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Old 03-12-03, 19:02
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
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Default Do you take requests......

Bonjour Geoff.

Would it be feasable to create a "parts number reference section" were all identified current parts numbers, makers, where purchased, etc that would fit as modern substitute for CMPs???

For example I found the proper 8 point sockets to work on the hub axles nuts fo CMP..... now digging up sources and parts numbers for brake hoses......

Information could be submitted to a moderator and then entered in a read only listing.... it migth save similar topics from being re-hashed...... and could save a lot of research time for forum members.

Thanks for the the TV adds says.....priceless
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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Old 04-12-03, 00:54
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Default INFO on Part Numbers

Geoff, I have quite a few modern equivilant part numbers available to anyone interested should you want to post them or have me do it. Most pertain to cmp Ford.
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Old 23-04-04, 13:08
Hanno Spoelstra's Avatar
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Default Modern part numbers for CMPs

Originally posted by chris vickery in wheel cylinders for blitz
During the restoration of my 1941 F15A 12 cab, I replaced all the brake components. All parts had to be researched and located, these numbers represent current replacement parts which are exact fit as original. Please share these amongst the cmp community at will... I wish I had them in the beginning.

Wheel Cylinders front Raybestos WC4571
rear Raybestos WC4511

Master cylinder EIS EH572

Brakes Hoses front (2 req'd) Raybestos BH5931
front (1 req'd) Raybestos BH25629
rear (1 req'd) Raybestos BH31669

I have also been asked by many cmp'ers regarding other numbers which I still have (someplace!) and will post when I find them.
When Jeff Caldwell was still running his own forum, he collected a list of modern part numbers for CMP. I have attached his list which I got almost a year ago, so no doubt it needs updating.

Please post what you know here, so we can update this initial Excel sheet regularly.

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Old 23-04-04, 22:24
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
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Default What a find.....

Thanks Hanno.... I never realize such a list existed.....

...I am prepared to add all the original Chev parts number from the C15a spare parts manual from Alex to match the the repro numbers..... What is the best way to update or add to the list....can we send you the info and you will update the master file........

...and when can we create a special site/section on MLU ... I am no PC wizzard ...... but would volunteer to maintain the site with update/submissions when members send them to me......

I would suggest a few more collums of info such as author/country of origin....C15/30/60.....other makes..etc
brand name/dealersource.. would fit nice on a spread sheet... than psoted on MLU????? will MLU site handle the format......???

It is worth a try...... I would see it as my way of paying back all the help and advice I gathered from MLU over the years..

A similar site of the best resto-tips could/should be maintained by cut and paste..... in typical general categories ... engine..... electrical.... power train...etc. similar to a parts book....... this would prevent the search function which is complex.....

Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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Old 23-04-04, 23:15
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Default Re: What a find.....

Originally posted by Bob C.
...I am prepared to add all the original Chev parts number from the C15a spare parts manual from Alex to match the the repro numbers..... What is the best way to update or add to the list....can we send you the info and you will update the master file........
Bob, great offer - thanks! Good to see people putting their money where their mouth is...

I suggest you download the Excel file, add to and alter it as you see fit, zip it and attach it to your next message here. Once we have a 90% complete list we can convert it into html and put it up as a web page.

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Old 27-04-04, 11:59
Francesco Francesco is offline
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Default Seals

Jeff Caldwell's list of modern seal replacements is a very good starting point. However it is not 100% correct; if you've got the original seals you can go to the Chicago Rawhide web site, put your measurements in and you end up with all the seals available (single lip, double lip, different materials and so on)
Click on "Parts loookup database" and a new window opens where you can choose seals by part number or shaft dimension
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Old 30-04-04, 14:21
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Default For the dummies

I've made a few additions to this list, but it's now an .xls file and I can't post it as a reply. How do I change it back to a .zip?
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Old 30-04-04, 15:30
Francesco Francesco is offline
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Default zip file

To make a .zip file you must have winzip. You can download it for free at
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Old 01-05-04, 04:48
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
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Default Send it to me...

Hi Tony

Try sending the file to me as an attachment.....

send to

Will see if I can open it and use the info to update a master Excel file....

Will get it done yet!!!!!
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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Old 01-05-04, 14:02
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Default Here goes...!

We'll see if this works :
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Old 02-05-04, 04:57
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
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Default Bingo....

Thanks Tony... it seems 9 times is a charm... well almost....

I downloaded but it gave my PC "gas" like you would not believe... it opened in Words.... and when I tried to save it the PC started to flash on and off and could not save..... but have no fear I re-opened and printed the little sucker... I will have to manually transfer to Excell but who care the information provided is "priceless"......

I will try to merge this info with everything that is available. I intend to leave all the variable listed and "warn" users to makes use of whatever seems to work with the parts person they are dealing with......

I am not sure if Excell is the best option as it may not be accessable to everyone ..... I may refer to may able humble assistant at the office to give me advice... heck what are we paying all these tax dollars for if I can make use of a Federal Pubic Service staff to help out in such a worthy cause!!!!!!

Stay tuned.... and thanks again for your input.
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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Old 04-05-04, 04:01
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Default Modern Part #s

The EXCEL opened like a charm. Thanks for the list, sure saves a lot of time and caliper work, not to mention explaining what you are installing it on.
Cheers, Bill
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Old 05-05-04, 07:09
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
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Default Bonjour Uncle Bill

How's the ol' gazoo???

I will be working on reformating all the information I received into one list......... but... I have some concerns that it may not be readily accessible to all readers of the MLU Forum.... or redialy posted on the Forum.

I will need to talk with the Forum moderatowhen the lsit is complete at my end to see how it can be accessible directly from a special section of the Forum as read only and some access for me to be able to up date the information.

I am convinced that over the years the info will be "priceless" and save countless new threads asking for information that is readily archived. I am sure the list will be of international interest since a lot of the suppliers of repro/modern equivalent may be from North America.

Other forum have a FAQ of popular topic that can be reviewed by Forum members rather than re-asked as a new topic over and over again. I am still trying to find the thread in the old archives of the series on tranny that had been auhtored by Harry Moon....but there is a lot of information in there to sift through.

Hoping to meet with you again.... maybe this time Alex will show up!!!!
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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Old 06-05-04, 04:15
J Caldwell J Caldwell is offline
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Just a warning to anyone using the parts list that was once posted on my website. Double check EVERYTHING, basically that list isn't worth the paper it is printed on . I recieved most of those seal numbers and descriptions etc... from individuals that supposidly used them on their vehicles. Well I would hate to see the oil leaks they have !!!! Once I tried ordering some seals using those numbers I realized that they where incorrect. Lets face it guys when it comes to seals take the old ones out, take them to the auto parts store and they can get you new ones, its not rocket science, they are available. Or as we have done get a Chicago Rawhide catalogue and take measurements yourself then order the right part. Until I have ordered and installed a part on my CMP I will not be listing the numbers, there is wayyy to much incorrect info floating around on the net, I don't want to add to it. Thats why the list was removed some time ago. So make sure you double check things when the parts arrive. Just a heads up, so it saves someone having to backtrack !!!
By the way thumbs up to those trying to create a list, as I attempted to do. Just make sure the part #'s can be confirmed by 2 or three individuals who have actually USED the part not just looked it up. That will cut down on the list I am sure ,but it will save someone some grief !!!

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Old 06-05-04, 08:24
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Default Gearbox numbers

The numbers for bearings and seals for the Ford gearbox I know to be correct, as I have rebuilt 2 of these using NTN roller bearings and BCA needle rollers, they fit , they're correct! Same applies to spigot and clutch throwout bearings, good numbers there!

Talking of Chicago Rawhide and Ford gearboxes, why don't they make their incredibly useful Speedi-Sleeves in a size to suit the Ford output flange - 2.112in? Surely Ford truck 4-speed gearboxes have been around long enough (1932-1955) and in such numbers that an american company like CR would have bits for them? The flange on one of my gearboxes has a wear groove on it that I'm just going to have to see how it goes. Options like machining down the diameter to the next available seal / sleeve size were considered too much trouble for now.

Incidentally, the part numbers for Ford gearboxes and wheel bearings/seals will also fit Aussie carriers, who knows about Canadian/ Brit carriers?
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Old 06-05-04, 10:11
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Thumbs up

Originally posted by J Caldwell
By the way thumbs up to those trying to create a list, as I attempted to do. Just make sure the part #'s can be confirmed by 2 or three individuals who have actually USED the part not just looked it up. That will cut down on the list I am sure ,but it will save someone some grief !!!
Jeff, first of all, welcome to the forum!
Thanks for the heads-up, here's hoping it will convince forum members to post their experiences here (thanks Tony!)

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Old 09-05-04, 05:36
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
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Default Caveat emptor.....

...... thanks for the caution Jeff.......

I will try to devise a code for the parts..... showing some as "proven fit" and others as "possible"......might even try to track contributors.... in case one needs details later. time we should be able to develop a valid list of proven parts.

God knows by the time I am finished with mine I will have a substantial list of proven parts of my own....

Thanks for your help....

PS.. I need to talk with you about your water truck....
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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Old 12-05-04, 01:15
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Default C8A Master cylinder

Does anybody have a current part Number for my HUP master cylinder?
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Old 12-05-04, 07:01
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Default Numbers online

Jeff, Tony and others:
I took the Excel file and put it on a webpage so it's more accessible to everyone.
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42 FGT No8 (Aust) remains
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Old 13-05-04, 01:28
J Caldwell J Caldwell is offline
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Hi Chris, here are 2 part numbers for the rebuild kit for your HUP's master cylinder. UAP part # NUP33, or wagner part # F3630. They are very simple to rebuild and it probably just needs to be honed ( sp?) out and the new rubbers, etc... installed.
If yours is too badly pitted, I know I have a couple spares kicking around that would probably clean up OK for a rebuild.

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Old 13-05-04, 02:54
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Thanks Jeff, I will take it apart, inspect etc. Would still like to find a new number for a modern equivlant if any. If not, I guess rebuild is the only option.
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Old 08-03-05, 16:40
cmp_uc_guy cmp_uc_guy is offline
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Default Master cyl...

Chris, Jeff,

Does that rebuild kit work for my F15a's master cylinder?

Rob Groves
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Old 09-03-05, 04:50
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
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Default Master cylinder.....

I am not quite sure if the Ford and Chevy Master brake cylinder is the same......

...but if it is..... I had a hard time finding a rebuilt or a kit from Malmberg in Ottawa..... they recommended John Stuart from Stoney Creek which I was already familiar with.

I had Stuart sleeve my master with SS for about $190......

I regularly cruise the web and Ebay.... some kits have been offered but always for the smaller trucks (1/2 ton) using the 1 inch bore.
The CMP M. B. cyl. I have seen are all 1 1/4 bore.... Delco Canada.

By chance I stumbled on a site called..... and in their catalogue they have kits for the 1 1/4 inch bore master cylinder listed as a 1 1/2 ton chev part....also kits for the various size wheel cylinders for CMP and HUPS....

Interestingly they also have the brake cables... emergency cable for what I think will fit the CMP..... only time will tell as I intend to order some for my truck and this is the only likely source so far.

Will need to search the catalogue in greater details......

Bob C.
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
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Old 09-03-05, 19:27
Phil Waterman Phil Waterman is offline
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Default Ford are different from Chevy

According to the parts books the Ford and Chevy master cylinders are different. But I think that MAC's may have the master cylinder or rebuild kits
Phil Waterman
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Old 10-03-05, 01:12
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The Ford master is an off the shelf item while the Chevy is not. You will have to use a rebuild kit as Jeff C has suggested for the Chevy. Ford M/C is part Number EIS # E4572
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Old 10-03-05, 12:39
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Originally posted by chris vickery
Ford M/C is part Number EIS # E4572

And it has a NSN 2530-00-312-1349 so must still be in use, or until recently, with US Military as an EIS made one was used last year and packaging did not look too aged .

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Old 28-06-05, 00:02
Phil Waterman Phil Waterman is offline
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Default Additions to Collective Knowledge

Couple more modern part numbers

Transfer Case seals C60
National 50300 and 30300 crosses over to current Chicago Rawhide CR seal of 19359 new seal is thinner than original. This can be used with CR Speedy Sleeve CR 99833 if the sealing surface of the drive flange is scored, be sure to check the installation depth of the Speedy Sleeve.

Winch inner seal Victor 60934 converts to CR 26297, outer seal Victor 60920 converts to CR 25043, these seals are also thinner than the orginals.

Steering are conical centering washers can be found as Dayton Axle parts number 13-7208 and the conical centering washers for the C60 axle shaft are Dayton Axle parts number 13-7204
Phil Waterman
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Old 21-03-06, 07:27
david moore david moore is online now
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Do you know if the brake parts that you have listed are the same for the Cab12 8cwt 2X4 as for the F15A?
Mac's Auto in NY state has civvy Ford 1941 pick-up wheel and master cylinders but, again, I'm not sure if they are the same as the CMP parts.

David Moore
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Old 21-03-06, 09:01
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No, the F8 will have smaller wheel cylinders and brake shoes than an F15A, but they will still be Ford commercial part numbers. Do you have a F8 parts book? Macs lists their parts using the original Ford part numbers, so finding the right components will be easy if you have the F8 parts book.
Incidentially, the diagrams, instructions and specs table are the same for the braking systems for both the F8 and the C11AD. If you can't find an F8 parts book (Calling Alex), I wonder if parts ordered for a US 1941 model car might fit your F8?
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Last edited by Tony Smith; 21-03-06 at 09:09.
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Old 21-03-06, 11:24
Lynn Eades Lynn Eades is offline
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Default Gear boxes

Here's a bit of info that may help somebody. The wartime Ford 4 speed box and the Dodge (New process) 4 speed box use some common componentry - 1st 2nd and 3rd gears (mainshaft) the cluster gear and pin as well as the cluster roller bearings as well as the intermediate bearing (between the input shaft and the main shaft) the part number if I recall correctly is a Hyatt 99000. There are other bits as well.

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