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Old 18-12-24, 03:37
derk derin's Avatar
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Default 19 set Bakelite watch holder advice

I’m looking for some information in regards to installing the Bakelite watch holder on a Mk III 19 set. It’s on the power supply. In its normal position beside the transmitter/receiver the watch sits upright in a normal position. But in a Universal carrier installation the power supply is mounted sideways on top of the transmitter/receiver so the watch sits 90 degrees out. I tried to reposition the watch holder 90 degrees so when the power supply sits on its side the watch is upright but the holes in the holder and the face of the power supply don’t line up that way. It’s sitting 20-30 degrees out.
Can anybody explain to me the proper mounting application for the watch in this situation. Does it just sit in the watch holder 90 degrees out or were there new holes drilled in the face of the power supply?
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IMG_1248.jpg   IMG_1277.jpeg   IMG_1278.jpeg   IMG_1279.jpeg   IMG_1280.jpeg  

1942 Ford universal carrier Mk 1
1943 Ford 60 cwt long CMP ambulance
1943 Ford GPW 1/4 ton stretcher jeep
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Old 19-12-24, 01:44
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Hi Derk.

The Holder is a one position only design and pretty much a standard piece of a lot of wartime wireless sets. The pocket watch, on the other hand was not an issued piece with every wireless set, with the exception of the Wireless Set No. 52 for which a pair of special pocket watches were provided my Canadian Marconi Company with each set as of their choosing, not the military.

If a wireless operator wanted to use a pocket watch, they would requisition one from Stores and IIRC, the going rate was $10.00. So basically, there were a lot of wireless sets in operation during the war, equipped from the factory with watch holders, that probably never held a watch in their entire service life. As the war progressed, the wrist watch rapidly replaced the pocket watch for easy of use and convenience, which is why the watch holders were ordered removed from all sets eventually, postwar.

So, to answer your question, to reorient the watch holder would be blatantly wrong, just because a wireless set had a holder did not mandate it be filled and if it is empty, very few people would ever even notice its orientation would be odd.

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Old 19-12-24, 07:51
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Just for interest. The MK 11 19 set in my MK2 carrier has the pocket watch on the main wireless. Ron
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Carrier.jpg   CarrierMarkII-Wireless.jpg  
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Old 19-12-24, 18:28
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Thank you David for that information. That makes a lot of sense. So I will install the watch holder in its original position and just live with it sitting 90 degrees to the left.
Don T. has the 1957 CFTO on having any Bakelite watch holders removed from service.
That was another thought I had, the Mark II 19 set had the watch holder on the transmitter/receiver so would have sat in its proper upright position. I guess if I want the pocket watch straight I will have to look for a Mark II wireless set. All 3 of my 19 sets are Mark III!
Appreciate the input.
1942 Ford universal carrier Mk 1
1943 Ford 60 cwt long CMP ambulance
1943 Ford GPW 1/4 ton stretcher jeep
1943 Bantam T-3 1/4 ton trailer
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Old 20-12-24, 03:37
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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The Mk II 19-Set was likely in full service at the peak of use for the military issue pocket watch. Ron's postings are an excellent example of the pocket watch working at its best with the Mk II set.

If you look at the Power Plug directly above the watch holder in Ron's Carrier configuration, you can see the short 'dogbone' power socket connector runs straight up and down. To release it from the radio, the spring clip on the wireless set plug is pulled down, meaning the two ends of the spring clip are oriented horizontally into the sides of the plug assembly.

If this set was in standard configuration, with the PSU sitting to the immediate left of the wireless set, the dogbone would also be horizontal in position. in this position, to lock the wireless end of the dogbone in place, the spring clip must be relocated such that its two ends have to engage the sides of the power plug on the wireless set vertically and when released, the clip swings to the right, up against the handle assembly for the wirelsss.

However, in that position, the wire spring clip on the lower part of the power plug sticks out enough that when a pocket watch is in the holder, the stem ball winder and lanyard ring interfere with any movement of the spring clip. This caused more than its share of broken watch holders and enough wireless operator frustration that the problem was duly noted in the Wireless Set No. 19 Mk III having the watch holder relocated to the centre front of the new PSU. I suspect the designers realized this would be a bit of an issue in a handful of installations, but were also aware of the decline in use of the pocket watch, so the trade off was acceptable.

Thanks for posting those pictures, Ron.

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Old 20-12-24, 07:28
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Thanks David for that concise description of why they changed the location....I did wonder why. Ron
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Old 24-12-24, 01:24
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
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Originally Posted by Ron Pier View Post
Thanks David for that concise description of why they changed the location....I did wonder why. Ron
The other reason for changing the location (from the set to the supply unit) was that with the change from the Mk.II with a 6-pin power connector to the Mk.III with two 12-pin connectors, the clearance between the watch holder and the power connector was severely reduced and some pocket watches (with tall winding stems) would no longer fit in the holder.

(Even if it would fit, the operator would need to remove the watch from the holder in order to wind it - the one my father had didn't keep very good time anyway, so he used his own pocketwatch (a gift from his uncle, which I must get restored someday) instead. Quite how he managed to keep the watch when he was deported to Kazakhstan by the Russians, I have no idea!)

Best regards,
Chris (G8KGS).

Last edited by Chris Suslowicz; 24-12-24 at 01:33. Reason: Added more detail (anecdote).
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