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Old 16-10-24, 23:18
Alex van de Wetering Alex van de Wetering is offline
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Default MLU Express....Saskatchewan to any port and ultimately to Holland?

An auction for MV parts and trucks is ending in just a few days. I have an interest in a CMP body in the auction as it's much better and completer than the one I have here......but the auction is in Sask and I am in Holland. I am trying to get an idea of possible shipping costs, options and or experiences of other MLU member moving MV parts from Central Canada to one of the I at least know if it's worth bidding at all! Any MLU members doing large distance boder raids? Any Trucks doing return trips from Sask to Ontario empty?

Any ideas/suggestions/experiences are more than welcome!

Chevrolet C8 cab 11 FFW
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Old 16-10-24, 23:25
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Go for it, Alex!
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Old 17-10-24, 00:14
rob love rob love is offline
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I take it you are talking about Holland NL, and not Holland Manitoba.

I have to go up to PA for a load of stuff that I bought previously. The cargo box might mean I would need to take my big trailer rather than the 14 footer. It will depend on if I buy a truck I am eyeing from the auction.
That would only get it to Shilo Manitoba. I often hold stuff here for the MLU express, heading east or west and in fact have a couple items here now waiting to head further East. I have a spare 25 acres that can hold anything for a reasonable amount of months or years. Indoor storage however, won't happen. Shipping from here to Southern Ontario has, in recent past been reasonable for complete vehicles at around or less than $2000 Canadian. As that box is relatively short, and could even be loaded sideways on the deck, I would imagine it would be half of that price or less, but it would depend on the trucking company. I can't speak as to the price from Ontario to Europe.
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Old 17-10-24, 05:57
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Alex and Rob,

Mike Calnan and I are conspiring on an out and back tractor trailer from Ontario to BC. Mike is the major player on the eastbound leg with me having items coming back also. We are hoping for a 53 foot step frame trailer for the round trip as it gives the most deck length.

Likely, it will be best to prep the winnings and load into a container at Mike's place or maybe near me as there is an available unload and reload point close to me that is good. I am more than happy to run that circus as long as costs are met. We are only a few hours from Montreal and on a direct path to Halifax.

We are at the mercy of the Westbound player who may not pull the trigger until spring. I am happy to hold a vehicle with me over the winter, outdoors.
Robin Craig

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Old 18-10-24, 01:04
Alex van de Wetering Alex van de Wetering is offline
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@ Rob. Yes, sorry that's Holland on the other end of the pond....the Netherlands!

Robin, Rob, thanks for your kind replies and offer to help; greatly appreciated! I have also received another reply offline and as expected the consensus is that costs to get just a vehicle body transported overseas could quickly overtake the value of the body itself, even with your kind help in transport and storage. The fact that it's in an auction is not helping as the time crunch makes it hard to get an idea of shipping costs before the end of the auction (and maybe I was also a bit late in actually looking into the auction!), so I may never know if the body would make it onto my C8 here in Holland for a reasonable price, or if it would end up costing 3 times as much, making for an expensive exercise. Well, that's ignoring the fact that I would have to win the lot first, and that proves a challenge anyway, as the auctioneers haven't approved my account yet, nor did I get a reply on my questions regarding shipping options to them yet.
On the other hand.....I can't blame them....some guy on the other end of the world is asking difficult questions about a rusty truck body that to them might be nothing more than scrap!

Guys, I am, once again, pleasantly surprised about the willigness of MLU-ers to help eachother with the hobby.....truly unique!
I think this truck body, for me, will remain a day-dream and I will have to settle with restoring the remains of the body on my C8 and making the missing bits. George in the other thread offered to take pictures of the body in the auction which will already be a great help for my project, an ex-Elliot Brothers C8.

I wish everyone going to the auction a great time and the best of luck in bidding......and I am always interested in pictures of the C8 and F8 trucks/bodies in the auction.
Chevrolet C8 cab 11 FFW
BSA Folding Bicycle
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