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Old 14-01-04, 11:12
Bob Moseley (RIP)'s Avatar
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Default Ebay ID

And mine is Blitzboy

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Old 14-01-04, 11:13
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Default Try Again

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Old 14-01-04, 12:50
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Default Since e-mail addresses are now out of it

I'm just plain gwim2 now
Gordon, in Scotland
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Old 16-01-04, 02:44
Richard Notton
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Default Re: EBAY IDs

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
List your Ebay ID here, so that when our intrepid crew finds something they like, they won't vote against you if you're already in the running.

Usually gettin' stuff for a Ballard. . . . . . . . . . .mainly M-C.

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Old 07-02-04, 09:26
G166UC G166UC is offline
Rod Shaver
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Default ebay ID

My ebay ID is G166UC, Some of you may be able to figure out what I am looking for.
Rod Shaver
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Old 16-02-04, 04:12
Steve Guthrie's Avatar
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Default ebay id....

Hi there

Just bid on my first ebay item!

My id is 'chips126'

WW2 Canadian Army Vehicle
Camouflage and Markings
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Old 23-02-04, 23:03
Pete Ashby Pete Ashby is offline
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Thumbs up e-bay ID

I'm like Steve, just started on e-bay, mine is PeteWK60

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Old 05-03-04, 23:44
servicepub (RIP)'s Avatar
servicepub (RIP) servicepub (RIP) is offline
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Default E-bay ID

ID servicepub

(thought I did this ages ago!??)
Those who live by the sword will be shot by those of us who have progressed.
- M38A1, 67-07800, ex LETE
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Old 06-03-04, 04:00
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Default EPay ID

I am known as XADGnr.
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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Old 16-03-04, 00:14
QORCPVt QORCPVt is offline
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I go by the E-Bay name ss-totenkopf. Don't ask. It's a long long story.
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Old 05-04-04, 16:09
S. Dafoe S. Dafoe is offline
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Smile Purpose Of Sharing ebay Ids

I just wanted to comment on the whole sharing of ebay ids. This is a great idea. It keeps prices from being driven up. Information etc. can be shared at a later date. Not bidding against another MLU member is common courtesty to those in the hobby that share their ebay ids. It appears that many are not adhering to this rule and bid against each other thus driving prices upward. portee44 is an example who seems to bid against other mlu members fairly often. When an MLU member has bid on an item my feelings are that that item is offgrounds.

At the same time if the "first" bidder does not want to go any further in the bidding they should let others know that they have dropped out of the running and that it is "fair game." Then the rules start all over again.

My two cents on the topic.

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Old 05-04-04, 17:44
Colin Macgregor Stevens Colin Macgregor Stevens is offline
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Default eBay IDs

I disagree with the last posting. There is no "rule" to back off if another reader of MLU has bid, simply a suggestion. There is also no simple mechanism to let others know that you do not plan to bid anymore if someone else outbids you - but then how many people check to see who is bidding other than the highest current bidder whose ID is shown up front? I find I will occasionally look at the list of all bidders on an item, but not always. If I am bidding, it is because I want the item (be warned!) and I am more concerned with winning it for my collection.

It is good if people choose to reveal their eBay IDs to friends and fellow enthusiasts who can then CHOOSE not to bid against each other if they so wish BUT it is still an open WORLD auction and MLU members are NOT obliged to back off if someone else who happens to visit the MLU site has placed a bid before them. There is no "rule."

If an auction comes up with a WWII vehicle transfer/decal that I need to complete my almost complete WWII Canadian Army decal collection (e.g. I "need" the WWII Commando red & black eagle/anchor/Thompson SMG round decal; the Commando red and black F-S Fighting Knife "wedge" shaped decal, 79th Armoured Div bull's head in triangle, any Canadian home defence divisions, Camp Borden and NDHQ) then I WILL bid in my best attempt to get them! If a good friend was also bidding I might have a Mafia friend phone them to persude them to back off - for health reasons you understand.

On the other hand, if I see something I like but don't really need, I may indeed back off to allow another MLU enthusiast to have a chance at it.

Remember though, that if an Avro Arrow joystick is sitting on eBay with a single bid of $1 by a MLU visitor, and the other MLU readers choose to back off "out of respect," then you can be SURE that some Yank, Brit, Italian, Norwegian etc. will snipe the joystick for $2 and it will go outside of Canada.

This is a different ethic from gunshow ethics. At a gun show the unspoken ethic is that if someone picks up an item, he/she has first right of refusal. Once they put it down, and they have not verbally committed with the seller (e.g tell them yes you will buy it and then put it down to get your wallet out), it is fair game.

Remember too on eBay that if the SELLER is a MLU reader, then they want to MAXIMISE their sale! I plan to sell some 1940s-1950s Canadian & British airborne kit this week coming up and I want to maximise my sales. Sure I'd be happy if the stuff stays in Canada, but I have financial reasons why I need to: #1 Get my money out of these things and #2 maximise the sale price. Likewise I will be selling a 1942 GPA amphibious jeep later this Spring/Summer. It is one of only two confirmed in Canada at this time. It has an interesting Canadian history since it was bought surplus at Levy's in Weston, ON in 1957 (where it served in WWII is unknown) and it was driven to the Avro factory when the owner helped build the Avro Arrows in 1958. The owner also took it all through Central America in 1967-68.
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Old 07-07-04, 22:38
J.L. Spurrell's Avatar
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Default my eBay ID is: viking_raid

my eBay ID is


43 GPW
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Old 09-07-04, 06:11
Tony Smith's Avatar
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Default Paypal

Perhaps not relevant to MLU, but seeing we're talking e-bay here, I thought some people might find this site about Problems with PayPal interesting. I don't use PayPal myself, so can't say if these complaints are justified but they make interesting reading!
Attached Images

Last edited by Tony Smith; 09-07-04 at 06:33.
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Old 13-07-04, 18:10
Rod Diery Rod Diery is offline
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Default Re: Paypal

Originally posted by Tony Smith
Perhaps not relevant to MLU, but seeing we're talking e-bay here, I thought some people might find this site about Problems with PayPal interesting. I don't use PayPal myself, so can't say if these complaints are justified but they make interesting reading!
For what it's worth, I have used PayPal many times to purchase model trains via eBay. Never had a problem and would recommend to anyone.
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Old 28-07-04, 15:12
rob love rob love is online now
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Default cmpman=rob

I go by the handle cmpman on ebay, gunscanada, and a couple other sites. I have only bought items which were used by Canada's military at one time or another.
I like this list; I have run into many of these names over the years on e-bay. It's nice to know who the competition is.
Funny thing about e-bay is you think you've "won" an auction when in fact what youve done is paid more than anyone else in the world wanted to pay for that item. On the other hand, it certainly does seem to keep producing those holy grails which we thought we would never see.
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Old 09-08-04, 06:04
cmperry4's Avatar
cmperry4 cmperry4 is offline
aka C. Mark Perry (CMP)
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Mine's cmpinpeg

Nothing to do with CMPs - coincidentally, just my initials and location reference, been using it for years.
Member: Prairie Command, Ex-Military Land Rover Association 2110, MVPA 29055
’45 Chevrolet C8A CMP HUP “Staff Car ”, ’82 Land Rover Series III, 109" ex-MoD,
’80 Honda CX500D, ’48 Ferguson TE20
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Old 28-09-04, 00:59
Dennis Deck Dennis Deck is offline
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Dennis Deck = Pegasus_reenactor
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Old 28-09-04, 11:34
Ian McCallum's Avatar
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My E-bay ID is cmp_nut

Ian McCallum
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Old 27-11-04, 01:31
Nigel Watson's Avatar
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Default Ebay IDs

Hi Geoff hope you're fine

Just a wee suggestion regarding folks' ebay ids, now that there are quite a few of us on the place. Why don't we put our ebay ids as part of our posting name avatar thing!!

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Old 20-03-05, 20:09
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Default Re: EBAY IDs

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
List your Ebay ID here, so that when our intrepid crew finds something they like, they won't vote against you if you're already in the running.

Don't use this thread for Ebay announcements ("lookee wut I found, guys!"), just for IDs. Announcements and discussions should be input on new threads here in the Forsale section.

BTW, if you're in on an item but have decided you don't want it, or that you're not prepared to outbid the guy who's already outbid you, let the rest of us know in case someone here wants to 'carry the ball'.


sunrayniner = Geoff Winnington-Ball
Herr-Pear = Roger Hull
portee44 = Alex Blair
nickbullock = Nick Bullock
zammerhuud = Nigel Watson
DSSpencer = Sean Spencer = Gordon McMillan
moc031 = Mark Tonner
Militariaguy = Michael Reintjes
larsulvestad = Lars Ulvestad
FUSMR = Luc Désormeaux
Sullycanpara = Tim Sullivan
CMP-Phil = Phil Waterman
gjamo = Graeme Jamieson

Aha! So here's some of you darn snipers I've been claim jumped by! Just to let you you know I collect WW II Canadian field gear, personal kit, uniforms, regalia, weapons etc. etc.
My ebay handle is corporald
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Old 28-06-05, 01:51
42mk1carrier 42mk1carrier is offline
Stephen Kantner
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Ebay ID is-------- evilfatman----------------
I Bid on anything military WWII that catches my eye
Stephen Kantner
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Old 28-06-05, 17:23
rwhovey rwhovey is offline
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Default My Ebay ID

Hello All,


rwhovey= Randy Hovey
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Old 30-09-05, 02:11
Paul Heise Paul Heise is offline
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Default e-bay user id

My user ID is peh168
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Old 08-11-05, 03:12
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Default Add me to the list....

Horsa = David Gordon

Been around a long time but lost track of my ID on a lot of forums after a wreck a couple of years ago. Old age will be the next excuse....
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Old 10-11-05, 21:23
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Default Re: Add me to the list....

Originally posted by horsa
Horsa = David Gordon

Been around a long time but lost track of my ID on a lot of forums after a wreck a couple of years ago. Old age will be the next excuse....
Lost but not forgotten Dave! Listen, are you interested in putting together a Commonwealth unit? I know you do Airborne but I've been talking to Dave DeMorrow et al about putting together a cohesive unit so that we can fight as a squad instead of being parcelled out to US units. Dave's got his UC, I've got a CMP, all we need is about 8-10 more people and we can re-enact as a unit. Interested?
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Old 13-12-05, 20:28
Posts: n/a

Geof my ID DOG tag, Paper trail, ID is ???????? (((31458red))) on EBAY, Cheers

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Old 13-01-06, 00:01
tankdriver tankdriver is offline
Frank Robertson
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I'm a seller and buyer on eBay. Have been since 98.
Screen name

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Old 13-01-06, 00:25
john hoffman's Avatar
john hoffman john hoffman is offline
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Default ebay I.D.

I have been on ebay for a month now . It is rather addictive , yes ? Bloody shipping from the UK is worse than from Down Under . Royal Mail is expensive ! Wish the sellers wouldn't use big words in their descriptions ... Why does the shipping cost for cases of MRE's from the midwest cost as much as the case of meals itself ? ... duh ...

Me ? ... " argyll1959".

It's taken me the month to spend out a fair part of the kids inheritance , so you lads are safe after about another month .

Now if I could just find that restored C-15 / F-15 I have been looking for ....

Cheers , Johnnie .
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Old 02-03-06, 10:23
oztankboy oztankboy is offline
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Well you may see me in ebay as "philnbrisau"

collection includes:-
Chev "BLITZ's" (CMP's)
Inc:- No.8 FGT, C8A HUW, C15, No.9 GCT (sold)
Milt Land Rovers
Inc:- 58 "gun buggy", 60 FFW, 70 FFW, 71 10 seater Wgn, 69 GS.
M3 Stuart Light Tank "hybrid"
FV1600 Humber FFW/cargo
Mk1 Ferret scout car (waiting restoration)
Various trailers
Inc:- K38, "Ben Hur" 1 ton, 200 Gal "Humber" water tank Tlr, Aust jeep, Landrover recovery.
Milt Radios
etc etc...
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