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Old 22-06-07, 21:54
Eric B Eric B is offline
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Default #19 Wireless in WW2 Jeeps


I am looking for instructions to mount the #19 Wireless set into the WW2 Canadian Jeep.

I have several plans, which are very elaborate involving special mounts. But am looking for a simpler installation.
I have checked with Chris Bissailion and he has provided what input he can.

I also hear that there was a special anntenea mount that was fastened under the spare fuel carrier and was shaped like a Z.



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Old 23-06-07, 02:54
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David Gordon
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The aerial mount you mentioned is actually for the B-Set. Has a squeeze lever to open the opposite end which then holds onto a fuel can or seat back as needed. Very similar to the clamp ground a welding rig has with the black rubber aerial base for the B-Set connected to it.

You can see photos of my jeep when it was in a signals configuration at this page:

The A-Set aerial is the one on the back of the jeep connected to the live wireless battery rack. Two additional battery holding racks are on the wings. This is a British airborne configuration and not how it would have been done for a normal British or Canadian infantry signals jeep. Just posting the site so you could see the two types of aerial mounts which would have been used across the board.
David Gordon - MVPA # 15292
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Old 27-06-07, 04:50
Eric B Eric B is offline
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Default #19 Set Wireless in Jeep

Hello David

I have your book, yes thanks for the Airborne Jeep Info.

Unfortunetly the information is not what i am looking for. There is suposed to be an A Antennae mount shaped like a Z, which was attached below the fuel can. This being a Canadian Modification.
Another person a few years ago talked about it on MLU, but he was unable to find the information he had in his files.

I have the B Anntenae mount you are talking about.


Collecting data on the WW2 Canadian jeep and trailer.
Serial, WD Numbers etc.
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