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Old 12-04-04, 00:36
J.P. Brescacin J.P. Brescacin is offline
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Default Ram at Meaford

I've been talking to someone who swears that the Ram at Meaford story is not true. I seem to remember a picture of the Ram posted on the old forum but haven't been able to find it. Can anyone help direct me? Am I losing my mind? Thanks for the help.

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Old 13-04-04, 00:14
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Default Meaford's Ram


You're not losing your mind - there is a Ram at Meaford, at least there was until very recently. Yours is the challenge to find out if it is still there! About all I can do from overseas is posting all I know here.

- See the thread CMPs surviving in unlikely places on the old MLU Forum and scroll down to the postings about Meaford's Ram.

- This subject was also discussed in detail on the AFV News Discussion Group some three years ago. I saved some of the threads, of which I copied some below. Attached goes the picture of the hull Kurt M. sent me.



Re: Ram Tank Location

Posted By: Kurt M
Date: Thursday-May-17-2001 at 5:53 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Ram Tank Location (KR)


Have the adjutant of the unit contact MTC Meaford Ontario. On the range is an upturned hull of a Ram and in the area are turrets and other assorted pieces of Rams. In my recce of the impact areas, oops, I have found other bits and bites of Rams that were blown to pieces by larger calibre guns in the past. However, there is enough out there to piece together a decent specimen I believe. The last trip out there was last year during Cac. I hope the RCR (lifeless leeches that they are) can help you. I will search for pics of the hull. Kurt M
Re: Ram Tank Location

Posted By: Alfred Lai
Date: Friday-May-18-2001 at 2:16 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Ram Tank Location (Kurt M)

Hello Kurt,

I have never notice a RAM out there. Could you give the the grit and I will check it out ( by Bino anyway if I can not get close ). I will be out next weekend as the enemy ( doing a favour for a recce unit), thus I will have more freedom to go around. So far I have only counted at least three Sherman M4A2, a couple of Cents and a M113 ( looking from Caen pad ).


Re: Ram Tank Location

Posted By: Kurt M
Date: Sunday-May-20-2001 at 12:00 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Ram Tank Location (Alfred Lai)


I will try to pinpoint the wreck using the topos the unit has. Also, I am trying to get the pics I have scanned so that they can be posted here. I just got back from TO-I am taking the last round of courses for my Ed D and they are a pain in the %^$. Kurt M
Re: Ram Tank Location

Posted By: Kurt M
Date: Tuesday-May-22-2001 at 10:04 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Ram Tank Location (KJR)


I am having the loc traced using the Sgts in my home unit. We all know about the wreck and all have visited it. There is some debate as to its exact location in the Meaford wilds. It has some MG damage but not significant hull penetrations from larger calibre weapons. It is definitely not on the Cougar ranges! Hopefully this will pan out and the Strats will have something to do up in Wainwright-they can leave the real tank business to the RCDs!! Semper Paratus fellow Willie! Kurt M
Re: Ram Tank Location

Posted By: Alfred Lai
Date: Tuesday-May-22-2001 at 11:49 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Ram Tank Location (KJR)

Kurt, KJR,

I have the rough loc of the RAM. It is on the hill at the rear of the impact area. Thank God it is not part of the Cougar range ! It is the Arty impact area. Apparently, the RAM is part of a leager for the Arty to shoot at. Hopefully the HE won't add anymore damage to it. However, it is only accessible by M113, I am told. The strange control will freak out on anybody trying get close.

What next ?

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Old 20-04-04, 21:34
T19 T19 is offline
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Default I sat in it

In 1994 I sat in the hull. It is not on the Main Ranges, it is to the west of the old M72 range, in the wood line east of the Bowl, just north of the range road about 400m. The tank is/was on the South side of the trees, facing the road.

It was a complete hull, drivers seat and controls still in it. No turret. No motor, but access doors still on.

At the time I found it, I was the OC of a cougar sqn and pulled up beside it to give some quick attack orders. I had been beside it and in it several times.

Geoff came up one time, and we tried to find it in an ILTIS, but the thing does not do X country and I could not get my hands on a carrier.

I have heard rumour that it was pulled out by Range control and place on the range, but I have not been back to Meaford since 98.
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