Highly recommended book
For all you fellow bridging fanatics, yes, I know there are lots of you! there is an excellent book written by John B. Wong titled "BATTLE BRIDGES Combat River Crossings World War II". Published by Trafford Publishing of Victoria, B.C. ISBN 1-4120-2067-0 Trafford Catalogue # #03-2646. It's the story of the 238th Engineer Combat Battalion and the dozens of bridges they built from Utah Beach to the Rhine, mostly while under fire. It is fascinating, amusing and moving at various times as they employ whatever means at their disposal to complete their tasks, whether it's a river crossing, clearing a mine field, or destroying an enemy bunker. One the most amazing stories is their use of the "V-13" secret weapon against a German strongpoint in Aachen, Germany. The 238th ECB loaded a street car with artillery shells and explosives and rolled it down a hill towards the Germans. I won't spoil the result for you, read it for yourself.
Derek H.
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