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Old 28-07-24, 17:24
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
Posts: 7,551

The 5-178x is the equivelant of the UJ331, which is the shorter U joint.

The UJ330 is the longer one that is contained by the 4 clips into a flange and shaft.
I have already installed the U joint in the shaft, but I'll try and get some shots this afternoon of the differences.

Checking the parts manuals, there are date cutoffs where the U joints change. It would appear that in later production, they may have gone to the larger U joints on the 15cwt (4x4) trucks.

If one goes by the measurements I have given in my post, they can get the right Ujoint the first time, instead of doing a 2 tripper like I did. Even when I did get the right number, a (modern) Ford owner had hit up my NAPA store and taken all 7 of the larger size and most of the smaller size the day before. I had to settle for the same series U joint but with the grease cup on the end of one of the caps.
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