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Old 17-08-15, 02:51
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Default 19-Set Case Spare Parts No. 5C

Has anyone been fortunate enough to obtain one of these in NOS condition and photographed how it was packed? I found one in "near NOS" condition in that the Morse Key was missing along with a number of the spare bulbs and fuses. The other pieces were there and most were packed carefully in a fine, white, tissue paper.

I am curious as to exactly where in the case the Morse Key and Spare Microphone Element were packed at the factory. I suspect when the 19-Set was first activated, the Morse Key was unpacked from the Spare Parts Case and never returned there. From photos of NOS boxed Morse Keys in Chris Basillion's collection, it seems the canvas leg straps were neatly rolled up on one side and tied down with white cotton thread, so the Keys in the Spare Parts Case probably started out in life the same way.

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Old 11-10-15, 23:15
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Wow! One could write a book on these SPCases alone, never mind the rest of the 19-Set equipment!

Spent an interesting week emailing with Geoff Turcott, discovering there are at least a dozen different makers of these cases we are aware of, but cannot place names to with any certainty. The vast majority of the cases have near identical bodies with a deep edged, overlapping lid, but two companies utilized a very shallow lid. We can see seven different styles of closures and at least as many hinge styles and/or positions.

Then you get inside the cases to find several different styles of wooden stowage blocks, and locations for same, two different types of anti-rattle materials on
the insides if the lids (felt or rubber) in four different shapes and locations, and two different ways of mounting the Spare Parts List to the inside of the lid.

Positioning of the markings on the outside of the cases, seems standard enough, with expected variations in font styles and sizes. A couple of makers add the ZA Number on the left front of the case, but on most cases it is missing.

Geoff send me several photos, if you are interested, I will check with him about posting here for everyone.

My head is spinning now. I need a drink.


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Old 12-10-15, 00:39
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
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Originally Posted by David Dunlop View Post
Wow! One could write a book on these SPCases alone, never mind the rest of the 19-Set equipment!

Then you get inside the cases to find several different styles of wooden stowage blocks, and locations for same, two different types of anti-rattle materials on
the insides if the lids (felt or rubber) in four different shapes and locations, and two different ways of mounting the Spare Parts List to the inside of the lid.
Heh. The different stowage blocks exist for the benefit of the various different models of set and supply unit (mainly the latter).

Mk.1 and Mk.2 sets had a three-commutator dynamotor, so would have stowage for two LT brushes and 4 HT brushes.

Mk.3 sets are where it all goes pear-shaped: The British (two dynamotor) supply unit had a spares tray in the supply unit) The Canadian supply unit had 4 commutators, so a full set is 4 x LT and 4 x HT brushes, it also carried LT fuses for the vibrator as well as the standard 250mA HT fuses. The U.S. Eicor supply has twin dynamotors with 3 commutators on each (it's switchable 12/24 volt) and I have no idea what's in the spares case. (I suspect nothing as brushes were not a high-failure item and were later dropped from the "required spares" - along with a large amount of the clips and springs. A post-WW2 spare parts case is remarkably empty compared to the original ones.

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