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Old 12-08-12, 21:00
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Default Second World War Canadian Flag

As many of you will know, and I freely admit it, I am not a Second World War afficianado.

A friend in parts distant has asked me to source a "Canadian Flag" of the period for him. He is looking for approx 12" by 18" or similar.

First off, what is the correct flag, can anyone post a picture please?

Secondly where can they be purchased in Canada?


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Old 12-08-12, 21:32
Alex Blair (RIP) Alex Blair (RIP) is offline
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Originally Posted by Robin Craig View Post
As many of you will know, and I freely admit it, I am not a Second World War afficianado.

A friend in parts distant has asked me to source a "Canadian Flag" of the period for him. He is looking for approx 12" by 18" or similar.

First off, what is the correct flag, can anyone post a picture please?

Secondly where can they be purchased in Canada?


The Canadian Red Ensign..
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Alex Blair
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Old 20-08-12, 00:42
Marc Montgomery's Avatar
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Note: there is a slight difference between the Canadian Red Ensign of WWII...up to 1957... and the Canadian red ensign of 1957 onwards.

Easy way to tell is WWII has a trio of green leaves, post 1957 has the trio of red leaves
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Old 20-08-12, 01:44
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Hi Robin, to confuse the issue some more, we Colonials fought under the Union Jack as well as the Red Ensign was deemed "unofficial"...
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Old 20-08-12, 16:12
Eric B Eric B is offline
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Default Flags


The earlier CDN Red Ensign had green maple leafs while the later had red ones.

I bought mine from the Flag Shop on Bank St in Ottawa a few years ago.

They are also available through the Royal Canadian Legion.

RCL Members can log into the RCL web page and order.
Non RCL members can go through a local Legion Branch.

The RCL is the official supplier of this flag as they lobbied for it to be reapproved for use as one of their Ceremonial/ Colour party flags.

Besides the Canadian flag, new and old, there are also many other flags now available from the RCL, such as the Union Jack, UN, NATO, and Provincial in various formats.

Note that they do not have the Red Ensign with the red maple leaf, which is available from the Flag Shop.

Collecting data on the WW2 Canadian jeep and trailer.
Serial, WD Numbers etc.
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