a living he has all the different browsers on his computer just so he can check the function of the sites he builds for people. We had been talking about alternative browsers last weekend, I had started tracking the installed memomry that all of the Microsoft IE updates are taking and I'm appalled at the space. Turned the auto-update feature off so that I can look at what and why program updates are being added.

If anybody else is interested here is the link for the US version though I suspect that going to their home page will get the international versions.

Going over to Firefox seems to have solved one long standing problem it actually remembers both my mlu username and password.

One thing I have not found yet on the FireFox is the spell checker.

Thanks for the suggestion,
Phil Waterman
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Old 22-04-09, 22:59
Phil Waterman Phil Waterman is offline
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Default Found the spell checker

Read the help page and discovered that spell checker is always on in Firefox unless you turn it off. Now if I can only find the thought checker I'd be all set.

Cheers Phil
Phil Waterman
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Old 22-04-09, 23:17
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Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) Geoff Winnington-Ball (RIP) is offline
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Originally Posted by Phil Waterman View Post
.... Now if I can only find the thought checker I'd be all set.
:remember :support
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Old 23-04-09, 00:55
Pylon1357 Pylon1357 is offline
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the spell check feature of firefox has saved me many embarrassing spelling mistakes in posts. That is for certain.

To use it on this block of text, I simply right click on the text box, I get a list of options. The second last option from the bottom is spell check. If it is checked then any spelling mistakes will have a red dotted line underlining the word. From there, right click on the word and spell check will give you a few options for the word your looking to spell.

Unfortunately, I misspell words so bad sometimes that even the spel check cannot help me.
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